Perska literatura pers ادبیات فارسی sukupnist pismovih tvoriv perskoyu movoyu yaka rozvivalasya protyagom ostannih dvoh z polovinoyu tisyach rokiv hocha velika yiyi chastka sho nalezhit do doislamskogo periodu bula vtrachena Vitoki perskoyi literaturi slid shukati v literaturi davnoyi Persiyi teritoriya yakoyi ohoplyuye teritoriyu suchasnogo Iranu a takozh rajoni Centralnoyi Aziyi de perska mova istorichno bula nacionalnoyu movoyu Tak perskij 1 2 3 4 5 poet Dzhalaleddin Rumi odin z najulyublenishih poetiv Persiyi narodivsya v misti Balh lezhit na teritoriyi suchasnogo Afganistanu pisav perskoyu movoyu i zhiv u Konyi yaka todi bula stoliceyu Seldzhuckogo sultanatu Gaznevidi zavoyuvali veliki teritoriyi v Centralnij ta Pivdennij Aziyi i perejnyali persku movu yaka stala yihnoyu pridvornoyu movoyu Cherez ce isnuye perska literatura z Iranu Tadzhikistanu Afganistanu j inshih chastin Centralnoyi Aziyi Ne vsya perska literatura napisana perskoyu movoyu Yak vvazhayut okremi avtori sered tvoriv perskoyi literaturi ye tvori sho yih napisali etnichni persi inshimi movami takimi yak grecka i arabska Kalile i Demne Kelileh va Demneh perskij manuskript 1529 GeratPersku literaturu vvazhayut odniyeyu iz velikih literatur lyudstva 6 Koreni perskoyi literaturi mozhna pobachiti v zberezhenih do nashih dniv tvorah sho buli napisani serednoperskoyu i davnoperskoyu Tvori sho napisani davnoperskoyu datuyutsya vid 522 r do n e rik yakim datovanij Behistunskij napis najbilsh rannij zberezhenij napis Ahemenidskogo periodu Osnovnu chastinu tvoriv perskoyi literaturi yaki zbereglisya do nashih dniv stvoreno pislya islamskogo zavoyuvannya Persiyi blizko 650 r n e Pislya prihodu do vladi Abbasidiv u 750 roci persi stali pisaryami ta byurokratami Arabskogo halifatu i bilshoyu miroyu pismennikami ta poetami Nova perska literatura vinikla i rozkvitla v Horasani j Transoksiani oskilki z politichnih prichin taki iranski dinastiyi yak Tahiridi i Samanidi perebuvali v Horasani 7 Persi pisali yak perskoyu tak i arabskoyu movami odnak perska dominuvala v literaturnih kolah bilsh piznogo chasu Perski poeti taki yak Firdousi Saadi Gafiz Rumi i Omar Hayam dobre vidomi v usomu sviti i vplinuli na literaturu bagatoh krayin Zmist 1 Klasichna perska literatura 1 1 Doislamska perska literatura 1 2 Serednovichna perska literatura 1 2 1 Poeziya 1 2 1 1 Horasanskij stil 1 2 1 2 Zakavkazka shkola 1 2 1 3 Irakskij stil 1 2 1 4 Isfaganskij stil 1 2 1 5 Galereya 1 2 2 Proza 1 2 3 Kazki 2 Div takozh 3 PrimitkiKlasichna perska literatura RedaguvatiDoislamska perska literatura Redaguvati Do nashih dniv zbereglosya lishe kilka literaturnih tvoriv Ahemenidskoyi Persiyi sho bulo obumovleno rujnuvannyam biblioteki v Persepolisi 8 Bilshist z togo sho zbereglosya stanovlyat napisi ahemenidskih cariv osoblivo Dariya I 522 486 rr do n e i jogo sina Kserksa Bagato zoroastrijskih tekstiv bulo znisheno pid chas islamskogo zavoyuvannya Persiyi v VII st Parsi yaki vtikali v Indiyu tim ne mensh zumili vzyati z soboyu deyaki z knig Zoroastrijskogo kanonu vklyuchayuchi kilka knig Avesti i starodavnih komentariv Zend Takozh zbereglisya deyaki praci z geografiyi ta podorozhej epohi Sasanidiv hocha i v perekladi na arabsku movu Najbilsh ranni literaturni obrazi movoyu pehlevi tak zvani pehlevijski psaltiri sho nalezhat do IV abo V stolit zbereglisya v manuskriptah VI VII stolit 9 Zhodnogo tekstu sho prisvyachenij literaturnij kritici ne zbereglosya vid doislamskogo periodu Prote deyaki ese movoyu pehlevi taki yak Osnovi napisannya knig i Panchatantra vvazhayutsya literaturnoyu kritikoyu 10 Deyaki doslidniki cituyut Shubijye na pidtverdzhennya togo sho v doislamskij period u persiv isnuvali trudi z oratorskogo mistectva taki yak Karvand Prote do nashih dniv taki knigi ne zbereglisya Popri ce ye kilka vkazivok sho sered perskoyi eliti buli ti hto buv znajomij z greckoyu ritorikoyu i literaturnoyu kritikoyu 11 Vidnosnu bidnist serednoperskoyi literaturi mozhlivo chastkovo mozhna poyasniti skladnistyu sasanidskogo pisma yake mogli povnistyu zrozumiti perevazhno lishe profesijni perepisuvachi 12 Serednovichna perska literatura Redaguvati Div takozh Tadzhicka literatura Na pochatku islamizaciyi Iranu za pravlinnya Omeyadiv i rannih Abbasidiv perska mova nevdovzi stala literaturnoyu movoyu dlya vsiyeyi teritoriyi Centralnoyi Aziyi Vidrodzhennya movi v yiyi novij formi chasto pov yazuyut iz tvorchistyu Firdousi Unsuri Dakiki Rudaki ta yihnogo pokolinnya oskilki voni vikoristovuvali do islamskij nacionalizm yak providnik dlya vidrodzhennya movi i tradicij starodavnoyi Persiyi Zokrema Firdousi pisav u poemi Shahname بسی رنج بردم در این سال سی عجم زنده کردم بدین پارسیDosit ya vinis bolyu za tridcyat rokiv ale rozbudiv Adzham nimih persiv ciyeyu movoyu parsi Poeziya Redaguvati Perska literatura zavzhdi cilkom usvidomlyuvala riznicyu mizh poeziyeyu i prozoyu pri comu pochesne misce zajmala poeziya Vona chitko vidriznyalas vid prozi ne lishe rimoyu i ritmom ale takozh i majsternoyu groyu mizh yavnim znachennyam abo znachennyami sliv i yih prihovanimi smislovimi nyuansami 13 Shilnist persiv do vikladu u virshah viraziv ta zvorotiv movi sho voni vzhivayut u povsyakdennomu zhitti nastilki silna sho mozhna zitknutisya z poeziyeyu majzhe v usih tvorah klasichnoyi literaturi naukovih pracyah i pracyah z metafiziki Zdatnist vikladati dumki u virshovanij formi bula neobhidnoyu umovoyu dlya bud yakogo vchenogo i gramotnoyi lyudini Napriklad majzhe polovina medichnih prac Avicenni napisana u poetichnij formi Tvori rannogo etapu perskoyi poeziyi harakterizuyutsya silnoyu pidtrimkoyu dvoru ekstravagantnistyu panegirikiv i pidnesenistyu stilyu Tradiciya carskogo zastupnictva jmovirno pochalasya za pravlinnya Sasanidiv trivala za Abbasidiv i Samanidiv j isnuvala pri dvorah praviteliv usih perskih dinastij Kasida bula najbilsh ulyublenoyu formoyu panegirika hocha rubayi takih poetiv yak Omar Hayam takozh buli duzhe populyarni Yaksho okremi doslidniki v perskij poeziyi slidom za Ye E Bertelsom yakij persh za vse pidkreslyuvav etnichnij ta regionalnij vnesok rozriznyayut centralno aziatsku zakavkazku persku i indijsku klasichni literaturni shkoli 14 to istoriki perskoyi literaturi z Yevropi SShA ta inshih krayin svitu rozriznyayut horasansku azerbajdzhansku iraksku ta indijsku shkoli perskoyi poeziyi sho viddzerkalyuye bilshoyu miroyu hronologichne rozmezhuvannya nizh yakes inshe 15 Tradicijno v perskij klasichnij poeziyi rozriznyayut tri osnovnih literaturnih stili horasanskij irakskij ta indijskij yaki jdut bezupinno odin za odnim u chasi U kozhnomu z cih stiliv obumovlenih geografichno okremi avtori vidilyayut okremi literaturni shkoli yaki shvidshe viddzerkalyuyut regionalni abo grupovi vidmitni osoblivosti sho harakterni dlya riznih perskih provincij i mist Primirom inodi rozriznyayut azerbajdzhansku chi inakshe tebrizku chi inakshe shirvansku shkolu perskoyi poeziyi 16 Horasanskij stil Redaguvati Horasanskij stil abo horasanska shkola v perskij poeziyi poslidovniki yakoyi perevazhno mali stosunok do Velikogo Horasana harakterizuyetsya gordovitoyu maneroyu virazhennya dumok velichnoyu intonaciyeyu i porivnyano bilsh gramotnoyu movoyu Golovnimi predstavnikami liriki cogo stilyu ye Asdzhadi Farruhi Sistani Unsuri i Manuchehri Majstri panegirikiv taki yak Rudaki buli vidomi svoyeyu lyubov yu do prirodi a takozh tim sho yih poeziya ryasniye opisami sho zapam yatovuyutsya Dvir pri riznih pravitelyah i sistema zastupnictva spriyali epichnomu stilyu poeziyi vishim dosyagnennyam yakogo stala poema Firdousi Shahname Proslavlyayuchi istorichne minule v geroyichnih i pidnesenih virshah Firdousi ta inshi poeti znachnimi sered yakih ye Abu Mansur Dakiki i Asadi Tusi predstavlyali tak zvanih adzham عجم nimih movchaznih nearabske naselennya Pivdennoyi Persiyi zgidno z Encyclopaedia Iranica slovom adzham v Islamskij imperiyi arabi perevazhno nazivali persiv 17 yak dzherelo gordosti i nathnennya yake dopomagalo zberegti pochuttya etnichnoyi identichnosti persiv protyagom stolit Firdousi stvoriv model yaku zapozichili inshi poeti v nastupnih stolittyah Zakavkazka shkola Redaguvati Div takozh Kampaniya z nadannya Nizami statusu nacionalnogo azerbajdzhanskogo poeta Deyaki doslidniki literaturi Yan Ripka vidilyayut zakavkazku shkolu 18 yaku inakshe nazivayut azerbajdzhanskoyu teritorialno tebrizkoyu abo shirvanskoyu shkoloyu perskoyi poeziyi 19 abo zh arranskim stilem 20 Vona ye spadkoyemiceyu horasanskogo stilyu 21 pershim znachnim predstavnikom yakoyi buv doseldzhukskij poet Katran Tebrizi pomer 1072 roku yakij pisav na zahidnoperskomu dialekti 22 sho vidriznyavsya vid literaturnogo horasanskogo dialektu Katran Tebrizi sluzhiv miscevim princam vklyuchayuchi praviteliv Gyandzhi z kurdskoyi dinastiyi Sheddadidiv i tomu jogo manera virazhennya dumok i stil buli harakternimi dlya domongolskoyi iranskoyi movi azeri 23 Zbereglisya takozh vidomosti sho na pochatku IX st Muhammedu ibn Bayisu pers محمدبنبعیث arabskomu pravitelyu Merenda v period Abbasidskogo halifatu v 849 850 rr povinni buli vidtyati za nakazom halifa Al Mutavakilya Al Mutawakkil Odnak koli jogo priveli do palacu to ibn Bayis pochav chitati virshi arabskoyu movoyu i vraziv Al Mutavakilya svoyim poetichnim darom do takoyi miri sho toj skasuvav nakaz i zaminiv stratu na tyuremne uv yaznennya Za svidchennyam Al Tabari Ibn Bayis buv znachnoyu miroyu iranizovanij i shejhi Merage vihvalyali jogo horobrist i literaturni zdibnosti cituyuchi jogo perski virshi sho svidchit pro isnuvannya na pivnichnomu zahodi Persiyi poeziyi perskoyu movoyu na pochatku IX st 24 25 26 27 nbsp Muhammad Zaman Bahram Gur vbivaye drakona Ilyustraciya do poemi Sim krasun Nizami Gyandzhevi 1675 rik Britanska biblioteka LondonSered znachnih poetiv ciyeyi shkoli slid vidznachiti Nizami Gyandzhevi Hagani Shirvani i Falaki Shirvani en Silnij harakter Nizami jogo socialna chujnist i poetichnij genij z yednalisya z bagatoyu perskoyu kulturnoyu spadshinoyu stvorivshi novij standart literaturno hudozhnih dosyagnen 28 Hagani Shirvani viriznyavsya svoyeyu nadzvichajno bagatoyu uyavoyu sho bula viklikana shirokim diapazonom znan i vkazuvala na nogo Buvshi manyeristom navit bilshoyu miroyu nizh inshi perski poeti klasiki v sposobi virazhennya vin vbiraye i transformuye poeziyu svoyih poperednikiv takozh i v svoyij lyubovi do paradoksu 29 Slid takozh pidkresliti shiroke poshirennya poeziyi v regioni pro sho svidchit toj fakt sho navit v odnij antologiyi Nouzhat al Madzhales zibrani tvori 115 poetiv z pivnichno zahidnoyi chastini serednovichnoyi Persiyi vklyuchayuchi Arran Shirvan i Iranskij Azerbajdzhan Kilkist mensh vidomih perskih poetiv z odniyeyi tilki Gyandzhi perevishuye ne menshe nizh dvi dyuzhini Tvori poetiv ciyeyi shkoli viriznyayutsya skladnistyu movi ta kompozicijnoyi tehniki 30 originalnistyu i riznomanittyam tem 31 prisutnistyu perskih arhayizmiv i razom z tim velikim obsyagom zapozichen z arabskoyi movi 32 vplivom pivnichnozahidnoyi movi pehlevi 33 shiroko rozpovsyudzhenim vikoristannyam povsyakdennih viraziv ta idiom 34 a takozh nayavnistyu velikoyi kilkosti novih ponyat i terminiv 35 Tvori poetiv ciyeyi shkoli takozh viriznyayutsya velikoyu kilkistyu hristiyanskih obraziv ta simvoliv citatami z Bibliyi ta inshimi virazami z hristiyanskih knig i dzherel prichomu z takoyu chastotoyu sho sprijnyattya tvoriv Hagani Shirvani i Nizami Gyandzhevi majzhe nemozhlive bez retelnogo znannya hristiyanskoyi religiyi 36 Razom z tim vsi ci stilistichni osoblivosti zblizhuyut yih z horasanskim stilem 37 Pri comu sposterigayetsya povna vidsutnist shidnoiranskih sliv ta zvorotiv tipovih dlya Horasanskogo stilyu 38 Takozh na vidminu vid ostannogo poeti zakavkazkoyi shkoli viddavali perevagu misticizmu 39 Slid zaznachiti sho znajdeni neshodavno rukopisi napriklad antologiya Nouzhat al Madzhales i doslidzhennya ostannih rokiv pokazali sho v regioni isnuvala zagalna iranska kultura zasnovana na yedinomu varianti serednoiranskoyi movi pehlevi 40 Profesor Amin Riyahi vvazhaye antologiyu povnim viddzerkalennyam iranskoyi kulturi takih provincij togochasnoyi Persiyi yak Arran Shirvan i Azerbajdzhan Vin zaznachaye sho istorik At Tabari zgaduye Muhammada ibn Bayisa pershogo poeta yakij pisav na fehlevijskomu inakshe zahidno perskomu azari miscevomu dialekti rajonu Fahla Pahla serednoperskoyi movi pehlevi i zhiv u Marage Marandi iranskij provinciyi Azerbajdzhan chiyi predki migruvali z Araviyi za dva pokolinnya do jogo narodzhennya 40 Profesor Amin Riyahi vpevnenij sho na vidminu vid togo sho pripuskayut deyaki pismenniki radyanskoyi epohi a takozh yih poslidovniki antologiya Nouzhat al Madzhales dovodit sho v regioni provinciyi Persiyi Azerbajdzhan isnuvala zagalna iranska kultura zasnovana na yedinomu varianti serednoiranskoyi movi pehlevi i arranskomu dialekti farsi yaka spriyala iranizaciyi Shirvanshahiv sho mali arabske pohodzhennya poshirennyu iranskoyi kulturi i praviteliv regionu sho zminyuvali odin odnogo 40 Anatolij Novoselcev zaznachaye sho do XIV stolittya iranomovne naselennya regionu bulo pov yazane yedinoyu kulturoyu etnichnoyu samosvidomistyu i movoyu 41 Slid zaznachiti sho geografichna blizkist teritorij pidvladnih Ildegizidam i teritorij pidvladnih shirvanshaham spriyala peremishennyu intelektualiv i poetiv togo chasu z dvoru odnogo volodarya v chislo pridvornih inshogo Takozh mozhna govoriti pro pevne podibnist idej sho nadihali i stiliv mizh poetami narodzhenimi i navchenimi v cih oblastyah stosovno do viznachennya yih yak takih sho nalezhat do azerbajdzhanskoyi shkoli perskoyi poeziyi 42 Popri pererahovani osoblivosti sho harakterni dlya tvorchosti poetiv predstavnikiv ciyeyi shkoli perskoyi poeziyi docentrova tendenciya ochevidna v yednosti perskoyi literaturi pochinayuchi z movi i zmistu a takozh z tochki zoru gromadyanskoyi yednosti Yak pishe Yan Ripka navit kavkazec Nizami hocha i zhiv na dalnij periferiyi ne demonstruvav inshij duh i zvertavsya do Iranu yak do Sercya svitu 43 Odnak zmina movi i kulturi v regioni prizveli do togo sho spadshina perskoyi literaturi majzhe povnistyu bula vtrachena 44 Irakskij stil RedaguvatiPerska poeziya XIII stolittya harakterizuyetsya panuvannyam lirichnoyi poeziyi z vidpovidnim rozvitkom gazeli v osnovnu virshovanu formu a takozh pidjomom mistichnoyi i sufijskoyi poeziyi Cej napryamok chasto nazivayut irakskim stilem abo irakskoyu shkoloyu perskoyi poeziyi za nazvoyu zahidnih provincij Iranu yaki buli vidomi yak Arak i Adzhama abo Perskij Irak Ce zastarilij termin yakij vzhivali dlya poznachennya centralnogo regionu Persiyi Iranu vklyuchayuchi teritoriyi na yakih roztashovuyutsya taki mista yak Isfahan Raj Kazvin i Kashan Dlya nogo harakterni emocijna lirichnist bagatstvo virshovanih metriv i porivnyalna prostota movi Emocijna romantichna poeziya ne bula chimos novim yak pokazuyut taki tvori yak Vis i Ramin Fahraddina Gurgani i Yusuf i Zulejha Amaka Buhari Taki poeti yak Sanayi ta Attar yaki nadihnuli Rumi a takozh Hagani Shirvani Anvari i Nizami Gyandzhevi 45 46 47 buli nadzvichajno shanovanimi poetami sho skladali gazeli Popri ce najkrashimi predstavnikami ciyeyi shkoli ye Rumi Saadi i Gafiz Vrahovuyuchi tradiciyu perskoyi lyubovnoyi liriki epohi dinastiyi Sefevidiv perskij istorik Ehsan Yarshater zaznachaye 48 Zazvichaj predmetom kohannya ye ne zhinka a molodij cholovik Na pochatku poshirennya islamu v rezultati nabigiv u Centralnu Aziyu bulo bagato molodih rabiv Rabiv takozh kupuvali abo otrimuvali yak podarunok Rabi zmusheni buli sluzhiti pazhami pri dvori abo v budinkah zamozhnih i vplivovih lyudej abo zh soldatami i ohoroncyami Molodi choloviki nezalezhno vid togo chi buli voni rabami chi ni podavali vino na benketah i prijomah a bilsh talanoviti sered nih mogli vikonuvati muziku i pidtrimuvali vitonchenu besidu Lyubov do molodih pazhiv soldativ abo novachkiv u remeslah i profesiyah stala prichinoyu lirichnih dopovnen do panegirikiv na pochatkovomu etapi rozvitku perskoyi poeziyi i predmetom prisvyachennya gazelej Sered tvoriv napisanih u didaktichnomu zhanri perskoyi poeziyi mozhna vidznachiti Sad pravdi Sanayi a takozh Skarbnicyu tayemnic Nizami Gyandzhevi Deyaki tvori Attara takozh nalezhat do cogo zhanru tak samo yak osnovni tvori Rumi hocha deyaki avtori vidnosyat ci tvori do lirichnoyi poeziyi z oglyadu na yih misticizm i emocijnist Krim togo deyaki avtori shilni vidnositi do cogo stilyu napisannya v comu zhanri tvori Nasira Hosrova Odnak spravzhnoyu vershinoyu sered tvoriv cogo zhanru ye odin iz shedevriv perskoyi literaturi poetichnij traktat Bustan Plodovij sad Saadi v yakomu v poetichnij formi vikladena sufijska filosofiya i etika pidkriplena cikavimi pritchami ta rozpovidyami Isfaganskij stil Redaguvati Pislya XV st v perskij poeziyi stav prevalyuvati tak zvanij indijskij stil yakij takozh nazivayut isfaganskim abo safavijskim stilem Korinnya cogo stilyu syagaye v periodi pravlinnya dinastiyi Timuridiv Todi tvorili Amir Hosrov Dehlevi 1253 1325 i Nand Lal Goya en 1633 1713 49 Najbilsh populyarnim tvorom Amira Hosrova Dehlevi ye jogo poema dastan Visim rajskih sadiv 1301 napisana movoyu farsi Ce ostannya chastina jogo ciklu poem P yatericya Hamse Yak i ves cikl yavlyaye soboyu vidpovid nazire na tvorchist Nizami v comu vipadku na poemu Sim krasun Galereya Redaguvati nbsp Ilyustraciya do populyarnoyi sufijskoyi poemi Zbori ptahiv Attara nbsp Bahram V ta indijska princesa Ilyustraciya v knizi Nizami Gyandzhevi Hamse nbsp Ilyustraciya do poemi Dzhami Rozhevij sad 1553 nbsp Mavzolej Gafiza v Shirazi misti poetiv Proza Redaguvati nbsp Zayec car sloniv i viddzerkalennya misyacya v strumku Sirijska ilyustraciya do rozpovidi Kalila i Gimna 1354 Odnim z najbilsh znachnih prozovih tvoriv serednovichnoyi perskoyi literaturi ye Chahar Magale Chahar Maqaleh Nizami Aruzi en U peredmovi do knigi Nizami Aruzi rozglyadaye pitannya sho pov yazani z prirodnichimi naukami epistemologiyeyu i politikoyu U knizi avtor rozvivaye koncepciyu caryuvannya i carskoyi vladi v starodavnij Persiyi yaku vin virazhaye za dopomogoyu musulmanskoyi terminologiyi Na jogo uyavlennya pro suspilni klasi velikij vpliv spravili koncepciyi davnogreckih avtoriv osoblivo Platona 50 Chahar Magaleh bula perekladena na anglijsku francuzku italijsku ta shvedska movi Sered prozovih tvoriv serednovichnoyi perskoyi literaturi osoblive misce posidaye zbirka perskih anekdotiv XIII stolittya Dzhavami ul Hikajat en Zahiriddina Nasra Muhammada 1171 1242 Kniga perevidavalasya nezlichennu kilkist raziv Najbilsh rannye vidannya sho zbereglosya datuyetsya 1232 rokom i zberigayetsya v Nacionalnij biblioteci Franciyi Pochesne misce v perskoyi literaturi posidaye prozovij tvir Kabus Name Kniga Kavusa zercalo dlya jogo sina sho jogo napisav blizko 1080 roku Amir Kabusom Amir Unsur al Mo ali Keikavus ibn Iskandar ibn Qabus ibn Wushmgir ibn al Ziyar pom 1012 roku pravitel Persiyi z dinastiyi Ziyaridiv yakij buv takozh vidomij yak Princ Gorgana U knizi rozpovidayetsya pro zhittya dida Kabusa na im ya Shams al Moali Abol Hasan Gabus ibn Vushmgir Najbilsh rannya zberezhena kopiya yaka datovana 1349 rokom zberigayetsya v biblioteci Iranskij nacionalnij muzej Iranskogo nacionalnogo muzeyu Malika en v Tegerani Pereklad Kabus nama tureckoyu zdijsniv 1450 roku Mardzhumak ibn Ilyaslm za doruchennyam Sultana Murada II zberigayetsya v Biblioteci Fatih Fatih Library v Stambuli 1811 roku z tureckoyi Kabus namu pereklav nimeckoyu Genrih Frederik von Dic Heinrich Friedrich von Diez Cej pereklad nadihnuv Gete na stvorennya Shidnogo divana Kabus namu takozh perekladeno anglijskoyu francuzkoyu yaponskoyu rosijskoyu i arabskoyu movami Peru znamenitogo perskogo vizira Nizama al Mulka nalezhit traktat Siyasat nama Kniga rozdilena na 50 glav v yakih rozpovidayetsya pro religiyu politiku j upravlinnya derzhavoyu 51 Nizam daye v traktati nastanovi ta poradi pravitelyam i rozpovidaye pro rol soldativ policiyi shpiguniv i chinovnikiv 52 Do prozayichnih tvoriv nalezhit znamenita Kalile i Dimne yaka ye perekladom z pehlevi na arabsku movu sho jogo zrobiv u VIII st perskij pismennik Ibn el Mokaffa pom 759 roku zbirnika indijskih narodnih bajok Panchatantra napisanih u virshah i prozi Vona cikava yak zbirka perskih prisliv yiv i prikazok Pershij vidomij nauci pereklad na pehlevi buv vikonanij blizko 570 roku v Irani za vkazivkoyu sasanidskogo carya Hosrova I ale do nashih dniv vin ne zberigsya U seredini VIII st z yavivsya pereklad Ibn el Mokaffi yakij buv ozaglavlenij Kalile i Dimne pers کلیله و دمنه arab كليلة و دمنة za imenami tvarin opovidachiv i jogo vvazhayut pershim shedevrom v arabskij hudozhnij prozi 53 Kazki Redaguvati Tisyacha i odna nich pers هزار و یک شب zbirka serednovichnih istorij sho yih rozpovila perska caricya iz dinastiyi Sasanidiv Shaherezada pers شهرزاد svoyemu zlostivomu choloviku perskomu caryu Shahriyaru shob vidtyagnuti chas svoyeyi strati Okremi istoriyi Tisyachi i odniyeyi nochi buli stvoreni protyagom dekilkoh stolit riznimi lyudmi sho zhili v riznih krayinah Yadro cogo zibrannya istorij stanovit kniga Tisyacha mifiv 54 Hazar Afsanah pers هزار افسانه yaka ye zbirkoyu starovinnih indijskih i perskih narodnih kazok Doslidniki vvazhayut sho bilshist istorij isnuvali vzhe u VIII stolitti za pravlinnya Abbasidskogo halifa Garuna ar Rashida a rozpovid pro Shaherezadu z yavilas u XIV st Div takozh RedaguvatiVelikij slovnik DehhodaPrimitki Redaguvati John Renard Historical dictionary of Sufism Rowman amp Littlefield 2005 S 155 Perhaps the most famous Sufi who is known to many Muslims even today by his title alone is the seventh 13th century Persian mystic Rumi Annemarie Schimmel The Mystery of Numbers Oxford University Press 1993 S 49 A beautiful symbol of the duality that appears through creation was invented by the great Persian mystical poet Jalal al Din Rumi who compares God s creative word kun written in Arabic KN with a twisted rope of 2 threads which in English twine in German Zwirn both words derived from the root two Ritter H Bausani A Encyclopaedia of Islam ḎJ alal al Din Rumi b Bahaʾ al Din Sulṭan al ʿulamaʾ Walad b Ḥusayn b Aḥmad Ḵh aṭibi Bearman Th Bianquis C E Bosworth E van Donzel and W P Heinrichs Brill Online 2007 known by the sobriquet Mawlana Mevlana Persian poet and founder of the Mawlawiyya order of dervishes Julia Scott Meisami Forward to Franklin Lewis Rumi Past and Present East and West revised edition Oneworld Publications 2008 Frederick Hadland Davis The Persian Mystics Jalalu d Din Rumi Adamant Media Corporation November 30 2005 ISBN 1402157681 Arthur John Arberry The Legacy of Persia Clarendon Press 1953 S 200 ISBN 0 19 821905 9 Frye R N The Encyclopaedia of Islam Dari CD version Brill Publications Encyclopedia of library and information science Volume 13 Google Books angl Arhiv originalu za 25 kvitnya 2016 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 Pahlavi psalter stattya z Encyclopaedia Iranica Philippe Gignoux Abdolhossein Zarrinkoub Naqde adabi Tehran 1959 S 374 379 Abdolhossein Zarrinkoub Naqde adabi Tehran 1947 S 374 379 Virmeniya u III IV st Vsesvitnya istoriya T 2 gl XXV Virmeniya otrimala sistemu pisemnosti yaka ne lishe vidriznyalas vid iranskoyi ale j bula znachno bilsh dostupnoyu dlya narodu nizh iranska ostannya vnaslidok svoyeyi skladnosti bula cilkom zrozumiloyu lishe profesijnim perepisuvacham Cim chastkovo i poyasnyuyetsya bagatstvo virmenskoyi literaturi porivnyano iz serednoperskoyu CHARLES HENRI DE FOUCHECOUR 15 grudnya 2006 IRAN viii PERSIAN LITERATURE 2 Classical angl Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 28 serpnya 2011 Procitovano 8 serpnya 2010 The distinction between poetry and prose has always been quite deliberate in Persian literature with poetry given the pride of place It distinguished itself clearly from prose not only in terms of rhyme and rhythm but also in the artful play between explicit meaning or meanings and implicit nuances Sakina Berengian Azeri and Persian literary works in twentieth century Iranian Azerbaijan Berlin Klaus Schwarz Verlag 1988 S 2 ISBN 3922968694 The prevalent classification of classical literary schools into Central Asia Transcaucasian Persian and Indian originated with YE Bertel s whose primary emphasis seems to have been on ethnic and regional contributions Sakina Berengian Azeri and Persian literary works in twentieth century Iranian Azerbaijan Berlin Klaus Schwarz Verlag 1988 S 2 ISBN 3922968694 The corresponding nomenclature of Persian literary historians ie Khorasani Azerbayjani Eraqi and Hendi on the other hand denotes more than anything else a chronological differentiation PETER CHELKOWSKI LITERATURE IN PRE SAFAVID ISFAHAN str 112 angl Arhiv originalu za 19 chervnya 2012 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 The three main literary styles which follow each other consecutively are known as Khurasani Iraqi and Hindi The time spans of each style are equally flexible Within these broad geographical divisions we then come across certain literary schools which reflect regional peculiarities and idiosyncrasies and are identified with smaller entities like provinces or towns For example there are the Azerbayjani school the Tabriz school or the Shirvan school C E Bosworth 15 grudnya 1984 Aǰam angl Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 5 travnya 2012 Procitovano 8 serpnya 2010 Rypka Jan Poets and Prose Writers of the Late Saljuq and Mongol Periods in The Cambridge History of Iran Volume 5 The Saljuq and Mongol Periods January 1968 One of the striking features of the Transcaucasian school is its complicated technique Peter Chelkowski Literature in Pre Safavid Isfahan International Society for Iranian Studies Iranian Studies Vol 7 No 1 2 Taylor amp Francis Ltd on behalf of International Society for Iranian Studies 1974 S 112 131 The three main literary styles which follow each other consecutively are known as Khurasani Iraqi and Hindi The time spans of each style are equally flexible Within these broad geographical divisions we then come across certain literary schools which reflect regional peculiarities and idiosyncrasies and are identified with smaller entities like provinces or towns For example there are the Azerbayjani school the Tabriz school or the Shirvan school Muḥammad Amin Riyaḥi Sharvani Jamal Khalil fl 13 cent Nuzhat al majalis Jamal Khalil Sharvani taʼlif shudah dar nimah ʼi avval i qarn i haftum tashih va muqaddimah va sharh i hal i guyandigan va tawziḥat va fihristha Tehran Intisharat i Zuvvar 1366 1987 764 s Peter Chelkowski Literature in Pre Safavid Isfahan International Society for Iranian Studies Iranian Studies Vol 7 No 1 2 Taylor amp Francis Ltd on behalf of International Society for Iranian Studies 1974 ISBN 112 131 Azerbayjan became the heir to the Khurasani style Francois De Blois Persian Literature A Biobibliographical Survey Volume V Poetry of the Pre Mongol Period Volume 5 of Persian Literature 2nd edition Routledge 2004 S 187 The point of the anectode is clear that the diwans of these poets contained Eastern Iranian i e Sogdian etc words that were incomprehensible to a Western Persian like Qatran who consquently took advantage of an educated visitor from the East Nasir to ascertain their meaning Sakina Berengian Azeri and Persian literary works in twentieth century Iranian Azerbaijan Berlin Klaus Schwarz Verlag 1988 S 7 8 ISBN 3922968694 The term Transcaucasian in bertel s classification and Azerbaijani in the Persian classification refers to the poetry by cluster of poets associated mainly with the Caucasian Shirvanshahs who in the course of the eleventh and twelfth centuries enjoyed a relative independence from the Saljuqid empire A few literary historians trace the origins of this style to Qatran of Tabriz ca 1009 1072 whose diction is taken to represent certain characteristics of the pre Mongol Iranian Azeri Minorsky Marand in Encyclopaedia of Islam P Bearman Th Bianquis C E Bosworth E van Donzel and W P Heinrichs 1991 T 6 S 504 According to one of al Tabari s authorities iii tisyachi trista visimdesyat visim the shaykhs of Maragha who praised the bravery and literary ability adab of Ibn Bai th also quoted his Persian verses bi l fdrisiyya This important passage already quoted by Barthold BSOS ii 1923 836 8 is evidence of the existence of the cultivation of poetry in Persian in northwestern Persia at the beginning of the 9th century Ibn Bai th must have been Iranicised to a considerable extent and as has been mentioned he relied for support on the non Arab elements in his Rustakhs Uludj Rasatikhi Jamal Din Ḵalil Sarvani Zagolovok Tabari Zagolovok T 7 حد ثني انه انشدني بالمراغه جماعه من اشياخها اشعارا لابن البعيث بالفارسيه وتذكرون ادبه و شجاعه و له اخبارا و احاديث طبري محمدبن جرير تاريخ طبري جلد 7 چاپ دوم انتشارات اساطير 1363 1 Arhivovano 8 travnya 2012 u Wayback Machine Richard Davis Zagolovok ISBN 0 934211 52 3 In preparing the brief notes on individual poets my chief debt is to Dr Zabihollah Safa s Tarikh e Adabiyat dar Iran History of Literature in Iran 5 vols Tehran reprinted 1366 1987 I have also made use of Dr Mohammad Amin Riahi s introduction to his edition of the 14th century anthology of rubaiyat the Nozhat al Majales Pleasure of the Assemblies as well as using material from other sources Peter Chelkowski Mirror of the Invisible World New York Metropolitan Museum of Art 1975 S 6 Nizami s strong character his social sensibility and his poetic genius fused with his rich Persian cultural heritage to create a new standard of literary achievement Using themes from the oral tradition and written historical records his poems unite pre Islamic and Islamic Iran Anna Livia Beelaert ḴAQANI SERVANI Encyclopedia Iranica angl Arhiv originalu za 5 travnya 2012 Procitovano 3 veresnya 2010 Khaqani s is noted for his extremely rich imagery drawn from and alluding to a wide range of fields of knowledge a mannerist in an even higher degree than other classical Persian poets both in the way he absorbs and transforms the poetry of his predecessors and in his love of paradox Daniela Meneghini SALJUQS v SALJUQID LITERATURE angl Encyclopedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 5 travnya 2012 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 The geographical closeness of the territories subject to the Ildeguzids and those under the Sarvansah encouraged the flow of intellectuals and poets from one court to the other It is also possible to speak of a certain similarity of inspiration and of style between the poets born and educated in these areas to the point of defining them as belonging to the Azerbaijan school Rypka Hist Iran Lit pp 201 9 The complexity of the language and of the compositional techniques the originality and multiplicity of the themes the presence of Persian archaisms and at the same time a wide range of borrowings from Arabic vocabulary are among the stylistic features which are common to poets in this cultural context compared with other contemporaries closer to the Khorasani style Daniela Meneghini SALJUQS v SALJUQID LITERATURE angl Encyclopedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 5 travnya 2012 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 The geographical closeness of the territories subject to the Ildeguzids and those under the Sarvansah encouraged the flow of intellectuals and poets from one court to the other It is also possible to speak of a certain similarity of inspiration and of style between the poets born and educated in these areas to the point of defining them as belonging to the Azerbaijan school Rypka Hist Iran Lit pp 201 9 The complexity of the language and of the compositional techniques the originality and multiplicity of the themes the presence of Persian archaisms and at the same time a wide range of borrowings from Arabic vocabulary are among the stylistic features which are common to poets in this cultural context compared with other contemporaries closer to the Khorasani style Daniela Meneghini SALJUQS v SALJUQID LITERATURE angl Encyclopedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 5 travnya 2012 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 The geographical closeness of the territories subject to the Ildeguzids and those under the Sarvansah encouraged the flow of intellectuals and poets from one court to the other It is also possible to speak of a certain similarity of inspiration and of style between the poets born and educated in these areas to the point of defining them as belonging to the Azerbaijan school Rypka Hist Iran Lit pp 201 9 The complexity of the language and of the compositional techniques the originality and multiplicity of the themes the presence of Persian archaisms and at the same time a wide range of borrowings from Arabic vocabulary are among the stylistic features which are common to poets in this cultural context compared with other contemporaries closer to the Khorasani style NOZHAT AL MAJALES Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 28 serpnya 2011 Procitovano 30 iyulya 2010 Nozhat al majales is thus a mirror of the social conditions at the time reflecting the full spread of Persian language and the culture of Iran throughout that region clearly evidenced by the common use of spoken idioms in poems as well as the professions of the some of the poets see below The influence of the northwestern Pahlavi language for example which had been the spoken dialect of the region is clearly observed in the poems contained in this anthology NOZHAT AL MAJALES Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 28 serpnya 2011 Procitovano 30 lipnya 2010 In contrast to poets from other parts of Persia who mostly belonged to higher echelons of society such as scholars bureaucrats and secretaries a good number of poets in the northwestern areas rose from among the common people with working class backgrounds and they frequently used colloquial expressions in their poetry They are referred to as water carrier saqqa sparrow dealer oṣfori saddler sarraj bodyguard jandar oculist kaḥḥal blanket maker leḥafi etc which illustrates the overall use of Persian in that region NOZHAT AL MAJALES Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 28 serpnya 2011 Procitovano 30 lipnya 2010 This blending of cultures certainly left its mark on the works of the poets of the region resulting in the creation of a large number of new concepts and terms the examples of which can be noticed in the poems of Ḵaqani and Neẓami as well as in dictionaries Sakina Berengian Azeri and Persian literary works in twentieth century Iranian Azerbaijan Berlin Klaus Schwarz Verlag 1988 S 2 ISBN 3922968694 Christian imagery and symbolism quotations from the Bible and other expressions inspired by Christian sources occur so frequently in the works of Khagani and Nizami in particular that a comprehension of their works is almost impossible without a thorough knowledge of Christianity Daniela Meneghini SALJUQS v SALJUQID LITERATURE angl Encyclopedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 5 travnya 2012 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 The complexity of the language and of the compositional techniques the originality and multiplicity of the themes the presence of Persian archaisms and at the same time a wide range of borrowings from Arabic vocabulary are among the stylistic features which are common to poets in this cultural context compared with other contemporaries closer to the Khorasani style Francois De Blois Persian Literature A Biobibliographical Survey Volume V Poetry of the Pre Mongol Period Volume 5 of Persian Literature 2nd edition Routledge 2004 S 187 The point of the anectode is clear that the diwans of these poets contained Eastern Iranian ie Sogdian etc words that were incomprehensible to a Western Persian like Qatran who consquently took advantage of an educated visitor from the East Nasir to ascertain their meaning Sakina Berengian Azeri and Persian literary works in twentieth century Iranian Azerbaijan Berlin Klaus Schwarz Verlag 1988 S 238 ISBN 3922968694 a b v Muḥammad Amin Riyaḥi Sharvani Jamal Khalil fl 13 cent Nuzhat al majalis Jamal Khalil Sharvani taʼlif shudah dar nimah ʼi avval i qarn i haftum tashih va muqaddimah va sharh i hal i guyandigan va tawziḥat va fihristha az Muḥammad Amin Riyaḥi See Indroduction Tehran Intisharat i Zuvvar 1366 1987 Novoselcev A P Glava III AZIYa I SEVERNAYa AFRIKA V X XIII vv GOSUDARSTVA SAMANIDOV I GAZNEVIDOV Institut Vostokovedeniya RAN Vostoka V 6 tomah Tom 2 Vostok v srednie veka Istoriya Vostochnaya literatura 2009 T 2 ISBN 978 5 02 036403 5 5 02 018102 1 Nabagato piznishe vzhe v pislyamongolskij chas v novih umovah cya spilnist chastina yakoyi v Azerbajdzhani i Maverannahri zaznala tyurkizaciyi stala rozpadatisya na dvi samostijni spilnosti persiv i tadzhikiv Nichogo podibnogo u IH H ta j u HI HIII st ne bulo i tadzhiki tiyeyi pori zagalna nazva masi iranomovnogo naselennya pov yazanogo yedinoyi kulturoyu etnichnoyu samosvidomistyu i movoyu Rypka History of Iran Literature S 201 209 The geographical closeness of the territories subject to the Ildeguzids and those under the Sarvansah encouraged the flow of intellectuals and poets from one court to the other It is also possible to speak of a certain similarity of inspiration and of style between the poets born and educated in these areas to the point of defining them as belonging to the Azerbaijan school Rypka Jan History of Iranian Literature Reidel Publishing Company January 1968 S 76 The centripetal tendency is evident in the unity of Persian literature from the points of view of language and content and also in the sense of civic unity Even the Caucasian Nizami although living on the far flung periphery does not manifest a different spirit and apostrophizes Iran as the Heart of the World NOZHAT AL MAJALES Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 28 serpnya 2011 Procitovano 4 sentyabrya 2010 Due to change of language the heritage in the area the heritage of Persian literature has almost entirely vanished CHARLES HENRI DE FOUCHECOUR 15 dekabrya 2006 g IRAN viii PERSIAN LITERATURE 2 Classical angl Encyclopaedia Iranica Arhiv originalu za 28 serpnya 2011 Procitovano 8 serpnya 2010 Neẓami Encyclopaedia Britannica 2009 Encyclopaedia Britannica Online 28 Feb 2009 lt http www britannica com EBchecked topic 413374 Nezami Arhivovano 2011 09 16 u Wayback Machine gt Greatest romantic epic poet in Persian Literature who brought a colloquial and realistic style to the Persian epic Nezami is admired in Persian speaking lands for his originality and clarity of style though his love of language for its own sake and of philosophical and scientific learning makes his work difficult for the average reader Julie Scott Meisami The Haft Paykar A Medieval Persian Romance Oxford University Press Oxford World s Classics 1995 ISBN 0 19 283184 4 Abu Muhammad Ilyas ibn Yusuf ibn Zaki Mu ayyad known by his pen name of Nizami was born around 1141 in Ganja the capital of Arran in Transcaucasian Azerbaijan where he remained until his death in about 1209 His father who had migrated to Ganja from Qom in north central Iran may have been a civil servant his mother was a daughter of a Kurdish chieftain having lost both parents early in his life Nizami was brought up by an uncle He was married three times and in his poems laments the death of each of his wives as well as proferring advice to his son Muhammad He lived in an age of both political instability and intense intellectual activity which his poems reflect but little is known about his life his relations with his patrons or the precise dates of his works as the accounts of later biographers are colored by the many legends built up around the poet Yar Shater Ehsan Persian Poetry in the Timurid and Safavid Periods Cambridge History of Iran Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1986 S 973 974 Sanjay Bumbroo Oblivion of Persian language will leave void in Sikh history Chandigarh India Punjab angl The Tribune Arhiv originalu za 3 sichnya 2008 Procitovano 18 serpnya 2010 Vkazano bilsh nizh odin deadlink ta deadurl dovidka He said Persian sources had been important for the researchers of Sikh history He further added that Persian writings of Bhai Lal were absolutely in tune with the Sikh spirit which provided the key to unlock the spiritual secrets and mystical flights of Sikhism through his poems Giving brief historical facts about Bhai Nand Lal Balkar Singh said he was one of the 52 poets in the court of Guru Gobind Singh Son of Diwan Chajju Ram mir munshi or chief secretary of the Governor of Ghazni Bhai Lal in a short time acquired great efficiency in Persian and Arabic languages After the death of his parents he decided to return to Multan where he married a Sikh girl who used to recite Gurbani and knew Gurmukhi Leaving his family behind he left for Anandpur Sahib and received Guru Gobind Singh s blessings After staying at there for some time he left to serve as mir munshi under prince Mauzzam later to become Emperor Bahadur Shah due to an acquaintance of his father named Wasif Khan Aurangzeb wished to convert him to Islam because he had so beautifully interpreted verses of the Koran Fearing persecution Bhai Lal and his family left for the northern India Leaving his family in Multan he once again came to stay with Guru Gobind Singh at Anandpur Sahib in 1697 Later he returned to Multan where he opened a school of higher education in Persian and Arabic Professor Singh said Bhai Lal s seven works in Persian poetry included Diwan e Goya Zindgi Nama Ganj Nama Joti Bigaas Arzul Alfaaz Tausif o Sana and Khatima and Dastural Insha besides three in Punjabi Ashk Dahlen Kingship and Religion in a Mediaeval Furstenspiegel The Case of the Chahar Maqala of Nizami Aruzi Orientalia Suecana vol 58 Uppsala 2009 NIZAM al Mulk Arhiv originalu za 28 lyutogo 2012 Procitovano 2 listopada 2015 Lapidus Ira A History of Islamic Societies p 151 Lane Andrew J 2003 Review Gregor Schoeler s Ecrire et transmettre dans les debuts de l islam Cambridge MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies Arhiv originalu za 6 bereznya 2008 Procitovano 2 listopada 2015 Abdol Hossein Saeedian Land and People of Iran p 447 Cya stattya mistit neperekladeni fragmenti inozemnoyu movoyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu pereklavshi yih ukrayinskoyu Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Perska literatura amp oldid 40707248