Zapit NICE perenapravlyaye syudi div takozh inshi znachennya Cya stattya mistit neperekladeni fragmenti inozemnoyu movoyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu pereklavshi yih ukrayinskoyu Nacionalnij institut zdorov ya i doskonalosti dopomogi angl National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NICE vikonavchij pozavidomchij derzhavnij organ Departamentu ohoroni zdorov ya Ob yednanogo Korolivstva 1 Vin sluzhit yak Anglijskij en tak i Valijskij en Nacionalnij sluzhbi ohoroni zdorov ya en angl National Health Service NHS 2 Ustanovu bulo zasnovano yak Nacionalnij institut klinichnoyi doskonalosti angl National Institute for Clinical Excellence NICE u 1999 a 1 kvitnya 2005 jogo bulo ob yednano z Agenciyeyu ohoroni zdorov ya Nove ustanova otrimala nazvu Nacionalnij institut zdorov ya i klinichnoyi doskonalosti angl National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence hocha abreviatura tak i zalishilas NICE 3 4 Vidpovidno do Aktu pro medichnu ta socialnu dopomogu 2012 roku 1 kvitnya 2013 roku NICE buv perejmenovanij u Nacionalnij institut zdorov ya i doskonalosti dopomogi sho vidobrazhaye jogo novi obov yazki ne lishe v medichnij ale j socialnij dopomozi ta pereformatuvannya z specializovanoyu ustanovi ohoroni zdorov ya u Vikonavchij pozavidomchij derzhavnij organ angl Executive Non Departmental Public Body ENDPB source source source source Shestihvilinne dokumentalne video pro NICE 2008 rik NICE publikuye nastanovi u chotiroh galuzyah vikoristannya tehnologij Nacionalnimi sluzhbami ohoroni zdorov ya takih yak vikoristannya novih ta nayavnih medikamentiv likuvalnih zahodiv ta procedur klinichnoyi praktiki nastanovi po vidpovidnih likuvannyu ta doglyadu za lyudmi z pevnimi zahvoryuvannyami ta stanami nastanovi dlya pracivnikiv gromadskogo sektora po propagandi zdorovogo sposobu zhittya ta uniknenni problem zi zdorov yam nastanovi dlya socialnih sluzhb ta tih komu voni dopomagayut 5 Ci ocinki zasnovani golovnim chinom na spivvidnesenni diyevosti ta ekonomichnoyi efektivnosti za riznih obstavin NICE bulo stvoreno yak sprobu poklasti kraj tak zvanij lotereyi za poshtovim indeksom u sistemi ohoroni zdorov ya Angliyi ta Uelsu Taka nazva vidobrazhaye te sho dostupnist procedur zalezhala vid oblasti obslugovuvannya vidpovidnogo upravlinnya ohoroni zdorov ya sluzhbi NHS teritoriyi v yakij vipalo zhiti paciyentu Vidtodi NICE zdobuv visoku mizhnarodnu reputaciyu yak rolova model dlya rozrobki klinichnih nastanov Odnim z aspektiv cogo ye dokladne viznachennya obmezhen spivvidnoshennya vitrat i vigod dlya pevnih tehnologij yaki vin ocinyuye 6 NICE takozh vidigraye vazhlivu rol v ocinci novatorskih tehnologij v inshih sistemah ohoroni zdorov ya cherez NICE International stvorenij u travni 2008 roku dlya polegshennya kultivuvannya zv yazkiv z inozemnimi uryadami 7 Zmist 1 Politichna istoriya 2 Tehnologiya ocinki 3 Klinichni nastanovi 4 Nastanovi z socialnoyi dopomogi 5 Ekonomichna efektivnist 5 1 Skorigovani po yakosti roki zhittya 5 2 Cost per quality adjusted life year gained 5 3 Basis of recommendations 6 Div takozh 7 PrimitkiPolitichna istoriya RedaguvatiU 1996 buv zasnovanij Nacionalnij skriningovij komitet Velikoyi Britaniyi angl UK National Screening Committee NSC Pershim golovoyu buv Ser Kennet Kalman en 8 NSK mav za metu zabezpechiti te shob nacionalni skriningovi programi ta mehanizm strahuvannya gruntuvalis na informovanij politici dokazovoyi medicini Ce bulo svoyechasno oskilki nevdovzi z yavilisya zapitannya z privodu yakosti skriningu voni stosuvalis sluzhbi skriningu raku molochnoyi zalozi u Ekseteri 1997 rik 9 Slidom pishli zapitannya po Zvitovi Kalman Hajn en 1995 roku sho buv rezultatom roboti ekspertnoyi doradchoyi grupi 1994 roku yaka ocinyuvala onkologichnu sluzhbu Velikoyi Britaniyi 10 Ideya pro te sho spochatku bulo nazvano Nacionalnim institutom klinichnoyi yakosti vkorenilasya koli do vladi u 1997 prijshli lejboristi Sekretar Frenk Dobson za pidtrimki komandi ministriv sered yakih buli Alan Milbern ta Tessa Dzhovell vprovadzhuvav ideyu NICE 11 Riley led the team that developed the policy for NICE and which managed the legislation through Parliament in addition to formalising the new institute as a Special Health Authority Riley joined Sir Michael Rawlins the then recently appointed Chair of NICE at the Health Select Committee in February 1999 where questions were raised as to whether NICE was just a means to ration healthcare Sir Michael Rawlins presented a compelling case that positioned NICE as a standards setting body first and foremost 12 However the reality was that although NICE was principally aimed at aligning professional standards through clinical guidelines and audit the acceptability of drugs devices and technological interventions in defining those standards could not be ignored and so the concept of a fourth hurdle for drugs accessing the NHS market was invoked This controversial policy shift meant that NICE was critical for decisions on drug reimbursement Indeed the first drug appraisal by NICE was on the drug Relenza which was turned down amidst criticisms from Glaxo Wellcome that the appraisal had been fast tracked 13 Later this policy development whereby the criteria for decision making the role of costs and the degree to which decisions of NICE and the secretary of state would be binding on clinicians was analysed by Andrew Dillon Trevor Gibbs Tim Riley and Trevor A Sheldon 14 Tehnologiya ocinki RedaguvatiZ sichnya 2005 roku NHS v Angliyi i Uelsi buli yuridichno zobov yazani zabezpechiti finansuvannya likiv i metodiv likuvannya rekomendovanih kolegiyeyu ocinki tehnologij NICE 15 Ce vidbulos prinajmni chastkovo v rezultati nabuttya shirokogo rozgolosu anomalij vnaslidok lotereyi poshtovih indeksiv Cherez nih deyaki mensh poshireni metodi likuvannya buli profinansovani v deyakih rajonah Velikoyi Britaniyi ale ne v inshih za rahunok rishen v miscevih NHS Before an appraisal the Advisory Committee on Topic Selection ACTS draws up a list of potential topics of clinical significance for appraisal The Secretary of State for Health or the Welsh Assembly must then refer any technology so that the appraisal process can be formally initiated Once this has been done NICE works with the Department of Health to draw up the scope of the appraisal NICE then invite consultee and commentator organisations to take part in the appraisal A consultee organisation would include patient groups organisations representing health care professionals and the manufacturers of the product undergoing appraisal Consultees submit evidence during the appraisal and comment on the appraisal documents Commentator organisations include the manufacturers of products to which the product undergoing appraisal is being compared They comment on the documents that have been submitted and drawn up but do not actually submit information themselves An independent academic centre then draws together and analyses all of the published information on the technology under appraisal and prepares an assessment report This can be commented on by the Consultees and Commentators Comments are then taken into account and changes made to the assessment report to produce an evaluation report An independent Appraisal Committee then looks at the evaluation report hears spoken testimony from clinical experts patient groups and carers They take their testimony into account and draw up a document known as the appraisal consultation document This is sent to all consultees and commentators who are then able to make further comments Once these comments have been taken into account the final document is drawn up called the final appraisal determination This is submitted to NICE for approval The process aims to be fully independent of government and lobbying power basing decisions fully on clinical and cost effectiveness There have been concerns that lobbying by pharmaceutical companies to mobilise media attention and influence public opinion are attempts to influence the decision making process 16 A fast track assessment system has been introduced to reach decisions where there is most pressure for a conclusion Klinichni nastanovi RedaguvatiNICE provodit ocinku najbilsh vidpovidnih rezhimiv likuvannya dlya riznih zahvoryuvan Ce maye vrahovuvati yak bazhani medichni naslidki tobto najkrashij rezultat dlya paciyenta a takozh ekonomichni argumenti shodo riznih metodiv likuvannya Dlya rozrobki nastanov NICE stvoriv kilka Nacionalnih centriv spivpraci angl National Collaborating Centres ob yednuyuchi fahivciv z korolivskih medichnih koledzhiv profesijnih organizacij ta organizacij paciyentiv osib yaki potrebuyut doglyadu Zokrema ce Nacionalnij centr spivpraci shodo raku angl National Collaborating Centre for Cancer Nacionalnij centr klinichnih nastanov angl National Clinical Guideline Centre Nacionalnij centr spivpraci shodo zdorov ya zhinok ta ditej angl National Collaborating Centre for Women and Children s Health ta Nacionalnij centr spivpraci shodo psihichnogo zdorov ya angl National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health 17 Nacionalnij centr spivpraci priznachaye Grupu rozrobki nastanov angl Guideline Development Group chiya robota polyagaye v tomu shob pracyuvati nad rozvitkom klinichnoyi nastanovi Cya grupa skladayetsya z fahivciv medichnoyi sferi predstavnikiv paciyentiv ta osib yaki potrebuyut doglyadu i tehnichnih ekspertiv Voni razom ocinyuyut dokazi po temi nastanovi napriklad klinichni viprobuvannya produktiv konkurentiv i gotuyut proekt nastanovi Potim ye dva konsultativni periodi za yaki zacikavleni organizaciyi mozhut komentuvati proekt Pislya drugogo konsultativnogo periodu Nezalezhna komisiya z pereglyadu angl Guideline Review Panel pereglyadaye nastanovu ta komentari zacikavlenih ta zabezpechuye te abi ci zauvazhennya buli vzyati do uvagi Potim grupa rozrobki nastanov dopracovuye rekomendaciyi i Nacionalnij centr spivpraci gotuye ostatochni nastanovi Ce predstavlyayetsya NICE yakij oficijno zatverdzhuye nastanovi Stanom na 2014 rik NICE pidgotuvav bilshe 200 riznih nastanovi 18 Nastanovi z socialnoyi dopomogi RedaguvatiVidpovidno do Aktu pro medichnu ta socialnu dopomogu 2012 roku NICE takozh vidpovidalnij za rozrobku nastanov ta standartiv yakosti socialnoyi dopomogi iz zastosuvannya modeli zasnovanoyi na dokazah Institut provodit ce cherez Centr spivpraci u socialnij dopomozi angl NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care NCCSC NICE receive referrals for social care guidance from the Department of Health and the Department for Education and commission the guidance from the NCCSC NICE along with the NCCSC carry out a scoping exercise with a scoping group and with input from key stakeholders at both a workshop and a public consultation to ensure the guidance to be produced is focused and achievable A chairperson and members of the Guidance Development Group are appointed and pose review questions which will enable systematic evidence reviews to take place thus delivering the guidance and subsequent recommendations Service user and carer involvement takes place throughout as well as public consultation on the draft guidance The Guidance Development Group then finalises the recommendations and the NCCSC produces the final guideline This is submitted to NICE who then formally approve the guidance and publish it The entire process from pre scoping to publication takes approximately 24 months The guidance is then available to NICE standing committees to develop a quality standard on the topic The quality standard is developed using the guidance and other accredited sources to produce high level concise statements that can be used for quality improvement by social care providers and commissioners as well as setting out what service users and carers can expect of high quality social care services The NCCSC is unique within NICE in that it is the only collaborating centre to have responsibility for the adoption and dissemination support for guidance and quality standards in the social care arena Drawing on the expertise of SCIE and their partners within the sector each of the guidance products and quality standards have a needs assessment carried out to determine the requirements for tools to help embed the guidance and quality standards within the sector These can include tailored versions of guidance for specific audiences costing and commissioning tools and even training and learning packages As of August 2013 NICE and the NCCSC have scheduled guidance delivery for 5 topics domiciliary care older adults with long term conditions transition between health and social care settings transition from children s to adults services and child abuse and neglect Ekonomichna efektivnist RedaguvatiYak i v razi bud yakogo finansuvannya sistemi ohoroni zdorov ya NHS maye obmezhenij byudzhet i velicheznu kilkist mozhlivih variantiv vitrat Neobhidno zrobiti vibir shodo vikoristannya cogo obmezhenogo byudzhetu U mezhah ocinki medichnih tehnologij provodyatsya ekonomichni ocinki dlya porivnyannya ekonomichnoyi efektivnosti alternativnih dij ta dlya i rozglyadu alternativnih vitrat pov yazanih z yih viborom 19 Suspilstvo vibiraye vikoristati obmezhenij byudzhet NHS na ti varianti likuvannya yaki zabezpechuyut najbilsh efektivni rezultati Tak vono mozhe garantuvati sho ne vtrachaye cherez mozhlivist pokrashennya stanu zdorov ya za rahunok vitrat na neefektivni proceduri ta nehtuyuchi timi yaki ye bilsh efektivnimi NICE namagayetsya ociniti ekonomichnu efektivnist potencijnih vitrat u NHS dlya analizu togo chi voni ye krashoyu cinnistyu groshej nizh likuvannya yake vidkinut u comu vipadku Vin ocinyuye ekonomichnu efektivnist novih metodiv likuvannya na osnovi analizu vitrat i vigod proponovanogo likuvannya po vidnoshennyu do nastupnoyi krashogo likuvannya yake vikoristovuyetsya v danij chas 20 Skorigovani po yakosti roki zhittya Redaguvati Nastanovi NICE pidtrimuyut vikoristannya skorigovanih po yakosti rokiv zhittya Quality adjusted life years QALY yak osnovnogo rezultatu dlya kilkisnoyi ocinki ochikuvanih perevag dlya zdorov ya pov yazani z danim rezhimom likuvannya Shlyahom porivnyannya teperishnogo znachennya div diskauntuvannya ochikuvanoyi trivalosti QALY z ta bez likuvannya abo vidnosno do inshogo likuvannya the net relative health benefit derived from such a treatment can be derived When combined with the relative cost of treatment this information can be used to estimate an incremental cost effectiveness ratio ICER which is considered in relation to NICE s threshold willingness to pay value 19 As a guideline rule NICE accepts as cost effective those interventions with an incremental cost effectiveness ratio of less than 20 000 per QALY and that there should be increasingly strong reasons for accepting as cost effective interventions with an incremental cost effectiveness ratio of over a threshold of 30 000 per QALY 21 Over the years there has been great controversy as to what value this threshold should be set at Initially there was no fixed number But the appraisal teams created a consensus amount of about 30 000 However in November 2008 Alan Johnson the then Secretary of State announced that for end of life cancer drugs the threshold could be increased above 30 000 22 The first drug to go through the new process was Lenalidomide whose ICER was 43 800 23 Cost per quality adjusted life year gained Redaguvati A patient has a life threatening condition and is expected to live on average for 1 year receiving the current best treatment which costs the NHS 3 000 A new drug becomes available that will extend the life of the patient by three months and improve his or her quality of life but the new treatment will cost the NHS more than three times as much at 10 000 Patients score their perceived quality of life on a scale from 0 to 1 with 0 being worst possible health and 1 being best possible health On the standard treatment quality of life is rated with a score of 0 4 but it improves to 0 6 with the new treatment Patients on the new treatment on average live an extra 3 months so 1 25 years in total The quality of life gained is the product of life span and quality rating with the new treatment less the same calculation for the old treatment i e 1 25 x 0 6 less 1 0 x 0 4 0 35 QALY The marginal cost of the new treatment to deliver this extra gain is 7 000 so the cost per quality life year gained is 7000 0 35 or 20 000 This is within the 20 000 30 000 that is suggested by NICE to be the limit for drugs to be cost effective 24 If the patient was expected to live only one month extra and instead of three then NICE would issue a recommendation not to fund The patient s Primary Care Trust could still decide to fund the new treatment but if not the patient would then have two choices He or she could opt to take the free NHS standard treatment or he or she may decide to pay out of pocket to obtain the benefit of the new treatment from a different health care provider If the person has a private health insurance policy the person could check to see whether the private insurance provider will fund the new treatment About 8 of the population has some private health insurance from an employer or trade association and 2 pay from their own resources Basis of recommendations Redaguvati Theoretically it might be possible to draw up a table of all possible treatments sorted by increasing the cost per quality adjusted life year gained Those treatments with lowest cost per quality adjusted life year gained would appear at the top of the table and deliver the most benefit per value spent and would be easiest to justify funding for Those where the delivered benefit is low and the cost is high would appear at the bottom of the list Decision makers would theoretically work down the table adopting services that are the most cost effective The point at which the NHS budget is exhausted would reveal the shadow price the threshold lying between the CQG gained of the last service that is funded and that of the next most cost effective service that is not funded In practice this exercise is not done but an assumed shadow price has been used by NICE for many years in its assessments to determine which treatments the NHS should and should not fund NICE states that for drugs the cost per QALY should not normally exceed 30 000 but that there is not a hard threshold 25 though research has shown that any threshold is somewhat higher than being in the range 35 000 40 000 25 26 The House of Commons Health Select Committee in its report on NICE stated in 2008 that the cost per QALY it uses to decide whether a treatment is cost effective is of serious concern The threshold it employs is not based on empirical research and is not directly related to the NHS budget nor is it at the same level as that used by Primary Care Trusts PCTs in providing treatments not assessed by NICE which tends to be lower Some witnesses including patient organisations and pharmaceutical companies thought NICE should be more generous in the cost per QALY threshold it uses and should approve more products On the other hand some PCTs struggle to implement NICE guidance at the current threshold and other witnesses argued that a lower level should be used However there are many uncertainties about the thresholds used by PCTs It went on to recommend that an independent body should determine the threshold used when making judgements of the value of drugs to the NHS 27 Robota NICE privertaye uvagu bagatoh grup v tomu chisli likariv farmacevtichnoyi promislovosti ta vlasne paciyentiv NICE chasto asociyuyetsya z superechkami bo potreba v prijnyatti rishen na nacionalnomu rivni mozhut vstupati v protirichchya z tim sho ye abo vvazhayetsya najkrashim v interesah konkretnogo paciyenta Shvaleni liki vid raku i metodi likuvannya taki yak promeneva terapiya i himioterapiya finansuyutsya za rahunok NHS bez bud yakih finansovih vneskiv vid paciyenta Yaksho NICE shvaliv likuvannya NHS povinni finansuvati jogo Ale ne vsi metodi likuvannya buli ocineni NICE i zastosuvannya cih metodiv zalezhit vid rishen miscevih NHS Likuvannya problem z fertilnistyu zatverdzheno ale ne zavzhdi finansuyetsya za rahunok klinichnih grup iz vprovadzhennya clinical commissioning groups yaki takozh mozhut obmezhuvati kilkist sprob Yaksho paciyenti bazhayut vikoristovuvati nezatverdzheni metodi voni mozhut platiti za nih sami 28 NICE kritikuyut za nadto povilne prijnyattya rishen Odnogo razu Korolivskij nacionalnij institut slipih lyudej vikazav oburennya shodo jogo zvolikannya z prijnyattyam rishennya pro nastupni rekomendaciyi po dvoh preparatah proti makulodegenaraciyi Ci preparati vzhe buli shvaleni dlya vikoristannya v NSH Odnak Departament ohoroni zdorov ya vkazav sho vin yasno dav zrozumiti trastam pervinnoyi dopomogi sho finansuvannya likuvannya ne povinno zatrimuvatis prosto tomu sho vidsutni nastanovi NICE 29 Deyaki z najbilsh superechlivih rishen NICE torknulisya donepezilu galantaminu rivastigminu ta memantinu dlya likuvannya hvorobi Alcgejmera ta bevacizimabu sorafenibu ta temsirolimusu en proti raku nirki Kursi likuvannya cimi preparatami duzhe dorogi i NICE abo vidkinula abo obmezhila yih vikoristannya u NHS na pidstavi sho voni ekonomichno ne efektivni Ministr tinovogo uryadu konservatoriv odnogo razu kritikuvav NICE shodo bilshih vitrat na komunikaciyi nizh na ocinku Na svij zahist NICE povidomiv velika chastina jogo byudzhetu na komunikaciyi bulo vitracheno na informuvannya likariv pro zatverdzheni preparati ta novi nastanovi Takozh institut vkazav sho spravzhnya vartist ocinki preparativ skladayetsya napolovinu z groshej NICE i napolovinu z Departamentu zdorov ya Yaksho b ce bulo dodano do byudzhetu NICE ce b znachno perevishilo vartist komunikaciyi 30 U lyutomu 2015 r vijshov zvit Centru ekonomiki ohoroni zdorov ya Universitetu Jorka napisanij Karlom Klakstonom en U nomu bulo zaproponovano bilsh nizh u dvichi zmenshiti maksimalnij porig dlya ocinki medicini ekonomichno efektivnoyu v danij chas ce blizko 30 000 na rik Voni viyavili sho bud yake vtruchannya vartistyu ponad 13 000 na skorigovanij za yakistyu rik zhittya en rizikuye prinesti bilshe shkodi nizh koristi vidmovlyayuchi cim inshim paciyentam u ekonomichno efektivnomu likuvanni 31 Nadavno kritikuvali pidhid institutu do vvedennya novoyi peroralnoyi terapiyi gepatitu S Sofosbuvir bulo zatverdzheno 2015 Kurs likuvannya trivalistyu 12 tizhniv koshtuye bilya 30 000 32 NHS Angliyi stvorili 22 operativnih merezh dostavki abi zabezpechiti dostavki preparata i proponuye finansuvati 10000 kursiv likuvannya v 2016 17 Kozhnij z nih bulo dano dozvil na likuvannya pevnoyi kilkosti paciyentiv za pevnij chas Ce najbilsha nova odinichna investiciya NHS za cej rik 33 U Pivnichno shidnomu Londoni paciyenti z cirozom ta fibrozom potraplyayut na pochatok chergi i tri novi paciyenti Grahame Hayton Unit at the Royal London Hospital pochinayut likuvannya kozhnogo misyacya Paciyenti bez takih uskladnen mozhut zitknutis z suttyevimi zatrimkami u pochatku likuvannya 34 Div takozh RedaguvatiShotlanskij medichnij konsorciyum en sho vikonuye podibni funkciyu u Shotlandiyi Nacionalnij institut z doslidzhennya zdorov ya en Shotlandska universitetska merezha z nastanov en yaka z 1995 rozrobila nastanovi po likuvannyu bilshe 120 staniv Ocinka medichnih tehnologij Normuvannya ohoroni zdorov ya en Primitki Redaguvati Great Britain Parliament House of Commons Health Committee 2013 The National Institute for Clinical Excellence Establishment and Constitution Order 1999 PDF Press release The National Institute for Clinical Excellence Establishment and Constitution Amendment Order 2005 Press release The Special Health Authorities Abolition Order 2005 Press release About nice org uk Schlander Michael 2007 NICE International what we do nice org uk Cheng Tsung Mei 2009 09 15 History of the UK NSC Arhivovano 9 listopada 2013 u Wayback Machine screening nhs uk Breast Cancer Screening 1 Archived January 3 2011 at the Wayback Machine The New NHS Modern Dependable House of Commons Health Minutes of Evidence parliament uk NICE put on defensive as ruling on Relenza ends in row over leaks Health Service Journal 7 October 1999 Milbank Quarterly September 2001 Sorenson C Drummond M Kanavos P McGuire A National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence NICE How does it work and what are the implications for the U S Berg Sanchia 2006 06 09 About nice org uk Guidance List nice org uk a b Methods for the Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes Drummond et al 2005 NICE guidance 2008 NICE Guideline Manual Incorporating health economics in guidelines and assessing resource impact Arhivovano 2011 09 25 u Wayback Machine PDF nice org uk Boseley S Sparrow A 4 November 2008 Appraisal Committee Measuring effectiveness and quality effectiveness the QALY Arhivovano 19 zhovtnya 2015 u Wayback Machine National Institute for clinical effectiveness a b News nice org uk Devlin N Parkin D Does NICE have a cost effectiveness threshold and what other factors influence its decisions House of Commons Health Committee National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence First Report of Session 2007 08 PDF publications parliament uk NHS IVF and Fertility Treatment Funding Options Arhivovano 27 sichnya 2013 u Wayback Machine Media release 14 June 2007 Arhivovano 2011 06 13 u Wayback Machine Press release Drug watchdog NICE spends more on spin than tests on new treatments Expensive drugs cost lives claims report New drug Sovaldi heralds the end of hepatitis C in Britain NHS England rollout of ground breaking drugs changes role of NICE Philip Christopher Baldwin We need better access to treatment for gay men living with HIV and Hep C Arhivovano 2016 05 12 u Wayback Machine Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Nacionalnij institut zdorov 27ya i doskonalosti dopomogi amp oldid 39452615