Psalom zhittyu angl A Psalm of Life virsh amerikanskogo pismennika Genri Longfello yakij chasto podayetsya iz pidzagolovkom Sho skazalo serce yunaka psalmistovi 2 angl What the Heart of the Young Man Said to the Psalmist 3 A Psalm of Life Vlasnij slid v piskah chasu pereklad Yevgena Sverstyuka 1 Tell me not in mournful numbers Life is but an empty dream For the soul is dead that slumbers And things are not what they seem Life is real Life is earnest And the grave is not its goal Dust thou art to dust returnest Was not spoken of the soul Not enjoyment and not sorrow Is our destined end or way But to act that each to morrow Find us farther than to day Art is long and Time is fleeting And our hearts though stout and brave Still like muffled drums are beating Funeral marches to the grave In the world s broad field of battle In the bivouac of Life Be not like dumb driven cattle Be a hero in the strife Trust no Future howe er pleasant Let the dead Past bury its dead Act act in the living Present Heart within and God o erhead Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime And departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time Footprints that perhaps another Sailing o er life s solemn main A forlorn and shipwrecked brother Seeing shall take heart again Let us then be up and doing With a heart for any fate Still achieving still pursuing Learn to labor and to wait Zmist 1 Stvorennya ta istoriya vidannya 2 Analiz 3 Vidguki 4 Perekladi ukrayinskoyu 5 Primitki 6 Dzherela 7 PosilannyaStvorennya ta istoriya vidannya red Genri Longfello napisav cogo virsha nevdovzi pislya zavershennya lekcij pro nimeckogo pismennika Jogann Volfgang fon Gete yakij jogo duzhe vraziv Poetichne nathnennya bulo takozh rezultatom shiroserdechnoyi rozmovi iz Korneliusom Konveyem Feltonom jogo drugom ta spivrobitnikom tezh profesorom Garvardskogo universitetu Udvoh voni proveli vechir govoryachi pro rechi sho blizki dushi i yak vidvazhno trimatisya u zhittyevij borotbi i yak otrimuvati najkrashe z mozhlivogo 4 Nastupnogo dnya vin napisav Psalom zhittyu Nathnennyam dlya nogo stala i smert jogo pershoyi druzhiti Meri Storere Potter angl Mary Storer Potter 5 vin namagavsya perekonati sebe sho treba buti gotovim vse znesti 6 angl a heart for any fate 3 Virsh bulo vpershe opublikovano u zhovtni 1838 roku v nomeri zhurnalu The Knickerbocker 3 hocha tvir bulo pidpisano za avtorstva L Genri obicyali 5 dolariv za nogo ale vin tak i ne otrimav vinagorodi 7 Pervinna publikaciya takozh mistila desho zminenu citatu Richarda Kresho yak epigramu Zhittya bude nasilati viprobovuvannya do samogo kincya Yak zustrineshsya skazhi Proshu druzi angl Life that shall send A challenge to its end And when it comes say Welcome friend 8 Psalom zhittyu ta inshi ranni poemi vklyuchayuchi Silskij koval ta Padinnya Gespera bulo zibrano ta opublikovano yak Golosi nochi angl Voices of the Night 1839 roku 9 Zbirka koshtuvala 75 centiv 10 i do 1842 roku shist raziv perevidavalasya 11 Litom 1838 roku Longfello napisav virsh Svitlo zirok angl The Light of Stars yakij vin nazvav Drugim psalmom zhittyu 12 Jogo virsh 1839 roku Kroki angeliv angl Footsteps of Angels na yaku jogo nadihnula smert druzhini takozh nazivalasya Golosi nochi Tretij psalom zhittyu angl Voices of the Night A Third Psalm of Life 13 Inshij tvir vmishenij u zbirci Golosi nochi iz nazvoyu Zhnec ta kviti angl The Reaper and the Flowers pervinno mav pidzagolovok Psalom smerti angl A Psalm of Death 14 Analiz red Virsh napisanij zi shemoyu rimuvannya ABAB shob nadihnuti chitachiv zhiti aktivno ne oplakuvati minule i ne prijmati majbutnye yak danist 3 Povchalnij ton pidkresleno energijnoyu stopoyu i chastimi vigukami 11 Vidpovidayuchi na zapitannya chitacha shodo virsha u 1879 roci Longfello sam pidsumuvav sho tvir buv rozshifrovkoyu moyih dumok ta pochuttiv na moment napisannya i perekonannya sho tam virazheno sho Zhittya ce shos bilshe anizh marnij son 15 Richard Genri Stoddard viznachiv temu virsha yak urok vitrimki 16 Longfello napisav Psalom zhittyu na pochatku periodu koli vin zacikavivsya yudeyami zahoplennya yakimi bulo osoblivo silnim u 1840 h ta 1850 h rokah Konkretnishe jogo cikavili amerikanski versiyi chi amerikanski vidguki na yevrejski istoriyi Najbilsh znachimim tvorom poeta cogo periodu ye Yevrejske kladovishe u Nyuporti angl The Jewish Cemetery at Newport na stvorennya yakogo jogo nadihnulo kladovishe Touro u Nyuport Rod Ajlend Nyuporti Rod Ajlend 17 Vpliv Gete buv takij pomitnij sho 1854 roku znajomij angliyec zauvazhiv sho Psalom zhittyu ye prosto perekladom Longfello zaperechiv ce ale viznav sho Gete mig desho nadihnuti jogo oskilki vin pisav virsh na pochatku mogo zhittya poetichnogo koli tisyachi pisen dzvenili u moyih vuhah i bezperechno bagato vidlun ta natyakiv u nih mozhna znajti Prijmemo cej fakt yak ye 18 Vidguki red Psalom zhittyu stav populyarnim virshem i chasto cituvavsya sho dalo pidstavi Charlzu Kelhunu angl Charles Calhoun biografu Longfello vvazhati sho tvir stav kulturnim artefaktom Sered ryadkiv sho chasto cituyut ye Vlasnij slid v piskah chasu 1 5 1850 roku Longfello zapisav u svij shodennik sho vin buv radij pochuti cej ryadok u propovidi hocha zasmutivsya koli nihto iz chleni zibrannya ne zmig upiznati dzherelo 3 Nezabarom pislya smerti poeta jogo biograf Erik S Robertson angl Eric S Robertson zauvazhiv sho Psalom zhittyu vidatnij virsh chi ni pronikav pryamo do serdec lyudej i znahodiv vidguk u nih Z amerikanskih kafedr pravih i livih propovidniki govorili lyudyam pro nogo i vin navit stav vikonuvatisya yak psalom u cerkvah 19 Virsh perekladeno riznimi movami vklyuchayuchi sanskrit 3 Josif Mazl pereklav virsh a takozh inshi tvori iz piznishoyi zbirki Longfello Rozpovidi pridorozhnogo gotelyu angl Tales of a Wayside Inn na ivrit 20 Kelhun takozh vidznachiv sho Psalom zhittyu stav tvorom yakij chasto vivchali napam yat i chasto vismiyuvali iz zakinchennyam yake vidobrazhalo Viktorianski veseloshi u svoyemu najgirshomu proyavi 5 Suchasni kritiki vidkinuli jogo pidsolodzhenu pigulku yaka ospivuvala falshive vidchuttya bezpeki 16 Zafiksovano istoriyu sho odin cholovik skazav Longfello sho znoshena perepisana vid ruki kopiya jogo tvoru Psalom zhittyu vryatuvala jogo vid samogubstva 21 Robert L Gejl angl Robert L Gale doslidnik Longfello nazvav virsh najbilsh populyarnim virshem anglijskoyu movoyu 3 Edvin Arlington Robinson prihilnik Longfello jmovirno same pro cej virsh vin zgaduye u Baladi bilya vognyu angl Ballade by the Fire ryadkom Zvedisya moya dushe angl Be up my soul 22 Nezvazhayuchi na zmenshennya vagi reputaciyi Longfello sered suchasnih chitachiv ta kritikiv Psalom zhittyu zalishayetsya odnim iz nebagatoh jogo virshiv yaki dosi vklyuchayutsya do antologij 23 Perekladi ukrayinskoyu red Sered perekladachiv cogo tvoru ye Vasil Misik Yevgen Sverstyuk Valerij Kikot ta inshi Psalom zhittyu urivok iz perekladu Vasilya Misika 6 Psalom zhittyu urivok iz perekladu Yevgena Sverstyuka 1 Psalom zhittya urivok iz perekladu Valeriya Kikotya 2 Ne zhalij spivache vishij Sho zhittya mine yak son Son dushi ce smert ye vishij U zhitti tvoyim zakon Glyan u sut i sam rozsudish Sho ne smert jomu vinec Prah yesi i prahom budesh Ne pro dushu rik Tvorec Vstan i numo do roboti Bud gotovij vse znesti Vse sterpiti vse zboroti I probitis do meti Ne spivaj na odnij noti Sho zhittya lish son i tlin Mertvij duh lishe v drimoti Vidamist A sut ne v tim Bo zhittya to rich povazhna Grib ne cil I ne spishi Prah yesi i v prah povernesh Ne stosuyetsya dushi Numo zh sercem bezoglyadnim Na shlyah chinu i shukan Napoleglivo i vladno Vchis dlya praci I chekan Ne tlumach v skorbotnih chislah Sho zhittya porozhnij son Bo v rechah neznani smisli V drimoti dushevnij skon Zhittya spravzhnye zhittya chesne J grib ne ye jogo meta Poroh ye i v poroh skresne Ne pro dushu mova ta To zh zbadorimos dlya praci Cherez buri liholit Cherez marevo stagnacij Vchis truditis i terpit Primitki red a b v Yevgen Sverstyuk Psalom zhittyu www ukrcenter com Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 28 sichnya 2017 a b Valerij Kikot Psalom zhittyu poetyka uazone net Procitovano 28 sichnya 2017 a b v g d e zh Gale 202 Thompson 267 a b v Calhoun 137 a b Vasil Misik Psalom zhittyu www ukrcenter com Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 28 sichnya 2017 Cody Sherwin 1899 Four American Poets William Cullen Bryant Henry Wadsworth Longfellow John Greenleaf Whittier Oliver Wendell Holmes a Book for Young Americans angl New York Werner School Book Company s 106 107 Procitovano 28 sichnya 2017 Pelaez 55 67 Calhoun 137 139 Irmscher 54 a b Pelaez 54 Thompson 270 Gale 85 Gruesz 49 Hilen Andrew editor The Letters of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Cambridge MA Harvard University Press 1982 vol VI 449 ISBN 0 674 52728 3 Quote angl a transcript of my thoughts and feelings at the time I wrote and of the conviction therein expressed that Life is something more than an idle dream a b Pelaez 55 Einboden 20 21 Gruesz 59 Quote angl at the beginning of my life poetical when a thousand songs were ringing in my ears and doubtless many echoes and suggestions will be found in them Let the fact go for what it is worth Robertson Eric S Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow London Walter Scott 1887 78 79 Quote angl The Psalm of Life great poem or not went straight to the hearts of the people and found an echoing shout in their midst From the American pulpits right and left preachers talked to the people about it and it came to be sung as a hymn in churches Einboden 27 Gruesz 60 Gale Robert L An Edwin Arlington Robinson Encyclopedia McFarland amp Company 2006 24 ISBN 9780786422371 Irmscher 19Dzherela red Calhoun Charles C Longfellow A Rediscovered Life Boston Beacon Press 2004 ISBN 0 8070 7026 2 Einboden Jeffrey Nineteenth Century US Literature in Middle Eastern Languages Edinburgh University Press 2013 ISBN 978 0 7486 4564 0 Gale Robert L A Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Companion Westport CT Greenwood Publishing Group 2003 ISBN 978 0 313 32350 8 Gruesz Kirsten Silva Feeling for the Fireside Longfellow Lynch and the Topography of Poetic Power in Sentimental Men Masculinity and the Politics of Affect in American Culture Mary Chapman and Glenn Hendler editors Berkeley CA University of California Press 1999 ISBN 0 520 21621 0 Irmscher Christoph Longfellow Redux Chicago University of Illinois Press 2006 ISBN 978 0 252 07586 5 Pelaez Monica A Love of Heaven and Virtue Why Longfellow Sentimentalizes Death in Reconsidering Longfellow Christoph Irmscher and Robert Arbour editors Madison WI Fairleigh Dickinson University Press 2014 ISBN 978 1 61147 673 6 Thompson Lawrance Young Longfellow 1807 1843 New York The Macmillan Company 1938 Posilannya red A Psalm of Life read by Rev Michael Haynes at the Favorite Poem Project Boston University and the Library of Congress angl Annotated version of the poem genius com angl Don Meyer PhD on the poem angl Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Psalom zhittyu amp 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