Gostinna prostituciya z yavlyayetsya na rannih etapah rozvitku lyudskogo suspilstva a takozh isnuvala v Rosijskij imperiyi dzherelo Zvichayi pri yakih gospodar proponuye svoyu druzhinu chi donku gostyu buli poshireni sered bagatoh pervisnih narodiv Okremi doslidniki vvazhayut sho gostinna prostituciya ne spravzhnya prostituciya i najimovirnishe ye perezhitkom davnih kultur matriarhatu 1 Zmist 1 Na Shodi 1 1 U Bibliyi 1 2 U Finikiyi 1 3 V Indiyi 1 4 U Tibeti 1 5 U Kitayi 1 6 U narodiv Pivnochi 2 U Yevropi 2 1 V Albaniyi 3 Div takozh 4 PrimitkiNa Shodi RedaguvatiU Bibliyi Redaguvati Najdavnishij priklad gostinnij prostituciyi mozhna znajti v knizi Buttya 6 2 6 4 v Bibliyi de rozpovidayetsya sho za chasiv Noya zhinki buli takimi krasivimi sho navit sini Bozhi spuskalisya z nebes shob uzyati v druzhini a vid yihnogo shlyubu narodzhuvalisya veletni 2 U Finikiyi Redaguvati Gostinna prostituciya isnuvala v starodavnij Finikiyi spivisnuyuchi v nerozrivnomu zv yazku z kultovoyu prostituciyeyu pro sho zalishili svidchennya istoriki cerkvi Avrelij Avgustin u praci Pro grad Bozhij i Sokrat Sholastik yaki pidtverdili sho u finikijciv buv zvichaj gostinnoyi prostituciyi 3 V Indiyi Redaguvati V induyizmi gostinna prostituciya ye formoyu ritualnoyi prostituciyi V Atharva vedi opisuyutsya rituali pov yazani z kultom rodyuchosti v yakih vazhliva rol vidvodilasya svyashenikam abo chuzhincyam yaki pribuvali z davnoyi derzhavi Magadha Rosijskij mandrivnik Afanasij Nikitin takozh vidznachav nayavnist cogo zvichayu V Yndѣjskoj zemli gosti sya stavyat po podvorem a ѣsti varyat na gosti gospodaryni i postelyu stelyut na gosti gospodaryni i spyat s gostmi 4 Doslidniki vidznachayut sho do nashih dniv u bagatoh krayinah neznajomciv abo inozemciv rozglyadayut yak ritualno nechistih i nosiyiv nevidomih sil cherez sho zberezhennya distanciyi vvazhayetsya najbilsh pravilnim proyavom povagi do nih 5 Z ciyeyi prichini chuzhincyam neridko doruchalisya nebezpechni zavdannya pov yazani napriklad zi zborom urozhayu bo dlya zdijsnennya ritualiv rodyuchosti ta spokutuvati ritualiv chasto vimagalosya podolannya pevnih tabu Vidomi vipadki koli chuzhinciv yak predstavnikiv duhu zerna ubivali abo zmushuvali zaminyuvati lyudinu yaku mali vbiti 6 Ritualna defloraciya spryamovana na usunennya nebezpeki pershogo koyitusu a takozh yak garantiya rezultativnosti seksualnih yakostej chasto zdijsnyuvalasya svyashenikom abo chuzhincem bo yih vvazhali nosiyami statevoyi potenciyi 7 Ci viruvannya i zvichayi poyasnyuyut rol yaku grali chuzhinci v svyashennij prostituciyi U Tibeti Redaguvati U Tibeti miscevij institut gostinnoyi prostituciyi yakij spochatku isnuvav u bagatoh rajonah Aziyi takozh ye poslugoyu proponovanoyu i prijnyatoyu monahami i vvazhayetsya odnim z vidiv ritualnoyi defloraciyi yakoyi zaznali za svidchennyam ochevidcya bilshist vsih divchat pri comu ne vvazhayetsya sho yihni rodichi buli cim zganbleni 8 U Kitayi Redaguvati Zvichayi gostinnoyi prostituciyi isnuvali u plemen sho naselyali Kitaj v epohu dinastiyi Lyao U hronikah opisuyetsya sho u plemeni chzhurchzheniv isnuvav zvichaj gostinnoyi prostituciyi yakij sposterigali poslanci dinastiyi Lyao v podorozhi yihnoyu krayinoyu Chzhurchzheni nadavali yim zhitlo a takozh nezamizhnih divchat yaki sluguvali yim 9 Robert van Gyulik zaznachav sho u samih kitajciv takogo zvichayu ne bulo i povidomlyayuchi pro seksualnu gostinnist na teritoriyi Kitayu Marko Polo opisuye nekitajski plemena 10 U narodiv Pivnochi Redaguvati Zvichayi ta rituali gostinnoyi prostituciyi isnuvali takozh u narodiv Pivnochi vklyuchayuchi pivnichni narodnosti Rosijskoyi imperiyi Odnak v shlyubno simejnih vidnosinah ta pid vplivom rosijskih i u zv yazku z prijnyattyam hristiyanstva u aleutiv do 1820 1840 h rokiv perevazhno znikli vidpracyuvannya za druzhinu i kalim bagatozhenstvo i tak zvana gostinna prostituciya 11 Deyaki fahivci vvazhayut gostinnu prostituciyu u pivnichnih narodiv zokrema u komi ziryan perezhitkom grupovogo shlyubu 12 Vodnochas zvichayi sho isnuvali u pivnichnih narodiv chastishe viznachayut yak gostinnij geterizm U Yevropi RedaguvatiV Albaniyi Redaguvati Fenomen gostinnoyi prostituciyi isnuvav v davninu na pivnochi Albaniyi Gospodar budinku za vimogami albanskoyi gostinnosti proponuvav gostyu yizhu i nichlig j seksualni poslugi zhinok sho zhili v budinku 13 Div takozh RedaguvatiKultova prostituciyaPrimitki Redaguvati Herbert Wendtn Zagolovok 444 s Guest prostitution has nothing at all to do with prostitution as such It is as Kaj Birket Smith declares in his History of Civilization perhaps a survival of the ancient matriarchal cultures but in any case it is based on ritual and religion Henry Frichet Zagolovok 256 s It is in Genesis that the oldest example of guest prostitution must be sought In te time of Noah women were so beautiful that the sons of God or the angels descended expressly from Heaven in order to know them and they had children of them who became giants Robert A Oden Zagolovok 208 s In the early fifth century Augustine s City of God makes brief reference to the Phoenician custom of devoting their daughters to prostitution before the time of their marriage Finally come reports from two Church historians both near contemporaries of Augustine The first of these Socrates cites again Heliopolis in Phoenicia as a site whose laws ordered the women among them to be common and therefore the children born there were of doubtful descent so that there was no distinction of fathers and their offsping Their virgins also were presented for prostitution to the strangers who resorted thither V Indijskij zemli kupciv poselyayut na podvir yah Varyat gostyam gospodini i postil stelyat gospodini i splyat z gostyami http lib pushkinskijdom ru Default aspx tabid 5068 Arhivovano 27 veresnya 2007 u Wayback Machine Jan Gonda Zagolovok 543 s Now in many countries strangers or foreigners were looked upon as ritually impure and as bearers of unknown power for which reason they were duly respected by keeping one s distance Jan Gonda Zagolovok 543 s Dangerous tasks such as certain affairs connected with harvest were not rarely assigned to them that is why fertility and purificatory rites often require the lifting of certain taboos1 with regard to them Instances showing that they were even killed as representatives of the corn spirit or were forced to be a substitute for a man who had to die are not rare Jan Gonda Zagolovok 543 s As is well known the ritual defloration intended to remove the danger of initial intercourse as well as guarantee the efficiency of sex qualities is frequently performed by a priest or a foreigner for they are regarded as the potent Gonda Jan 1975 Selected studies angl Volume 6 Part 1 BRILL 543 s S 231 232 ISBN 9004042288 9789004042285Perevirte znachennya isbn dovidka These beliefs and customs explain also the important role played by foreigners in sacred prostitution In Tibet the institution of guest prostitution which being indigenous also in many regions of Asia is also a facility offered to and accepted by monks is considered a sort of ritual defloration to which if Father Hermanns is right almost all girls are subjected without scandalizing their relatives Morris Rossabi Zagolovok 419 s The Jurchens practiced the custom of guest prostitution vis a vis the Liao envoys traveling in their country They lodged the envoys with families with unmarried girls who waited on them Van Gulik R Mistectvo seksu v starodavnomu Kitayi M 2003 S 16 17 L A Fajnberg Zagolovok 257 s Pitirim Sorokin Do pitannya pro evolyuciyu sim yi ta shlyubu u ziryan Arhiv originalu za 2 kvitnya 2015 Procitovano 25 bereznya 2015 Robert Elsie Zagolovok 357 s The phenomenon of guest prostitution seems to have existed former in the northern mountains whereby a host constrained by the high demands of Albanian hospitality would offer his guest not only a meal and a place to sleep but also the sexual services of the females of his household The remnants of an ancient custom nbsp Cya stattya ye zagotovkoyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu dorobivshi yiyi Ce povidomlennya varto zaminiti tochnishim Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Gostinna prostituciya amp oldid 37661932