Mizhnarodnij Solveyevskij Institut fiziki ta himiyi roztashovanij u misti Bryussel buv zasnovanij belgijskim promislovcem Ernestom Solve u 1912 roci pislya istorichnoyi zakritoyi konferenciyi 1911 roku sho vvazhayetsya povorotnim momentom u svitovij fizici Institut koordinuye konferenciyi seminari i t in 1 Solveyevskij kongresSvitlina pershoyi konferenciyi u 1911 Gotel Metropol Bryussel Sidyat zliva napravo V Nernst M Brillyuen E Solve G Lorenc E Varburg Zh Perren V Vin M Kyuri i A Puankare Stoyat zliva napravo R Goldshmidt M Plank G Rubens A Zommerfeld F Lindemann M de Brojl M Knudsen en F Gazenerl Zh Gostelet E Gercen Dzh G Dzhins E Rezerford G Kamerling Onnes A Ejnshtejn i P Lanzheven Pislya pochatkovogo uspihu 1911 roku Solveyevskij Kongres fr Conseils Solvay buv prisvyachenij vidatnim nerozv yazanim problemam fiziki i himiyi en Zvichajnij rozklad zahodu raz na tri roki ale buvayut i bilshi pauzi Zmist 1 Vidatni Solveyevski Kongresi 1 1 Pershij Kongres 1 2 Tretij Kongres 1 3 P yatij Kongres 2 Solveyevski Kongresi z Fiziki 2 1 Svitlini Kongresiv z fiziki 3 Solveyevski Kongresi z himiyi 3 1 Galereya Kongresiv z himiyi 4 Posilannya 5 Chitajte dali 6 PosilannyaVidatni Solveyevski Kongresi RedaguvatiPershij Kongres Redaguvati Gendrik Lorenc buv golovoyu pershogo Solveyevskogo Kongresu sho provodivsya u Bryusseli z 30 zhovtnya po 3 listopada 1911 roku 2 Tema bula Radiaciya i kvanti Cej kongres rozglyanuv zadachi mayuchi 2 shlyahi a same klasichnoyi fiziki i kvantovoyi teoriyi Albert Ejnshtejn buv drugim za molodistyu prisutnim fizikom najmolodshim buv Frederik Lindemann Inshi chleni Kongresu vklyuchali taki postati yak Mariya Sklodovska Kyuri i Anri Puankare div zobrazhennya dlya spisku uchasnikiv Tretij Kongres Redaguvati Tretij Solveyevskij Kongres vidbuvsya u kvitni 1921 nevdovzi po zavershennyu Pershoyi svitovoyi vijni Bilshist nimeckih naukovciv ne buli zaprosheni Na znak protestu Albert Ejnshtejn sho sam buv gromadyaninom i prihilnikom novoyi Vejmarskoyi respubliki vidhiliv zaproshennya Odnak naspravdi prichinoyu vidsutnosti Ejnshtejna bulo te sho vin prijnyav zaproshennya Hayima Vejcmana na podorozh Spoluchenimi Shtatami 3 P yatij Kongres Redaguvati nbsp Uchasniki p yatogo kongresu 1927 Institut International de Physique Solvay u Leopold Park O Pikkar E Anrio P Erenfest E Gercen T de Donder E Shredinger Zh E Fershafelt V Pauli V Gejzenberg Ralf Fauler L Brillyuen P Debaj M Knudsen V L Bregg G Kramers P Dirak A Kompton L Brojl M Born N Bor I Lengmyur M Plank M Kyuri G Lorenc A Ejnshtejn P Lanzheven Sh E Gyui Ch T R Vilson O V Richardson Mabut najvidomishim buv P yatij Solveyevskij Kongres iz temoyu Elektroni ta Fotoni provedenij z 24 po 29 zhovtnya 1927 de zustrilis najvidatnishi fiziki obgovoriti neshodavno sformulovanu kvantovu teoriyu Providnimi osobami buli Albert Ejnshtejn ta Nils Bor 17 z 29 uchasnikiv buli chi zgodom stali laureatami Nobelivskoyi premiyi vklyuchayuchi Mariyu Kyuri yaka yedina sered nih mala dvi Nobelivskih premiyi z dvoh riznih nauk fiziki i himiyi 4 Solveyevski Kongresi z Fiziki Redaguvati Rik Nazva Pereklad Golova1 1911 La theorie du rayonnement et les quanta Teoriya viprominennya i kvanti Gendrik Anton Lorenc Lejden 2 1913 La structure de la matiere Struktura materiyi3 1921 Atomes et electrons Atomi ta elektroni4 1924 Conductibilite electrique des metaux et problemes connexes Elektrichna providnist metaliv ta pov yazani problemi5 1927 Electrons et photons Elektroni i fotoni6 1930 Le magnetisme Magnetizm Pol Lanzheven Parizh 7 1933 Structure et proprietes des noyaux atomiques Struktura i vlastivosti atomnih yader8 1948 Les particules elementaires Elementarni chastki Vilyam Lorens Bregg Kembridzh 9 1951 L etat solide Tverdij stan10 1954 Les electrons dans les metaux Elektroni v metalah11 1958 La structure et l evolution de l univers Struktura ta evolyuciya vsesvitu12 1961 La theorie quantique des champs Kvantova teoriya polya13 1964 The Structure and Evolution of Galaxies Struktura ta evolyuciya galaktik Robert Oppengejmer Prinston 14 1967 Fundamental Problems in Elementary Particle Physics Fundamentalni problemi fiziki elementarnih chastok Kristian Moller Kopengagen 15 1970 Symmetry Properties of Nuclei Simetrichni vlastivosti yader Edoardo Amaldi Rim 16 1973 Astrophysics and Gravitation Astrofizika i gravitaciya17 1978 Order and Fluctuations in Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics Poryadok i fluktuaciyi u rivnovazhnij ta nerivnovazhnij statistichnij mehanici Leon van Hov en Cern 18 1982 Higher Energy Physics Fizika vishih energij19 1987 Surface Science Fizika poverhni F V de Vette Ostin 20 1991 Quantum Optics Kvantova optika Paul Mandel Bryussel 21 1998 Dynamical Systems and Irreversibility Dinamichni sistemi ta nezvorotnist Ioanis Antoniu 5 Bryussel 22 2001 The Physics of Communication Fizika komunikaciyi23 2005 The Quantum Structure of Space and Time Kvantova struktura prostoru i chasu Devid Gross Santa Barbara 24 2008 Quantum Theory of Condensed Matter Kvantova teoriya kondensovanoyi materiyi Bertran Galperin en Garvard 25 2011 The theory of the quantum world Teoriya kvantovogo svitu Devid Gross Santa Barbara 26 2014 Astrophysics and Cosmology Astrofizika i Kosmologiya Roger Blandford Stenford 27 2017 The physics of living matter Space time and information in biology Fizika zhivoyi materiyi prostir chas ta informaciya v biologiyi Boris Shrajman Santa Barbara Svitlini Kongresiv z fiziki Redaguvati nbsp Pershij kongres 1911 nbsp Drugij kongres 1913 nbsp Tretij kongres 1921 nbsp Chetvertij kongres 1924 nbsp P yatij kongres 1927 nbsp Shostij kongres 1930 nbsp Somij kongres 1933 nbsp Vosmij kongres 1948 nbsp Dev yatij kongres 1951 nbsp Desyatij kongres 1954Solveyevski Kongresi z himiyi Redaguvati Rik Nazva Pereklad Golova1 1922 Cinq Questions d Actualite P yat aktualnih pitan Vilyam Dzhekson Poup Kembridzh 2 1925 Structure et Activite Chimique Struktura i himichna aktivnist3 1928 Questions d Actualite Aktualni pitannya4 1931 Constitution et Configuration des Molecules Organiques Konstituciya i konfiguraciya organichnih molekul5 1934 L Oxygene ses reactions chimiques et biologiques Oksigen jogo himichni ta biologichni reakciyi6 1937 Les vitamines et les Hormones Vitamini i gormoni Frederik Svarts Gent 7 1947 Les Isotopes Izotopi Paul Karrer Cyurih 8 1950 Le Mecanisme de l Oxydation Mehanizm oksidaciyi9 1953 Les Proteines Proteyini10 1956 Quelques Problemes de Chimie Minerale Deyaki problemi neorganichnoyi himiyi11 1959 Les Nucleoproteines Nukleoproteyini Alfred Ubbelode London 12 1962 Transfert d Energie dans les Gaz Peredacha energiyi v gazah13 1965 Reactivity of the Photoexcited Organic Molecule Reaktivnist fotozbudzhenoyi organichnoyi molekuli14 1969 Phase Transition Fazovij perehid15 1970 Electrostatic Interactions and Structure of Water Elektrostatichna vzayemodiya i struktura vodi16 1976 Molecular Movements and Chemical Reactivity as conditioned by Membranes Enzymes and other Molecules Molekulyarni ruhi ta himichna reaktivnist v umovah membran enzimiv ta inshih molekul17 1980 Aspects of Chemical Evolution Aspekti himichnoyi evolyuciyi18 1983 Design and Synthesis of Organic Molecules Based on Molecular Recognition Arhitektura i sintez organichnih molekul gruntuyuchis na molekulyarnomu rozpiznavanni Efrayim Kachalski Rehovot amp Vladimir Prelog Zurich 19 1987 Surface Science F V de Vette Ostin 20 1995 Chemical Reactions and their Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale Himichni reakciyi ta kontrol za nimi do femtosekund P yer Gaspar Bryussel 21 2007 From Noncovalent Assemblies to Molecular Machines Vid nekovalentnih zborok do molekulyarnih mashin Zhan P yer Sovazh Strasburg 22 2010 Quantum Effects in Chemistry and Biology Kvantovi efekti u himiyi ta biologiyi Grehem Flemming Berkli 23 2013 New Chemistry and New Opportunities from the Expanding Protein Universe Nova himiya i novi mozhlivosti iz shoden bilshogo vsesvitu proteyiniv Kurt Vyutrih ETH Zurich 24 2016 Catalysis in Chemistry and Biology Kurt Vyutrih ETH Zurich amp Robert Grabbs Caltech USA 25 2019 Computational Modeling From Chemistry to Materials to Biology Komp yuterne modelyuvannya vid himiyi do materialiv ta biologiyi Kurt Wuthrich ETH Zurich amp Bert Weckhuysen Utrecht U The Netherlands Galereya Kongresiv z himiyi Redaguvati nbsp Pershij kongres 1922Posilannya Redaguvati Welcome to the Solvay Institutes Arhiv originalu za 23 zhovtnya 2013 Procitovano 4 listopada 2020 Paul Langevin and Maurice de Broglie eds La theorie du rayonnement et les quanta Rapports et discussions de la reunion tenue a Bruxelles du 30 octobre au 3 novembre 1911 sous les auspices de M E Solvay Paris Gauthier Villars 1912 See also The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein Vol 3 Writings 1909 1911 Doc 26 p 402 English translation supplement Isaacson Walter 2007 Einstein His life and universe New York Simon amp Schuster Lorentz amp the Solvay conferences Arhivovano 23 lyutogo 2020 u Wayback Machine Instituut Lorentz Leiden University Arhivovana kopiya Arhiv originalu za 18 lyutogo 2020 Procitovano 4 listopada 2020 Chitajte dali RedaguvatiStraumann N 2011 On the first Solvay Congress in 1911 European Physical Journal H Bibcode 2011EPJH 36 379S arXiv 1109 3785 doi 10 1140 epjh e2011 20043 9 Franklin Lambert amp Frits Berends Vous avez dit sabbat de sorcieres La singuliere histoire des premiers Conseils Solvay EDP Sciences Collection Sciences et Histoire octobre 2019 Frits Berends Franklin Lambert paperity org Einstein s witches sabbath the first Solvay council Arhivovano 25 veresnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Europhysics News 42 5 pp 15 17 2011Posilannya RedaguvatiVikishovishe maye multimedijni dani za temoyu Solveyevskij kongresInternational Solvay Institutes Arhivovano 23 zhovtnya 2013 u Wayback Machine oficijnij sajt The Solvay Science Project Arhivovano 26 sichnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Vistavka i baza danih Poperedni Solveyevski Kongresi z Fiziki Arhivovano 29 sichnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Poperedni Solveyevski Kongresi z himiyi Arhivovano 27 lipnya 2020 u Wayback Machine Pidsumki 1911 Pidsumki 1913 Pidsumki 1933 Arhivovano 18 serpnya 2019 u Wayback Machine Oglyad transkiprciyi znamenitogo P yatogo Kongresu Arhivovano 30 travnya 2017 u Wayback Machine American Institute of Physics Bacciagaluppi G Valentini A 2009 Quantum Theory at the Crossroads Reconsidering the 1927 Solvay Conference Arhivovano 10 sichnya 2021 u Wayback Machine Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Solveyevskij kongres amp oldid 40231517