Mizhnarodna premiya Gajrdnera angl Canada Gairdner International Award 2 shorichna naukova premiya sho vruchayetsya Fondom Gajrdnera Gairdner Foundation Kanada za vidatni dosyagnennya u galuzi medichnih nauk Odna z najprestizhnishih v sviti biomedichnih nagorod rozglyanuta yak perednobelivska Mizhnarodna premiya Gajrdneraangl Canada Gairdner International Award 1 Krayina KanadaTip naukova nagorodadPidstava za dosyagnennya u galuzi medichnih naukNagorodzhennyaZasnovano 1959Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati mizhnarodnoyi premiyi Gajrdnera 76 ChergovistSajt gairdner org winners index of winners Mizhnarodna premiya Gajrdnera u Vikishovishi Zmist 1 Istoriya 2 Laureati 2 1 2020 i roki 3 Adresa 4 Div takozh 5 Primitki 6 PosilannyaIstoriya red Fond The Gairdner Foundation buv stvorenij v 1957 roci Dzhejmsom Arturom Gajrdnerom Pershe vruchennya premij vidbulosya v 1959 roci Na 2009 rik premiyu otrimali 298 osib z 13 krayin vklyuchayuchi 42 kanadciv Laureat ciyeyi premiyi tradicijno rozglyadayetsya yak golovnij kandidat na Nobelivsku premiyu z medicini 3 Za danimi na 2007 rik 69 Nobelivskih laureativ do neyi ranishe vzhe otrimali Mizhnarodnu premiyu Gajrdnera 4 Premiya v rozmiri 100 000 kanadskih dolariv vruchayetsya shorichno yak pravilo kilkom 3 6 biologam abo medikam Laureati red Sered laureativ 5 Rik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi Dzherelo1959 Charles Ragan de Harry M Rose en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of rheumatology and especially for achievement in introducing an agglutination test which has become a valuable investigative procedure in differentiation of rheumatoid arthritis from other rheumatic diseases thus revealing a hitherto unknown avenue for the investigation of their origin 6 7 William D M Paton en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of pharmacology and especially for meritorious achievement in introducing the methonium compounds which have played a valuable role in the treatment of hypertension 8 Alfred Blejlok Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of medicine and especially for outstanding achievement in developing an operation for the treatment of congenital heart lesions thus introducing a new era in cardiac surgery 9 Eleanor Zajmis en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of her contribution to the knowledge of pharmacology and especially for meritorious achievement in introducing the methonium compounds which have played a valuable role in the treatment of hypertension 10 Vilfred Bigelou Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiology and especially for his achievement in developing the hypothermia method of open heart surgery 11 1960 Dzhon Gejsham Gibbon Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiology and especially for his achievement in developing and using a heart lung machine in the first successful surgical correction of a heart defect in a human patient thus introducing new and practical means for prolonging life among persons with congenital and acquired heart defects 12 Arnold Rice Rich en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of pathology and immunology and especially for his achievements in demonstrating the role of hypersensitivity in the production of certain tissue lesions such as those found in various rheumatic and other diseases thus introducing new methods for their further investigation 13 Karl Fridrih Mejer en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of physiology and pathology and especially for his achievements in elucidating the chemical structure of the ground substance found in connective tissue site of the inflammatory processes involved in the rheumatic diseases 14 John McMichael de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiology and clinical physiology and especially for his achievements in the early application of cardiac catheterization technique to the measurement of cardiac pressure and output thus making an important contribution to the understanding of heart failure 15 William F Hamilton en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions to the knowledge of cardiac physiology and especially for his achievement in developing the dye dilution technique for determining cardiac output which has made possible many advances in the diagnosis and investigation of heart disease 16 Joshua Harold Burn en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of pharmacology cardiac physiology and vaso neurology and especially for his achievements in elucidating the role of various drugs noradrenaline and the sympathetic nervous system in the excitation and control of cardio vascular disease 17 1961 Dzhonas Kellgren Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions to the knowledge of rheumatology and epidemiology and especially for his leadership in devising and executing scientific studies of the prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis providing for greater understanding of the natural history of this disease thus contributing to progressive improvements in methods for its diagnosis and treatment 18 Alexander B Gutman en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of rheumatology and biochemistry and especially for his achievements in elucidating the metabolic defects present in gout and in demonstrating the action of certain drugs which increase the excretion of uric acid thus leading to the present situation in which it is possible to exercise almost perfect control over attacks of acute gout and prevent gouty arthritis 19 Alan C Burton en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiovascular physiology and especially for his achievements in applying the basic laws of physics to the peripheral and pulmonary circulations thus providing scientific explanation of the factors governing the collapse the opening up and the size of blood vessels which has also brought about an improved understanding of the behaviour of blood vessels in health and disease 20 Russell Brock en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of the functional pathology investigation and surgery of congenital and rheumatic heart disease and especially for his elucidation of the factors both valvular and muscular which may obstruct the flow of blood from either the right or the left side of the heart into the main arteries of the lungs and body which has led to the rational surgical management of such obstructive diseases of the heart 21 nbsp Ulf Svante fon Ojler Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of the substances released at the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system and especially for his recognition that noradrenaline was the most important substance and that it was present in significant amount in all body organs including the heart that have a sympathetic nerve supply 22 1962 nbsp Frensis Krik Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of molecular biology and genetics including his inspiring investigations of the nucleic acids which have shown how genetic information can be impressed and stored in the germ cells of parents and be transmitted to succeeding generations his studies of the molecular structure of collagen and especially his brilliant development of the coding theory a concept which explains the way in which information carried in the genes determines the amino acid sequence and therefore the structure and character of all the many different proteins which are continuously being synthesized by the living organism 23 Clarence Crafoord en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiology and especially for his leadership in the field of cardiac surgery including his pioneer development of operations to correct coarctation of the aorta and patent ductus arteriosus 24 Albert Coons en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of pathology and immunology and especially for his development of the fluorescent antibody technique which has cast new light on hypersensitivity reactions and which has opened important new avenues for the study of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis glomerulonephritis rheumatic fever and disseminated lupus erythematosus in which these reactions may be involved 25 Stanley Sarnoff en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cardiac physiology and especially for his demonstration of the interrelated roles of the nervous system hormones and heart size in the control of cardiac performance thus establishing physiological principles which have assisted medical scientists to better understand the action of the heart in normal and diseased states 26 Henry Kunkel en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of medicine and especially for his serological immunological and metabolic studies of protein molecules which have increased the understanding of such diverse diseases as cirrhosis of the liver multiple myeloma arteriosclerosis rheumatoid arthritis and disseminated lupus erythematosus 27 1963 Murray Barr en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the knowledge of micro anatomy and human cytogenetics and in particular for his discovery of a technique for the specific identification of male and female cells thus opening vast new areas for research into the normal and abnormal development of bodily structures which have led to an improved understanding of several important congenital anomalies including some errors of sexual development and some forms of mental retardation 28 Eric Bywaters en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the knowledge of rheumatology and pediatrics and in particular for his painstaking delineations of the natural history of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and for his penetrating and critical descriptions of several other rheumatic syndromes which have provided criteria for diagnosis and prognosis establishing an improved basis for the treatment decisions which must be made on behalf of patients suffering from these diseases 29 Klarens Volton Lillehaj Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his distinguished contribution to the knowledge of cardiac surgery and cardiac physiology and in particular for his pioneering contributions to open heart surgery before the development of pump oxygenators his contributions to the improvement of the mechanical means of extra corporeal circulation his early use of cardiac pace makers and his practical and theoretical leadership in the development of successful surgical techniques for the correction of congenital and acquired heart defects 30 Petro Grabar Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the knowledge of biochemistry and in particular for his contributions to immunohistochemistry including the development of the immunoelectrophoretic technique which has made possible the specific identification of many bodily proteins thus opening important new avenues for research in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis in which disordered immunological responses appear to be implicated 31 Irvine Page en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the knowledge of cardiac and vascular physiology pharmacology and endocrinology and in particular for his persevering leadership in these fields which in association with numerous colleagues has led to several discoveries of importance notably the existence and synthesis of angiotensin an important factor in the understanding and management of hypertension and the existence of serotonin which has laid the foundation for many advances in neuro chemistry 32 Jacques Genest en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the knowledge of vascular physiology and in particular for his studies of the mechanism of hypertension and especially for his demonstration that the increased secretion of aldosterone observed in many patients suffering from this disorder is stimulated by angiotensin 33 1964 Keith R Porter en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the knowledge of cellular biology and in particular for his development and application of sophisticated techniques of electron microscopy resulting in his early demonstration of many important features of the fine structure of cells including the endoplasmic reticulum 34 Donald Walter Gordon Murray en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his important contributions to the knowledge of cardiac physiology and pathology and the development of several important techniques in cardiac surgery and especially for his scientific courage in the pursuit of knowledge of clinical significance in many fields of medicine and surgery 35 Ivan Roitt en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his important contributions to the knowledge of immunology and in particular for the demonstration of the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies in the serum of patients with Hashimoto s disease and the stimulation which his research has given to the developing concept and understanding of diseases of auto immunity 36 Debora Doniah en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of her important contributions to the knowledge of immunology and in particular for her demonstration of the presence of thyroglobulin antibodies in the serum of patients with Hashimoto s disease and the stimulation which her research has given to the developing concept and understanding of diseases of auto immunity 37 Karl H Beyer de Jr Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his significant contributions to the knowledge of pharmacology and the understanding of renal physiology and in particular for his painstaking research perceptive observations and scientific leadership resulting in the discovery of uricosuric and improved diuretic drugs which now bring relief to millions of sufferers from gout and gouty arthritis and the edema associated with heart disease 38 Sejmur Benzer Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the knowledge of genetics and molecular biology and in particular for his elucidation of the fine structure of genes which has made it possible to extend the limits of genetic resolution by relating genetic changes to chemical alterations in deoxyribonucleic acid thus clarifying the chemical bases of heredity in determining the nature and properties of cells and viruses 39 1965 Frederick Horace Smirk en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his total contribution to our understanding of the causes and treatment of hypertension and in particular for his clinical evaluation of nerve blocking drugs in the treatment of high blood pressure 40 Daniel J McCarty de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions in the field of rheumatology and in particular for his demonstration that crystals of uric acid and calcium in the fluids in and about the joints are ingested by leukocytes which then release a substance which causes an inflammatory reaction 41 Sharl Filipp Leblon Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the knowledge of cellular biology by developing the technique of autoradiography with which he has studied the functioning of the thyroid gland and the rate of cell growth and renewal in various tissues of the body 42 Charles Enrique Dent en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions in the field of human metabolism and his role as the first to apply the technique of paper chromatography to the isolation and identification of substances in the blood and body fluids of patients a technique which has revolutionized investigation of a number of genetic disorders involving amino acids and other substances 43 Robin Coombs en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions in the development of serological techniques and in particular for the test he introduced to detect the presence of Rh antibodies on red blood cells 44 Dzherom Konn Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions in the field of endocrinology and in particular for his investigations establishing the clinical significance of aldosterone a hormone of the adrenal cortex in various types of hypertension and edema also in recognition of his studies in the use of oral medications for the control of diabetes 45 1966 Jan G Waldenstrom en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to our knowledge of certain metabolic disorders and in particular for his clarification of the serum protein abnormalities in multiple myeloma and in essential macroglobulinaemia 46 Zhak Miller Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his fundamental contributions to our understanding of the role of the thymus in the development of normal immunological mechanisms in early life and in their maintenance in the adult and for the stimulus which his studies of the thymus gave to the rapidly developing field of immunobiology 47 nbsp Luyis Federiko Leluar Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of carbohydrate chemistry and metabolism and in particular for his discovery of the sugar nucleotides and their fundamental reactions in the biosynthesis of disaccharides and polysaccharides 48 Villem Jogan Kolff Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his early work on the development of an artificial kidney which has in recent years contributed to the prolongation of life of many patients suffering from renal failure and has made it practical to consider the use of kidney transplants 49 nbsp Charlz Brenton Haggins Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneer work in the treatment of cancer with hormonal substances and his use of a chemical means of monitoring the response in carcinoma of the prostate 50 Geoffrey S Dawes en Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding contributions to our understanding of the physiological behaviour and biochemical changes occurring in the foetus in utero and in particular for his clarification of the adjustments that occur at birth during the changeover to extra uterine life 51 nbsp Rodni Porter Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of immunochemistry 52 1967 James Fraser Mustard en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions in the fields of thrombosis and artherosclerosis particularly his investigation of platelet economy function and metabolism which have pointed to a relationship between thrombosis and artherosclerosis and specifically for his classical experimental flow model demonstrating sites of thrombus accumulation for the demonstration of platelet phagocytosis and for the elucidation of factors affecting platelet aggregation 53 Peter J Moloney de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of a long and distinguished career marked by many important contributions to immunology and diabetes 54 Iain MacIntyre en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his important contributions in the field of mineral metabolism and in particular for his studies of the physiology of calcitonin and for his elucidation of numerous aspects of magnesium metabolism in experimental animals and man 55 D Harold Copp en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his important contributions to the problems of calcium homeostasis particularly his demonstration of the existence of a new hormone calcitonin which directly alters blood calcium levels and also his confirmation that the source of the hormone is the ultimobranchial glands 56 Sidney Udenfriend en nbsp Dzhulius Akselrod Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his wide ranging and fundamental discoveries in relation to the chemistry biosynthesis metabolism and pharmacology of biogenic amines especially the catecholamines 57 58 nbsp Dzhordzh Palade Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions to the development of methods of preparing cells and tissues so that subcellular components could be adequately preserved and visualized in the electron microscope and to his pioneering use of these methods to develop knowledge about structure and function of cellular components 59 nbsp Marshall Nirenberg Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to our understanding of the mechanisms of protein synthesis 60 nbsp Kristian Rene de Dyuv Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of Iysosomes 61 1968 J Edwin Seegmiller en Originalnij tekst angl For his elucidation of a number of inborn errors of metabolism and in particular for his discovery of an enzyme defect phosphoribosyltransferase deficiency in a neurological disease characterized by mental retardation behavioural disturbances and over production of uric acid 62 Jacques Oudin de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to immunochemistry through his analysis of antigen antibody reactions in gelled media and of his discovery and elucidation of genetic variations in the structure of immunoglobulins 63 nbsp Dzhordzh Gitchings Originalnij tekst angl For his leadership in the development of metabolic inhibitors by systematic chemical modification of biologically important compounds 64 James Learmonth Gowans en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to a better understanding of the fate of the lymphocyte and its function in immune reactions 65 Bruce Chown en Originalnij tekst angl For his valuable contributions to the knowledge of human blood groups and particularly for his work on the diagnosis treatment and prevention of hemolytic disease of the newborn and for his leadership and inspiration of investigators concerned with clinical immunohematology 66 1969 Frank J Dixon en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions in immunology and immunopathology particularly his investigations dealing with the elucidation of the pathogenesis of serum sickness and of experimental and human glomerulonephritis 67 John P Merrill en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contribution to the field of nephrology and particularly his pioneer work in kidney transplantation which has led to its development as a practical form of treatment and has advanced our knowledge of immunologic mechanisms 68 Belding Hibbard Scribner en Originalnij tekst angl For the concept of chronic intermittent hemodialysis the arteriovenous cannulas which made it possible his role in the development of home dialysis and continued basic and clinical investigation in his field 69 Robert B Salter en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his scientific contributions to an understanding of cartilage degeneration epiphyseal necrosis torsional deformation of bone and dysplasia of joints in relation to numerous musculoskeletal disorders especially congenital dislocation of the hip 70 nbsp Erl Sazerlend Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to our understanding of the central role the adenylcyclase system plays in mediating many of the effects of hormones on metabolic processes 71 Ernest Mak Kuloh Dzhejms Till Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their development of the spleen colony technique for measuring the capacity of primitive normal and neoplastic cells to multiply and differentiate in the body 72 73 F Mason Sones en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the investigation and treatment of coronary artery disease and in particular for his introduction of the technique of selected coronary arteriography which has permitted radiographic visualization of individual obstruction as an objective criterion of the need for revascularization of the myocardium 74 1970 Vincent P Dole en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneer contributions to our understanding of the metabolism of free fatty acid and adipose tissue and more recently for the significant work he has done in establishing a valuable method of treating narcotic addiction with methadone 75 Richard Doll Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the methodology of medical research and to the clarification of complex epidemiological problems 76 Robert A Good en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions to our understanding of host defense mechanisms 77 nbsp Nils Yerne Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to knowledge of the cellular basis of the immune response 78 nbsp Robert Bryus Merrifild Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his work on the solid phase method for synthesis of polypeptides and of his application of this method in the first synthesis of an enzyme 79 1971 nbsp Rozalin Sasmen Yalou Solomon Berson Originalnij tekst angl For their development of a reliable specific and sensitive method for the assay of plasma insulin and their subsequent application of the same principles in the measurement of other polypeptide substances 80 81 Donald Shtajner Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his discovery that insulin is derived from a larger precursor molecule called pro insulin a model which may elucidate the biosynthesis of other active compounds 82 nbsp nbsp Frederik Senger Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the study of the structure of complex biochemical substances and in particular for determining the precise chemical composition of insulin 83 Rachmiel Levine de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions to the study of diabetes mellitus and especially for his pioneer work on the site of action of insulin 84 Charlz Gerbert Best Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his part in the discovery and development of insulin and for many other contributions to medical research 85 1972 Rut Senger en Robert Russell Race en Originalnij tekst angl For their many important contributions to our knowledge of human blood groups and for their brilliant application of this knowledge to problems in the fields of immunology genetics and clinical medicine 86 87 Oleg Gornikevich Originalnij tekst angl For his elucidation of the biochemical lesion in Parkinson s disease and his other contributions to our knowledge of the physiology of the brain 88 Britton Chance en Originalnij tekst angl For his ingenuity in devising biophysical techniques for the observation of molecular events in living tissues cells and organelles and for his unique imaginativeness in applying these techniques to bridge the gap between our knowledge of isolated enzymes and the phenomena of physiology and pharmacology 89 nbsp Sune Bergstrem Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the identification and chemical characterization of the prostaglandins ubiquitous among mammalian tissues and having diverse biological activities 90 1973 Roscoe O Brady en Originalnij tekst angl For his work on the enzymology of complex lipids and his contribution to the management of lipid storage diseases 91 Denis Parsons Burkitt en Originalnij tekst angl For his recognition clinical description and brilliant epidemiological study of the unusual lymphoma in Africa which now bears his name 92 John Charnley en Originalnij tekst angl For his scholarly contributions to the biomechanics and lubrication of joints and in particular for his development of a practical low friction arthroplasty for arthritis of the hip 93 Kimisige Isidzaka en Teruko Isidzaka de Originalnij tekst angl For the identification and characterization of the new immunoglobulin class IgE which has led to an increased understanding of allergic mechanisms 94 Harold E Johns en Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneer work in the development of cobalt and high energy radiotherapy and for his many contributions to education and research in the fields of clinical physics and biophysics 95 1974 nbsp Devid Baltimor nbsp Govard Temin Originalnij tekst angl For innovative and significant research on the mechanism of action of viruses in relation to tumor production 96 97 nbsp Rozhe Gijmen nbsp Endryu Viktor Shalli Originalnij tekst angl For outstanding work on the identification synthesis and clinical application of hypothalamic releasing hormones 98 99 Hector DeLuca en Originalnij tekst angl For his elucidation of the metabolism of vitamin D 100 Hans J Muller Eberhard en Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the molecular basis of the complement system in man 101 Yuda Gersh Kvostel Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions during a long career in biochemical research 102 1975 Ernest Beutler en Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating the biochemical and genetic basis of the hemolytic anemias related to glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and other studies on human erythrocytes 103 nbsp Baruh Blamberg Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his discovery of the Australia antigen in 1963 and its association with hepatitis in 1967 greatly enhancing our knowledge of viral hepatitis type B and its prevention 104 Genri Gers Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental discoveries related to glycogen metabolism and its disorders disorders of fructose metabolism and the lysosomal basis of several inborn errors of metabolism 105 H yu Haksli Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of outstanding contributions to our understanding of the molecular basis of muscle contraction 106 John D Keith de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many and important contributions to our understanding of the natural history of congenital heart disease which have formed the basis for the modern treatment of congenital heart malformations 107 William Thornton Mustard en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions in the area of cardiovascular surgery in particular the achievement of the ingenious operation for the transposition of the great vessels for which the operation now bears his name 108 1976 nbsp Godfri Gaunsfild Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the care of patients by the pioneer development of computerized tomography 109 Thomas R Dawber de Vilyam B Kannel Originalnij tekst angl For their careful epidemiologic studies revealing risk factors in cardiovascular disease which have important implications for the prevention of these disorders 110 111 Yudzhin Kenned Originalnij tekst angl For his elucidation of the biochemical pathways involved in triglyceride and phospholipid synthesis 112 Georg Klejn Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the biology of neoplastic cells and his distinguished work in tumour immunology 113 nbsp Dzhordzh Snell Originalnij tekst angl For his identification of the major histocompatibility complex in mice and for establishing methods of study fundamental to immunogenetics 114 1977 Karl Frenk Ostin de Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the factors involved in the initiation amplification and control of the inflammatory response 115 Cyril Clarke en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his original and far reaching contributions to the prevention of haemolytic disease of the newborn 116 nbsp Zhan Dosse Originalnij tekst angl For recognition of the effects of histocompatibility antigens in humans and his continuing leadership in the application of this knowledge to such diverse fields as transplantation immunology and the study of genetically determined diseases 117 Genri Dzhordzh Frizen Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to the understanding of the biochemistry physiology and pathophysiology of lactogenic hormones and in particular for the identification of human prolactin 118 Viktor Makkyusik Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his many contributions to the development of the field of clinical genetics and his role in placing human genetics in the mainstream of clinical medicine 119 1978 nbsp Sidnej Brenner Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his highly original and conceptual contributions to molecular biology and to the understanding of how genetic information is read and translated 120 Zhan P yer Shanzhe Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneering work in purifying and elucidating the mechanisms of the cholinergic receptor 121 Donald S Fredrickson en Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the genetic biochemical and clinical aspects of the hyperlipoproteinemias 122 Samuel O Freedman en Phil Gold en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their discovery of carcinoembryonic antigen and for studies which elucidated its biological and clinical significance 123 124 nbsp Edvin Krebs Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating fundamental biochemical mechanisms related to glycogen breakdown pioneer work that has enhanced our knowledge of hormone action 125 Elizabet Miller de Dzhejms Miller de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their many important contributions to our understanding of how environmental chemicals both naturally occurring and man made induce cancer 126 127 Lars Terenius de Originalnij tekst angl For his development of radioreceptor methods their application to opiates and the detection of an endogenous opiate like substance in the nervous system 128 1979 nbsp Dzhejms Vajt Blek Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his role in the identification of amine receptors and in the development of the receptor blocking drugs Propranolol and Cimetidine 129 George F Cahill Jr en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to our understanding of the interrelationships of hormones and body fuels in differing nutritional states of man 130 nbsp Volter Gilbert Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to our understanding of gene replication and regulation and of the development of methods for sequencing of DNA and their application to studies of gene organization 131 Elvud Vernon Dzhensen Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his discovery of steroid receptors which has led to the elucidation of the action of steroid hormones and to the development of tests guiding endocrine treatment for cancer of the breast 132 nbsp Frederik Senger Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his development of methods for the sequencing of DNA and of his contributions to new concepts of gene structure 83 Charles R Scriver en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contribution to understanding of genetic disease and in particular the detection of genetically determined disease in large population groups and the development of treatment programs for these disorders 133 1980 nbsp Pol Berg Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his contributions to our understanding of the mechanisms of protein synthesis and of the interplay of viral and cellular genes in regulating growth and division 134 Irving B Fritz de Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of the role of carnitine in the regulation of fatty acid metabolism 135 nbsp Gar Gobind Korana Originalnij tekst angl For the chemical synthesis of a functional gene 136 Efrayim Reker Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our knowledge of energy metabolism in cells and of transport in biological membranes 137 Jesse Roth en Originalnij tekst angl For the elucidation of mechanisms through which insulin and other peptide hormones interact with cells and of the ways in which these interactions are altered in disease states 138 Mihael Sela Originalnij tekst angl For his fundamental contribution to our understanding of the molecular basis of immunogenicity 139 1981 nbsp Majkl Styuart Braun nbsp Dzhozef Leonard Goldstajn Originalnij tekst angl For their discovery of the role of receptor mediated uptake of lipoproteins in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism 140 141 Wai Yiu Cheung de Jerry H C Wang de Originalnij tekst angl For their discovery of calmodulin 142 143 nbsp Zhorzh Keler nbsp Sezar Milshtejn Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their application of a cell fusion technique to form immortal cell lines which produce antibodies of a single specificity 144 145 Elizabet Nyufild en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of her elucidation of the enzyme defects in some mucopolysaccharide storage diseases 146 Saul Roseman de Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneering studies on the biosynthesis of complex carbohydrates on their role in cell cell interactions and on the transport of sugars into cells 147 nbsp Bengt Samuelson Originalnij tekst angl For his identification of thromboxanes and leukotrienes and for his elucidation of their mechanism of action 148 1982 Gilbert Ashwell en Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the mechanisms by which carbohydrate markers regulate the recognition and uptake of proteins by cells 149 nbsp Gyunter Blobel Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the ways in which newly synthesized proteins are transported within cells 150 nbsp Arvid Karlsson Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the role of amines particularly dopamine as neurotransmitters 151 Pol Yanssen Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his invention of haloperidol and related drugs useful in the treatment of mental illness 152 Manfred M Mayer de Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the function of complement 153 1983 Donald Henderson Originalnij tekst angl For his leading role in the World Health Organization program that eradicated smallpox throughout the world 154 Bryus Ejms Originalnij tekst angl For his development of a rapid and sensitive screening test that detects potential carcinogens in our environment 155 Gerald D Aurbach en Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering work in the purification of parathyroid hormone and his continuing studies of its mechanism of action 156 John Allen Clements en Originalnij tekst angl For his characterization of pulmonary surfactant and his contributions to our understanding of the respiratory distress syndrome in infants 157 Richard K Gershon en Originalnij tekst angl For his elucidation of the role of subpopulations of lymphocytes in regulating the immune response 158 nbsp Sudzumi Tonegava Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery that antibody diversity is produced by somatic recombination and mutation of genes 159 1984 nbsp Dzhon Majkl Bishop nbsp Garold Varmus Originalnij tekst angl For research on viral and cellular oncogenes that extends our understanding of the molecular basis of human cancer 160 161 nbsp Alfred Gilman nbsp Martin Rodbell Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating the mechanism by which peptide hormones act across cell membranes to influence cell function 162 163 Kan Yutvaj Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of DNA polymorphism in sickle cell disease and thalassemia and its application to the antenatal diagnosis of human disease 164 Kresimir Krnjevic en Originalnij tekst angl For his research on the mechanisms of brain cell communication 165 Robert Noble en Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of the important anticancer drug Vinblastine 166 1985 nbsp Stenli Koen Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his research on growth factors and particularly for the isolation purification and elucidation of the function of epidermal growth factor 167 nbsp Pol Loterbur Originalnij tekst angl For first proposing the use of nuclear magnetic resonance to produce images and demonstrating its application to human disease 168 Rajmon Lemye Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the organic synthesis and structural analysis of oligosaccharides with human blood group antigen specificity 169 Meri Lajon Originalnij tekst angl For her contributions to our understanding of X chromosome inactivation and its significance in normal and abnormal development 170 Mark Tashne Charlz Yanovskij Originalnij tekst angl For their many contributions in the field of molecular genetics especially in the field of gene regulation 171 172 1986 Jean Francois Borel de Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the immunosuppressive properties of cyclosporine A 173 Dzhejms Darnell nbsp Fillip Sharp Originalnij tekst angl For increasing our understanding of RNA processing and gene expression 174 175 Adolfo J de Bold en T Geoffrey Flynn de Harald Sonnenberg de Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery and characterization of atrial natriuretic factor 176 177 178 nbsp Piter Dogerti nbsp Rolf Cinkernagel Originalnij tekst angl For extending our understanding of the interaction of T lymphocytes with cells bearing foreign antigens 179 180 nbsp Majkl Smit Originalnij tekst angl For the development and use of the technique of site specific mutagenesis 181 1987 Rene Favaloro Originalnij tekst angl For the introduction and development of coronary artery bypass surgery 182 Robert Gallo nbsp Lyuk Montanye Originalnij tekst angl For the identification and isolation of the virus causing acquired immune deficiency syndrome 183 184 Valter Gering nbsp Edvard Lyuyis Originalnij tekst angl For the identification and analysis of genes that control embryonic development 185 186 nbsp Erik Kandel Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating the mechanisms of learning and memory in nerve cells 187 Michael Rossmann en Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the field of x ray crystallography and its application to the structure of the common cold virus 188 1988 Albert Aguajo Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery that regrowth and restoration of neural connections is possible in the injured adult mammalian central nervous system 189 Majkl Berridzh Yasutomi Nisidzuka Originalnij tekst angl For his work in establishing the roles of inositol trisphosphate diacylglycerol calcium and protein kinase C during signal transduction and in growth and differentiation 190 191 nbsp Tomas Robert Chek Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery that some forms of RNA have catalytic properties 192 Majkl Entoni Epstajn Originalnij tekst angl For the identification of the Epstein Barr virus 193 nbsp Robert Lefkovic Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to our understanding of the structure and regulation of adrenergic receptors 194 1989 Mark Devis Tak W Mak en Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the cloning and sequencing of the gene for the T cell receptor 195 196 Jean Marie Ghuysen de Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating the mechanism of action of the beta Iactam group of antibiotics 197 Louis M Kunkel en Ronald G Worton en Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the isolation and cloning of the gene for Duchenne Becker muscular dystrophy 198 199 nbsp Ervin Neyer nbsp Bert Zakman Originalnij tekst angl For the development of the patch clamp technique 200 201 1990 Frensis Kollinz John R Riordan en Lap Chee Tsui en Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the identification of the gene for cystic fibrosis 202 203 204 Viktor Lin en Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of the role of P glycoprotein in the development of multidrug resistance of cancer cells 205 nbsp Oliver Smitis Edvin Sauzern Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery development and application of gel electrophoresis methods that allow the separation and identification of specific proteins and nucleic acids 206 207 nbsp Edvard Donnall Tomas Originalnij tekst angl For the development of bone marrow transplantation as a therapy for leukemia and other blood disorders 208 1991 nbsp Sidnej Brenner Originalnij tekst angl For establishing C elegans as a model for studying the genetic control of development 120 nbsp Dzhon Salston Originalnij tekst angl For establishing C elegans as a model for studying genetic control of development 209 Dzhuda Folkman Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of the process of angiogenesis 210 nbsp Robert Ferchgott Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery and characterization of endothelial relaxing factor 211 David MacLennan en Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to our understanding of muscle membranes and ion transport 212 nbsp Keri Mallis Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of the polymerase chain reaction 213 1992 nbsp Leland Gartvell Josio Macuyi en nbsp Pol Ners Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their contributions in the field of cell cycle regulation 214 215 216 Richard Peto Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the design and analysis of clinical trials 217 Bert Fogelshtejn Robert Vajnberg Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating the genetic events leading to the development of specific cancers 218 219 1993 nbsp Mario Kapekki nbsp Oliver Smitiz Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work in the use of homologous recombination to generate targeted mutations in the mouse 220 206 Alvan Feinstein en Originalnij tekst angl For his leading role in the establishment of the discipline of clinical epidemiology 221 nbsp Stenli Pruziner Originalnij tekst angl For elucidating the role of a novel infectious particle in certain diseases of the nervous system 222 Majkl Ter Pogosyan Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the development and application of positron emission tomography 223 1994 Pamela Borkman Don Craig Wiley en Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to our understanding of the immune system by elucidation of the complex formed between MHC class I proteins and peptides derived from foreign antigens 224 225 Entoni Ganter Entoni Dzhejms Pouson Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to our understanding of the role of tyrosine kinases in signal transduction pathways that control cell growth 226 227 Donald Metkalf Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to the clinical use of colony stimulating factors in the treatment of depressed hematopoiesis 228 1995 Bryus Alberts nbsp Artur Kornberg Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to our understanding of the replication of DNA 229 230 nbsp Rodzher Tsiyen Originalnij tekst angl For the design synthesis and use of molecules to measure and manipulate intracellular signalling 231 1996 Robert Lendzher Originalnij tekst angl For discoveries that led to the development of controlled drug release systems 232 nbsp Barri Marshall Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the role of Helicobacter Pylori as a cause of peptic ulcer disease and the benefit that patients receive from its eradication 233 Dzhenet Rouli Originalnij tekst angl For establishing the critical importance of chromosomal rearrangement as a specific cause of human cancer and for a lifetime of research to identify the genes that are rearranged to cause leukemia and lymphoma 234 nbsp Dzhejms Rotman nbsp Rendi Shekman Originalnij tekst angl For the identification of proteins involved in intracellular traffic and vesicle fusion 235 236 1997 Corey Goodman de Originalnij tekst angl For his many contributions to development neurobiology in particular for his initial cellular and subsequent molecular and genetic dissection of the mechanisms controlling the guidance of neuronal growth cones to find and recognize their correct targets 237 Richard O Hynes en Erkki Ruoslahti en Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery and characterization of the molecules responsible for cell substrate adhesion including fibronections and integrins and for recognizing the importance of extracellular matrix cell interactions in modulating cell phenotype and their clinical relevance in such fields as cancer blood coagulation and wound healing 238 239 Alfred Knudson Originalnij tekst angl For his development of a two hit mutational hypothesis for the origin of cancer that related hereditary and non hereditary forms of retinoblastoma and other tumors this hypothesis has become a paradigm for mutational theories on the origins of cancer and led directly to the concept of suppressor oncogenes 240 1998 nbsp Elizabet Blekbern nbsp Kerol Grejder Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the structure of telomeres and the enzyme that synthesizes them 241 242 Giuseppe Attardi en Walter Neupert de Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering contribution to our understanding of the structure of the human mitochondrial genome and its role in human disease 243 244 Gotfrid Shac Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the transport of proteins into mitochondria 245 1999 nbsp Avram Gershko Oleksandr Varshavskij Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the ubiquitin system of intracellular protein degradation and its many functions in the cell 246 247 nbsp Robert Gorvic Andrew Wyllie en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of their pioneering contribution to our understanding of apoptosis 248 249 2000 Robert Reder nbsp Rodzher Kornberg Originalnij tekst angl For their studies on the transcription machinery and elucidation of the basic mechanisms of transcription in eukaryotic cells 250 251 Alain Townsend en Emil R Unanue en Originalnij tekst angl For their discovery of the molecular and cellular basis of antigen processing leading to our understanding of the physiological role of histocompatibility molecules and T lymphocyte antigen recognition 252 253 Jack Hirsh en Originalnij tekst angl In recognition of his pioneering contributions to our understanding of the diagnosis prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disorders 254 2001 Clay Armstrong en Bertil Hille en nbsp Roderik Makkinon Originalnij tekst angl For the elucidation of the mechanism of action and molecular structure of cation channels 255 256 257 Marc Kirschner en Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering work in the understanding of the structure function and dynamics of microtubules 258 2002 Frensis Kollinz Award of Merit Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding leadership in the Human Genome Project and particularly for the international effort to map and sequence the human and other genomes 202 nbsp Dzhejms Vatson Award of Merit Originalnij tekst angl For his 50 years of unparalelled contributions to biology and medical science and in particular for his critical international leadership during the creation of the Human Genome Project 259 Philip Palmer Green en Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to development of the computational tools essential for sequencing of the human genome 260 Erik Lender nbsp Dzhon Salston Robert Voterson en Originalnij tekst angl For their major seminal contributions to the sequencing of the human and other genomes 261 209 262 Maynard V Olson en Originalnij tekst angl For his original concepts and for technological and experimental innovations that were critical for the sequencing of the mammalian genomes 263 Krejg Venter Originalnij tekst angl For his major advancement of whole genome sequencing and its applications to microbial human and other genomes 264 Michael S Waterman en Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to computational molecular biology that greatly facilitated sequencing of the human genome 265 Jean Weissenbach en Originalnij tekst angl For his unique contributions in creating a detailed genetic map of the human genome 266 2003 nbsp Richard Eksel nbsp Linda Bak Originalnij tekst angl For their discovery of the olfactory receptors and the clarification of how these receptors transfer olfactory signals to the brain 267 268 Wayne Hendrickson en Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to macromolecular crystallography in the development of robust methods of phasing and refinement and in the determination of complex and biologically important structures 269 Sejdzi Ogava Originalnij tekst angl For his development of blood oxygenation dependent imaging which has revolutionized the field of functional magnetic resource imaging fMRI and used extensively to study brain function 270 nbsp Ralf Stajnman Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery and characterization of the role of the dendritic cell a pivotal phagocytic cell in the immune system and essential to the development of vaccines 271 2004 Sejmur Benzer Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering discoveries that both founded and greatly advanced an entire field of neurogenetics thereby transforming our understanding of the brain and its mechanisms 39 R John Ellis en Franc Ulrih Gartl Artur Gorvich Originalnij tekst angl For his fundamental discoveries concerning chaperone assisted protein folding in the cell and its relevance to neurodegeneration 272 273 274 George Sachs en Originalnij tekst angl For his elucidation of mechanisms of gastric acid secretion and the development of novel therapies for gastric disease 275 2005 Brenda Milner Endel Tulving Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering research in the understanding of human memory and providing the necessary framework within which findings in neuroanatomy neuroplysiology and neuropharmacology can be integrated 276 277 Duglas Koulman Dzheffri Fridman Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to our understanding of obesity and particularly for the discovery of the adipose tissue hormone leptin 278 279 nbsp Endryu Fayer nbsp Krejg Mello Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of RNA interference which initiated a revolution in the study and use of RNA in gene silencing 280 281 2006 Ralph L Brinster en Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering discoveries in germ line modifications in mammals 282 Ronald Mark Evans Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal studies defining new classes of nuclear hormone receptors and elucidating their role in energy metabolism and endocrine related disease 283 Alan Goll en Thomas D Pollard en Originalnij tekst angl For his discoveries related to understanding the cytoskeleton of the cell and the basis of cell mobility and its relevance to human disease 284 285 Dzhoan Stejc Originalnij tekst angl For her discovery of the reactivity of autoimmune sera with ribonucleoprotein particles and elucidation of the roles of small nuclear RNAs in messenger RNA processing 286 2007 Charlz Devid Ellis Originalnij tekst angl For his transforming studies demonstrating the link between chromatin structure and gene transcription and elucidating the mechanisms by which a variety of post translational modifications of histones are involved in gene expression and genome maintenance and stability 287 Kim A Nasmyth en Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of the mechanism of chromosome segregation during cell division which has profound implications for our understanding of chromosome non disjunction in human cancer and other genetic diseases 288 Harry F Noller en nbsp Tomas Stejc Originalnij tekst angl For his studies on the structure and function of the ribosome which showed that the peptidyl transferase was an RNA catalyzed reaction and for revealing the mechanism of inhibition of this function by antibiotics 289 290 Dennis J Slamon en Originalnij tekst angl For the development of targeted therapy Herceptin against advanced breast cancer expressing the Her 2 Neu oncogene resulting in more effective therapy for breast cancer 291 2008 nbsp Garald cur Gauzen Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the causative role of papilloma viruses in cancer of the cervix which led to the development of a successful HPV vaccine 292 Geri Ravkan Viktor Embros Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery and characterization of micro RNA s important in the regulations of gene function 293 294 Nahum Zonenberg Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering discoveries in cellular translation of genetic information 295 Samuel Weiss en Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal discovery of adult neural stem cells in the mammalian brain and its importance in nerve cell regeneration 296 2009 Piter Volter Mori Kadzutosi Originalnij tekst angl For the dissection and elucidation of a key pathway in the unfolded protein response which regulates protein folding in the cell 297 298 Lyusi Shapiro Richard Lozik Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of mechanisms that define cell polarity and asymmetric cell division processes key in cell differentiation and in the generation of cell diversity 299 300 nbsp Sin ya Yamanaka Originalnij tekst angl For his demonstration that the key transcription factors which specify pluripotency may become reprogrammed somatic cells to pluripotent stem cells 301 2010 Piter Retkliff Greg Semenza Vilyam Kelin Originalnij tekst angl For identification of molecular mechanisms of oxygen sensing in the cell 302 303 304 William A Catterall en Originalnij tekst angl For discovery of the voltage gated sodium channel and calcium channel proteins and the elucidation of their function and regulation 305 P yer Shambon Originalnij tekst angl For the elucidation of fundamental mechanisms of transcription in animal cells and to the discovery of the nuclear receptor superfamily 306 2011 Edrian Berd Aharon Razin Hayim Sider Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering discoveries on DNA methylation and its role in gene expression 307 308 309 Sidzuo Akira Originalnij tekst angl For his ground breaking discovery of Toll like receptors and the array of microbial compounds that they recognize to provide innate resistance to infection 310 nbsp Zhyul Ofman Originalnij tekst angl For his ground breaking discovery of the family of Toll like receptors and the array of microbial compounds that they recognize to provide innate resistance to infection 311 2012 nbsp Majkl Rosbash nbsp Dzheffri Goll nbsp Majkl Yang Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering discoveries concerning the biological clock responsible for circadian rhythms 312 313 314 Dzheffri Ravetch Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal work on identifying the Fc receptors of antibodies which play a key role in the immune response and for establishing their critical role in autoimmune diseases and cancer 315 Tomas Dzhessel Originalnij tekst angl For research in defining the genetic and molecular pathways leading to the complex development of the spinal cord with implications for therapeutic applications 316 2013 Greg Vinter Originalnij tekst angl For the engineering of humanized monoclonal antibodies and their widespread use in medical therapy particularly for treatment of cancer and immune disorders 317 Stiven Elledzh Originalnij tekst angl For elucidation of the DNA damage response as a signaling network that controls DNA repair and genomic stability with profound implications for cancer and other diseases 318 Deniel Bredli en Garvi Dzhejms Alter Originalnij tekst angl For critical contributions to the discovery and isolation of the hepatitis C virus which has led to the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents 319 320 Majkl Gouton Persha lyudina yaka vidmovilasya vid Mizhnarodnoyi premiyi Gajrdnera vin zayaviv I felt that it would be unfair of me to accept this award without the inclusion of two colleagues Dr Qui Lim Choo en and Dr George Kuo en 321 322 2014 Titiya de Lange Originalnij tekst angl For her discovery of the mechanisms by which mammalian telomeres are protected from deleterious DNA repair and damage responses 323 Dzhejms Ellison Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of immune checkpoint blockade and its successful application to immune therapy of cancer 324 Ravinder Nath Maini en Mark Feldman Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of anti TNF therapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases 325 326 Napoleone Ferrara Garold Dvorak en Originalnij tekst angl For discovering Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor VEGF a key molecular mediator of new blood vessel formation and the development of effective anti VEGF therapy for cancer and wet macular degeneration 327 328 2015 nbsp Osumi Josinori Originalnij tekst angl for pioneering the molecular elucidation of autophagy an essential intracellular degradation system and when disordered is linked to many diseases including neurodegeneration cancer and infection 329 Simon Sakaguti en Originalnij tekst angl for his discovery of regulatory T cells characterization of their role in immunity and application to the treatment of autoimmune diseases and cancer 330 Linn Makuat Originalnij tekst angl for the discovery of the mechanism that destroys mutant messenger RNAs in human cells nonsense mediated mRNA decay which is critically important in both normal and disease states 331 Majkl Goll Originalnij tekst angl for his discovery of the nutrient activated protein kinase TOR and elucidation of its central control of cell growth critical to development and aging and widely implicated in cancers diabetes cardiovascular and immune diseases 332 Lyuyis Kentli Originalnij tekst angl for his discovery of PI 3 Kinase a critical component of the cell signaling machinery that plays a key role in normal functions of proliferations and growth and is de regulated in diseases such as cancer and diabetes 333 2016 Chzhan Fen nbsp Dzhennifer Dudna nbsp Emmanuel Sharpentye Originalnij tekst angl for development of CRISPR CAS as a genome editing tool for eukaryotic cells 334 335 336 Filipp Horvat en Rodolphe Barrangou en Originalnij tekst angl for establishing and characterizing CRISPR Cas bacterial immune defense system 337 338 2017 Akira Endo Originalnij tekst angl For the first discovery and development of statins inhibitors of cholesterol biosynthesis that have transformed the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease 339 nbsp Devid Dzhulius Originalnij tekst angl For determining the molecular basis of somatosensation how we sense heat cold and pain 340 Lewis E Kay de Originalnij tekst angl For the development of modern NMR spectroscopy for studies of biomolecular structure dynamics and function including applications to molecular machines and rare protein conformations 341 Rino Rappuoli Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering the genomic approach known as reverse vaccinology used to develop a vaccine against meningococcus B which has saved many lives worldwide 342 Guda Zogbi Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of the genetic basis of Rett syndrome and its implications for autism spectrum disorders 343 2018 Azim Surani Davor Solter de Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of mammalian genomic imprinting that causes parent of origin specific gene expression and its consequences for development and disease 344 345 Edvard Bojden Karl Dejsserot Peter Gegemann Originalnij tekst angl For the discovery of light gated ion channel mechanisms and for the discovery of optogenetics a technology that has revolutionized neuroscience 346 347 348 2019 John Diffley de Bryus Stilman Originalnij tekst angl For their pioneering research on the eukaryotic DNA replication cycles including initiation regulation and responses to DNA damage Ronald Devid Vejl Originalnij tekst angl For the landmark discovery of the motor protein kinesin and pioneering the understanding of its mechanism of action in driving cellular movement processes including cell division and intracellular transport Syuzen Bend Gorvic en Originalnij tekst angl For defining novel mechanisms of action and resistance of drugs of natural product origin most significantly Taxol and promoting their use for treatment of cancer Timothy A Springer en Originalnij tekst angl For discovery of the first immune system adhesion molecules elucidation of their roles in antigen recognition and leukocyte homing and translation of these discoveries into therapeutics for autoimmune diseases 2020 i roki red Rik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi Dzherelo2020 Masatosi Takeyiti Rolf Kemler Za vidkrittya harakteristiku ta biologiyu kadgeriniv ta asocijovanih bilkiv v adgeziyi ta peredachi signaliv tvarin klitin Originalnij tekst angl For their discovery characterization and biology of cadherins and associated proteins in animal cell adhesion and signalling 349 350 Elejn Fuks Za yiyi doslidzhennya sho z yasovuyut rol tkaninnih stovburovih klitin u gomeostazi zagoyenni ran zapalenni ta raku Originalnij tekst angl For her studies elucidating the role of tissue stem cells in homeostasis wound repair inflammation and cancer 351 Mina Bissel Za viznachennya dinamichnoyi vzayemnosti i tiyeyi vazhlivoyi roli yaku peredacha signaliv pozaklitinnogo matriksu ESM ta mikroseredovishe grayut u regulyaciyi geniv u normalnih ta zloyakisnih klitinah revolyucionuyuchi galuzi doslidzhen v onkologiyi ta gomeostazu tkanin Originalnij tekst angl For characterizing Dynamic Reciprocity and the significant role that extracellular matrix ECM signaling and microenvironment play in gene regulation in normal and malignant cells revolutionizing the fields of oncology and tissue homeostasis 352 Rul Nyusse Za novatorsku robotu z doslidzhennya signalnogo shlyahu Wnt ta jogo vazhlivosti u rozvitku u rakovih ta stovburovih klitinah Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work on the Wnt signaling pathway and its importance in development cancer and stem cells 353 2021 Daniel Dzh Druker en Jens Yul Golst de Dzhoel Gabener en Za doslidzhennya glyukagonopodibnih peptidiv yaki prizveli do znachnih uspihiv u likuvanni diabetu 2 tipu ozhirinnya ta kishkovih rozladiv Originalnij tekst angl For research on glucagon like peptides that has led to major advances in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes obesity and intestinal disorders 354 355 356 Meri Kler King Za doslidzhennya v galuzi genetiki transformaciyi ta onkologiyi z viyavlennyam spadkovoyi shilnosti do raku grudej cherez mutaciyu gena BRCA1 Originalnij tekst angl For transforming cancer genetics and oncology with the discovery of inherited susceptibility to breast cancer due to mutation of the BRCA1 gene 357 2022 Piter Kallis en Dzhon Dik en Katalin Kariko Dryu Vajsman Styuart OrkinAdresa red 255 Yorkland Blvd Suite 220 North York ON M2J 1S3 Ontario KanadaDiv takozh red Gairdner Foundation Wightman Award en Canada Gairdner Global Health Award de Primitki red https gairdner org awards international awards Canada Gairdner International Award https gairdner org Title Who will win the Nobel Prize in Economics Here s a forecast based on Citation Indicators Issue 11 year 12 bereznya 1990 Pages 3 7 URL http www garfield library upenn edu essays v13p083y1990 pdf Arhivovano 13 lipnya 2019 u Wayback Machine Fraumeni Paul 20 zhovtnya 2006 Gairdner Awards bring top medical minds to U of T News UofT University of Toronto Arhiv originalu za 23 zhovtnya 2006 Procitovano 24 zhovtnya 2006 Awardees The Gairdner Foundation The Gairdner Foundation Arhiv originalu za 8 kvitnya 2012 Procitovano 07 bereznya 2009 b cite web b Proignorovano nevidomij parametr dateformat dovidka All Gairdner Awards Laureates Gairdner Foundation Arhiv originalu za 27 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