Nagoro da i meni Grejs Myu rrej Go pper angl Grace Murray Hopper Award shorichna nagoroda sho prisudzhuyetsya molodomu do 35 rokiv fahivcyu yakij zrobiv znachnij vnesok u galuzi obchislyuvalnoyi tehniki Laureat nagorodi otrimuye groshovij priz u sumi 35 000 Finansova pidtrimka nadayetsya korporaciyeyu Microsoft Nagoroda imeni Grejs Myurrej Gopperangl Grace Murray Hopper AwardKrayina SShATip groshova premiyaVruchayetsya molodomu do 35 rokiv specialistu yaki zrobiv znachnij vnesok v galuzi obchislyuvalnoyi tehnikiVruchaye Asociaciyeyu obchislyuvalnoyi tehnikiStatus vruchayetsyaNa chest Grejs GopperNagorodzhennyaZasnovano 1971Pershe 1971Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati nagorodi imeni Grejs Myurrej Gopper 13 ChergovistSajt awards acm org hopper Nagoroda imeni Grejs Myurrej Gopper u VikishovishiNagoroda imeni Grejs Myurrej Gopper bula zasnovana Asociaciyeyu obchislyuvalnih mashin Association for Computing Machinery ACM she u 1971 roci na vshanuvannya Grejs Gopper amerikanskoyi zhinki naukovcya v galuzi komp yuternih nauk Ce ne yedina vidznaka sho nosit take im ya Pislya smerti Grejs Gopper u 1992 mu she nizka nagorod otrimala yiyi im ya Grejs Gopper 1984 Laureati premiyi red Rik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi1971 Donald Ervin Knut Za rozrobku ta vprovadzhennya rozmitki TEX a takozh innovacijnogo instrumentariyu dlya komp yuternogo formuvannya dokumentiv visokoyi tipografskoyi yakosti Originalnij tekst angl For the design and implementation of TEX an innovative tool for the computer composition of documents of high typographical quality1972 Pol Dirksen Paul H Dirksen Pol Kress en Za stvorennya kompilyatora WATFOR pershogo predstavnika potuzhnogo novogo simejstva zasobiv diagnostuvannya ta navchalnogo programuvannya Originalnij tekst angl For the creation of WATFOR Compiler the first member of a powerful new family of diagnostic and educational programming tools1973 Lourens Brid en Richard Latvell en Rodzher Mur en Za vnesok u rozrobku ta vprovadzhenni APL 360 vstanovlennya novih standartiv prostoti efektivnosti nadijnosti ta chasu reakciyi dlya interaktivnih sistem Originalnij tekst angl For their work in the design and implementation of APL 360 setting new standards in simplicity efficiency reliability and response time for interactive systems1974 Dzhordzh N Bejrd en Za rozvitok ta zaprovadzhennya sistemi validaciyi roboti kompilyatora COBOL dlya potreb VMF SShA Originalnij tekst angl For his successful development and implementation of the Navy s COBOL Compiler Validation System1975 Allen Sherr en Za pionerski doslidzhennya u kilkisnomu analizi produktivnosti komp yutera Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering study in quantitative computer performance analysis1976 Edvard Gans Shortliff en Za pionerski doslidzhennya yaki vtileni u programi MYCIN MYCIN ce programa dlya vzayemodiyi z likaryami shodo diagnostuvannya ta likuvannya infekcij Stvoryuyuchi MYCIN Shortliff vikoristav svoyu medichnu osvitu v poyednanni z doslidzhennyami v galuzi proektuvannya baz znan dlya stvorennya integrovanogo paketu yakij dlya likariv ekspertiv mozhna bulo legko vikoristovuvati ta rozshiryuvati Robota Shortliffa lyagla v osnovu doslidnickoyi programi yaku pidtrimuye NIH i yiyi shiroko vivchali ta zastosovuvali dlya roboti z bazami znan v inshih galuzyah Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering research which is embodied in the MYCIN program MYCIN is a program which consults with physicians about the diagnosis and treatment of infections In creating MYCIN Shortliffe employed his background of medicine together with his research in knowledge based systems design to produce an integrated package which is easy for expert physicians to use and extend Shortliffe s work formed the basis for a research program supported by NIH and has been widely studied and drawn upon by others in the field of knowledge based systems1977 ne prisudzhuvalas1978 Rejmond Kurcvejl Za rozrobku unikalnoyi mashini chitannya dlya nezryachih komp yuternogo pristroyu yakij chitaye drukovani storinki vgolos Mashina Kurcvejla ce 80 funtovij pristrij yakij skanuye ta ocifrovuye drukovanu storinku ta na bazi vbudovanogo komp yutera ozvuchuye tekst z vikoristannyam sintetichnogo movlennya Mashina ne bula b mozhlivoyu bez chergovogo dosyagnennya Kurcvejla tobto naboru pravil vtilenih u programnomu zabezpechenni mini komp yuteriv za dopomogoyu yakih nadijno ta avtomatichno rozpiznayutsya drukovani simvoli najriznomanitnishih rozmiriv i form Originalnij tekst angl For his development of a unique reading machine for the blind a computer based device that reads printed pages aloud The Kurzweil machine is an 80 pound device that shoots a beam of light across each printed page converts the reflected light across each printed page converts the reflected light into digital data that is analyzed by its built in computer and then transformed into synthetic speech It is expected to make reading of all printed material possible for blind people whose reading was previously limited to material translated into Braille The machine would not have been possible without another achievement by Kurzweil that is a set of rules embodied in the mini computer program by which printed characters of a wide variety of sizes and shapes are reliably and automatically recognized1979 Stiv Voznyak Za chimalij vnesok u shvidko zrostayuchu sferu personalnih komp yuteriv i zokrema v aparatne ta programne zabezpechennya komp yutera Apple Originalnij tekst angl For his many contributions to the rapidly growing field of personal computing and in particular to the hardware and software for the Apple Computer1980 Robert Metkalf Za robotu z rozvitku lokalnih merezh zokrema Ethernet tehnologij Originalnij tekst angl For his work in the development of local networks specifically the Ethernet1981 Daniel Singer Briklin Za vnesok u rozrobku VisiCalc pershogo tablichnogo procesora dlya personalnih komp yuteriv Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to personal computing and in particular to the design of VisCalc Brickin s efforts in the development of the Visual Calculator provide the excellence and elegance that ACM seeks to sustain through such activities as the Awards program1982 Brayan Rejd en Za vnesok u sferu komp yuterizovanih sistem stvorennya ta naboru tekstu zokrema movu rozmitki Scribe yaka stala znachnim uspihom u cij galuzi Produkt vtiliv dekilka novovveden zasnovanih na doslidzhennyah informatiki u stvorenni movi programuvannya bazah znan komp yuternij obrobci dokumentiv ta drukovi Vpliv Scribe buv znachnim zavdyaki chudovij dokumentaciyi ta zusillyam Rejda prikladenih dlya poshirennyu sistemi Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions in the area of computerized text production and typesetting systems specifically Scribe which represents a major advance in this area It embodies several innovations based on computer science research in programming language design knowledge based systems computer document processing and typography The impact of Scribe has been substantial due to the excellent documentation and Reid s efforts to spread the system 1983 ne prisudzhuvalas1984 Deniel Genri Golms Ingalls en Za pochatkovij vnesok v ob yektno oriyentovani movi programuvannya ta pov yazani z nimi metodi programuvannya Teoriyi mov ta sistem rozrobki vidomi yak Smalltalk poklali pochatok doslidzhennyam novih programnih metodologij grafichnih dizajniv koristuvackogo interfejsu ta form onlajn dopomogi procesu rozrobki programnogo zabezpechennya Originalnij tekst angl For seminal contributions to object oriented programming languages and related programming techniques The theories of languages and development systems known as Smalltalk laid the foundation for explorations in new software methodologies graphical user interface designs and forms of on line assistance to the software development process1985 Kordell Grin en Za vstanovlennya dekilkoh klyuchovih aspektiv teoretichnoyi osnovi logichnogo programuvannya ta dovedennya teoremi rozdilnoyi zdatnosti pidtverdzhennya vikonannya zavdannya programuvannya shlyahom otrimannya rezultatu sho obchislyuyetsya komp yuternoyu programoyu Za stvorennya konstruktivnoyi metodiki ta za predstavlennya efektivnogo metodu pobudovi vidpovidi ci vneski zabezpechili teoretichnu osnovu dlya movi programuvannya Prolog ta logichnogo programuvannya Originalnij tekst angl For establishing several key aspects of the theoretical basis for logic programming and providing a resolution theorem prover to carry out a programming task by constructing the result which the computer program is to compute For proving the constructive technique correct and for presenting an effective method for constructing the answer these contributions providing an early theoretical basis for Prolog and logic programming1986 Vilyam Nelson Dzhoj en Za robotu nad operacijnoyu sistemoyu Berkeley UNIX u roli konstruktora integratora ta realizatora bagatoh yiyi vdoskonalenih funkcij vklyuchayuchi robotu z virtualnoyu pam yattyu obolonku C shell redaktor vi Screen ta merezhevi mozhlivosti Originalnij tekst angl For his work on the Berkeley UNIX Operating System as a designer integrator and implementor of many of its advanced features including Virtual Memory the C shell the vi Screen editor and Networking1987 Dzhon Osterhut Za vnesok u duzhe masshtabnu integralnu shemu komp yuternogo proektuvannya Jogo sistemi Caesar i Magic prodemonstruvali sho efektivni sistemi SAPR ne obov yazkovo povinni buti dorogimi vazhkimi dlya osvoyennya chi povilnimi Originalnij tekst angl For his contribution to very large scale integrated circuit computer aided design His systems Caesar and Magic have demonstrated that effective CAD systems need not be expensive hard to learn or slow1988 Gaj Lyuyis Stil en Za zagalnij vnesok u rozvitok mov programuvannya visokogo rivnya dlya obrobki simvolnih danih perevazhno dlya prosuvannya leksichnogo sprijnyattya u movi LISP Originalnij tekst angl For his general contributions to the development of Higher Order Symbolic Programming principally for his advancement of lexical scoping in LISP1989 Vilyam Deniel Gillis Za jogo osnovni doslidzhennya algoritmiv paralelnih danih a takozh za rozrobku koncepciyi proektuvannya vprovadzhennya ta komercializaciyu simejstva superkomp yuteriv Connection Machine Originalnij tekst angl For his basic research on data parallel algorithms and for the conception design implementation and commercialization of the Connection Machine1990 Richard Stolmen Za novatorsku robotu z rozrobki masshtabovanogo redaktora Emacs EMACS Editor MACroS Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work in the development of the extensible editor EMACS Editing Macros 1991 Syuj Fensyun en Za vnesok v arhitekturu ta algoritmi dlya shahovih mashin Rezultatom jogo roboti priveli stvorennya shahovoyi mashini Deep Thought yaka stala pershim shahovim komp yuterom yakij peremig grosmejsteriv u turnirnij gri ta otrimav sertifikovanij rejting rivnya grosmejstera Originalnij tekst angl For contributions in architecture and algorithms for chess machines His work led to the creation of the Deep Thought Chess Machine which led to the first chess playing computer to defeat Grandmasters in tournament play and the first to achieve a certified Grandmaster level rating 1992 ne prisudzhuvalas1993 B yarn Straustrup Dlya jogo ranni roboti sho zaklali osnovi movi programuvannya C Spirayuchis na osnovi ta postijni zusillya doktora Strustrupa C stav odniyeyu z najvplivovishih mov programuvannya v istoriyi obchislen Originalnij tekst angl For his early work laying the foundations for the C programming language Based on the foundations and Dr Stroustrup s continuing efforts C has become one of the most influential programming languages in the history of computing 1994 ne prisudzhuvalas1995 ne prisudzhuvalas1996 Shafi Goldvasser Za yiyi rannyu robotu sho stosuyetsya obchislen vipadkovosti pidtverdzhennya znan ta dokaziv yaka sformuvala osnovi teoriyi jmovirnisnih obchislen obchislyuvalnoyi teoriyi chisel ta kriptografiyi Originalnij tekst angl For her early work relating computation randomness knowledge committee and proofs which has shaped the foundations of probabilistic computation theory computational number theory and cryptography 1997 ne prisudzhuvalas1998 ne prisudzhuvalas1999 Hou Venmej en Za rozrobku ta vprovadzhennya kompilyatora IMPACT sho shiroko vikoristovuyetsya yak mikroprocesornoyu galuzzyu yak bazovij riven dlya rozrobki produktu tak i naukovimi kolami yak osnova dlya vdoskonalenih doslidzhen ta rozrobok v arhitekturi komp yuteriv i proektuvanni kompilyatoriv Originalnij tekst angl For the design and implementation of the IMPACT compiler infrastructure which has been used extensively both by the microprocessor industry as a baseline for product development and by academia as a basis for advanced research and development in computer architecture and compiler design2000 Lidiya Kavraki en Za yiyi osnovopolozhnu robotu nad jmovirnisnim pidhodom yaka sprichinila zsuv paradigmi u galuzi planuvannya shlyahiv i znajshla bagato zastosuvan u robotah virobnictvi nanotehnologiyah ta obchislyuvalnij biologiyi Originalnij tekst angl For her seminal work on the probabilistic roadmap approach which has caused a paradigm shift in the area of path planning and has many applications in robotics manufacturing nanotechnology and computational biology 2001 Dzhordzh Nekula en Za jogo osnovopolozhnu robotu nad koncepciyeyu i realizaciyeyu kodu perevirki perenosu yaka suttyevo vplinula na galuz mov programuvannya i kompilyatoriv ta dala novij napryam u zastosuvannyah teoremi sho dovodyat pravilnist programi takih yak bezpeka mobilnogo kodu i komponentne programne zabezpechennya Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal work on the concept and implementation of Proof Carrying Code which has had a great impact on the field of programming languages and compilers and has given a new direction to applications of theorem proving to program correctness such as safety of mobile code and component based software 2002 Ramakrishnan Srikant en Za osnovopolozhnu robotu nad pravilami asociaciyi majningu yaka privela do togo sho ci pravila asociaciyi stali klyuchovim instrumentom intelektualnogo analizu danih a takozh skladovoyu chastinoyu osnovnogo kursu navchannya bazam danih ta kursiv intelektualnogo analizu danih Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal work on mining association rules which has led to association rules becoming a key data mining tool as well as part of the core syllabus in database and data mining courses 2003 Stiven Kekler en Za novatorskij analiz tehnologij masshtabuvannya dlya visokoproduktivnih procesoriv sho proliv nove svitlo na metodi spryamovani na pidtrimannya tendencij zrostannya produktivnosti u komp yuternij arhitekturi ta na metodiki proektuvannya majbutnih visokoproduktivnih procesoriv i sistem Originalnij tekst angl For ground breaking analysis of technology scaling for high performance processors that sheds new light on the methods required to maintain performance improvement trends in computer architecture and on the design implications for future high performance processors and systems2004 Dzhennifer Reksford en Za stvorennya modelej algoritmiv ta rozvitok sistem yaki zabezpechuyut stabilnu ta efektivnu marshrutizaciyu v Interneti bez zastosuvannya globalnoyi koordinaciyi Originalnij tekst angl For models algorithms and deployed systems that assure stable and efficient Internet routing without global coordination2005 Omer Rejngold en Za robotu shodo poshuku oznachenogo logarifmichno prostorovogo algoritmu dlya ST zv yaznosti v neoriyentovanih grafah Originalnij tekst angl For his work in finding a deterministic logarithmic space algorithm for ST connectivity in undirected graphs2006 Daniel Klyajn en Za proektuvannya sistemi zdatnoyi vivchiti yakisnu gramatiku anglijskoyi movi bezposeredno z tekstu Originalnij tekst angl For the design of a system capable of learning a high quality grammar for English directly from text2007 Vern Paksson en Za jogo robotu u vimiryuvanni ta harakterizuvanni Internetu Originalnij tekst angl For his work in measuring and characterizing the Internet2008 Douson Engler en Za novatorsku robotu z avtomatizovanoyi perevirki program ta poshuku pomilok Originalnij tekst angl For his ground breaking work on automated program checking and bug finding2009 Tim Rougarden en Za doslidzhennya sho poyednuye informatiku ta teoriyu igor dlya analizu merezhevoyi marshrutizaciyi mizh zacikavlenimi storonami Originalnij tekst angl For his research combining computer science and game theory to analyze network routing among self interested parties 2010 Krejg Dzhentri en Za jogo proriv u pobudovi povnistyu gomomorfnoyi shemi shifruvannya sho dozvolyaye provoditi dovilni obchislennya na zashifrovanih danih bez rozshifruvannya danih Originalnij tekst angl For his breakthrough construction of a fully homomorphic encryption scheme enabling arbitrary computations to be performed on encrypted data without the data being decrypted2011 Luyis fon An Za doslidzhennya shodo vikoristannya lyudskoyi storoni vzayemodiyi lyudina komp yuter dlya obchislyuvalnih cilej Originalnij tekst angl For his research in harnessing the human side of human computer interaction for computational goals2012 Dina Katabi Za yiyi vagomij vnesok u teoriyu ta praktiku upravlinnya merezhevim perevantazhennyam ta rozpodilom smugi propuskannya Originalnij tekst angl For her seminal contributions to the theory and practice of network congestion control and bandwidth allocationMartin Kasado en Za stvorennya ta prosuvannya Software Defined Networking SDN novoyi paradigmi u doslidzhenni ta vikoristanni komp yuternih merezh yaka zabezpechuye programnu alternativu aparatnim merezhevim komponentam Originalnij tekst angl For his work creating the movement of Software Defined Networking SDN a new paradigm in the research and practice of computer networking that provides a software alternative to hardware based network components2013 Pedro Felipe Felcensvalb en Za tehnichnij vnesok u rozv yazannya problemi viyavlennya ob yektiv u zobrazhennyah yakij zrobiv duzhe velikij vpliv u sferah komp yuternogo zoru ta mashinnogo navchannya Originalnij tekst angl For technical contributions to the problem of object detection in images which have had very high impact in the fields of computer vision and machine learning2014 Silviya Ratsanami en Za yiyi originalni roboti nad rozpodilenimi hesh tablicyami fundamentalnij vnesok u rozrobku krupnomasshtabnih rozpodilenih i decentralizovanih obchislyuvalnih sistem Originalnij tekst angl For her seminal work on distributed hash tables a fundamental contribution to the design of large scale distributed and decentralized computing systems 2015 Brent Voterz en 1 Za vprovadzhennya ta rozvitok koncepcij shifruvannya na osnovi atributiv ta funkcionalnogo shifruvannya Originalnij tekst angl For the introduction and development of the concepts of Attribute Based Encryption and Functional Encryption2016 Dzheffri Gir en 2 Za rozrobku mov vizualizaciyi yaki kardinalno zminili sposib pobudovi ta vzayemodiyi lyudej iz diagramami ta grafikami cherez Vsesvitnye pavutinnya Originalnij tekst angl For developing visualization languages that have fundamentally changed the way people build and interact with charts and graphs across the Web2017 Amanda Randlz en 3 Za rozrobku kodu HARVEY dlya cilisnoyi simulyaciyi krovoobigu yakij dozvolyaye modelyuvati vsyu arterialnu sistemu lyudini na subklitinnomu rivni ta spriyaye vidkrittyam yaki posluzhat osnovoyu dlya vdoskonalennya diagnostuvannya profilaktiki ta likuvannya zahvoryuvan lyudini Originalnij tekst angl For developing HARVEY a massively parallel circulatory simulation code capable of modeling the full human arterial system at subcellular resolution and fostering discoveries that will serve as a basis for improving the diagnosis prevention and treatment of human diseases2018 Konstantinos Daskalakis en 4 Majkl Fridman 5 Za vnesok u nadijni rozpodileni sistemi dlya suchasnoyi hmari Originalnij tekst angl For contributions to robust distributed systems for the modern cloud2019 Mariya Florina Balkan en 6 Za fundamentalnij ta prorivnij vnesok u minimalno kontrolovane navchannya Originalnij tekst angl For foundational and breakthrough contributions to minimally supervised learningPrimitki red ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award 2015 acm org Arhiv originalu za 1 grudnya 2017 Procitovano 15 kvitnya 2021 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award 2016 acm org Arhiv originalu za 16 kvitnya 2021 Procitovano 15 kvitnya 2021 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award 2017 acm org Arhiv originalu za 15 kvitnya 2021 Procitovano 15 kvitnya 2021 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award 2018 acm org Arhiv originalu za 15 kvitnya 2021 Procitovano 15 kvitnya 2021 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award 2018 acm org Arhiv originalu za 16 kvitnya 2021 Procitovano 15 kvitnya 2021 ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award 2019 acm org Arhiv originalu za 29 travnya 2021 Procitovano 15 kvitnya 2021 Posilannya red Vikishovishe maye multimedijni dani za temoyu Nagoroda imeni Grejs Myurrej GopperNagorodi imeni Grejs Myurrej Gopper na sajti ACM Arhivovano 1 zhovtnya 2014 u Wayback Machine ACM Grace Murray Hopper Award Award Winners List By Year awards acm org Arhiv originalu za 12 kvitnya 2016 Procitovano 5 listopada 2016 Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Nagoroda imeni Grejs Myurrej Gopper amp oldid 34887337