Fryu Donald Makmillan angl Frew Donald McMillan nar 20 travnya 1942 kolishnij pivdennoafrikanskij tenisist bagatorazovij peremozhec turniriv Velikogo sholoma v parnomu ta zmishanomu parnomu rozryadah kolishnya persha raketka ATP u parnomu rozryadi 23 serpnya 1977 Zdobuv dva odinochni ta shistdesyat tri parni tituli turu ATP Najvishu odinochnu poziciyu svitovogo rejtingu 36 misce dosyag 6 bereznya 1974 roku Zavershiv kar yeru 1983 roku Fryu Donald MakmillanFrew Donald McMillanGromadyanstvo PARMisce prozhivannya Bristol AngliyaData narodzhennya 20 travnya 1942 1942 05 20 1 81 rik Misce narodzhennya Springsd Ekurhulenid Gauteng PAR 1 Zrist 183 smVaga 76 kgPochatok kar yeri 1969 amator z 1961 Zavershennya kar yeri 1983Robocha ruka pravaPrizovi USD 609 072 2 Odinochnij rozryadMatchiv v p 142 213 Open era 3 Tituliv 2Najvisha poziciya 39 6 bereznya 1974 Turniri Velikogo shlemaAvstraliya 1r 1971 Rolan Garros 3r 1967 1971 Vimbldon 3r 1970 1978 SShA ChF 1972 Parnij rozryadMatchiv v p 552 207Tituliv 63Najvisha poziciya 1 23 serpnya 1977 Turniri Velikogo shlemaAvstraliya 1r 1971 Rolan Garros P 1972 Vimbldon P 1967 1972 1978 SShA P 1977 Inshi parni turniriMikstRolan Garros P 1966 Vimbldon P 1978 1981 SShA P 1977 1978 Zmist 1 Odinochni finali seriyi Gran Pri 1 1 Porazka 1 2 Odinochnij rozryad tituli 2 3 Tituli u parnomu rozryadi 63 4 Finali Velikogo sholoma 4 1 Parnij rozryad 5 peremog 4 2 Mikst 5 peremog 6 porazok 5 Primitki 6 PosilannyaOdinochni finali seriyi Gran Pri RedaguvatiPorazka 1 Redaguvati Rezultat Rik Turnir Oponent RahunokPorazka 1970 Joganesburg nbsp Rod Lejver 6 4 2 6 1 6 2 6Odinochnij rozryad tituli 2 RedaguvatiRang Data Turnir Pokrittya Oponent Rahunok1 1974 Munich WCT Kilim nbsp Nikola Pilich 5 7 7 6 7 4 7 6 7 4 2 1976 Nuremberg Cup Kilim nbsp Tomas Kosh 2 6 6 3 6 4Tituli u parnomu rozryadi 63 RedaguvatiRang Data Turnir Pokrittya Partner Oponenti Rahunok1 1970 Washington Open US Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Iliye Nastase nbsp Ion Ciriak 7 5 6 02 1970 Hamburg Germany Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Tom Okker nbsp Nikola Pilich 6 3 7 5 6 23 1972 Bornmut Velika Britaniya Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Iliye Nastase nbsp Ion Ciriak 7 5 6 24 1972 French Open Paris Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Patrisio Korneho nbsp Hajme Fijol 6 3 8 6 3 6 6 15 1972 Bristol United Kingdom Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Klark Grebner nbsp Lyu Goud 6 3 6 26 1972 Vimbldonskij turnir London Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Sten Smit nbsp Erik van Dillen 6 2 6 2 9 77 1972 Masters Cincinnati US Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Pol Gerken nbsp Humfri Hos 7 6 6 48 1972 Indianapolis Indiana US Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Patrisio Korneho nbsp Hajme Fijol 6 2 6 39 1972 Albany New York US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Ove Nils Bengtson nbsp B yern Borg 6 4 6 210 1973 Dzhekson US Tverde i nbsp Zan Gerri nbsp Hajme Pinto Bravo en nbsp Tito Vaskes 6 2 6 411 1973 Tanglewood US Other nbsp Bob Karmajkl nbsp Ismayil El Shafej nbsp Brayan Feerli 6 3 6 412 1973 Indianapolis Indiana US Grunt nbsp Bob Karmajkl nbsp Manuel Orantes nbsp Ion Ciriak 6 3 6 413 1973 Quebec City Canada Other nbsp Bob Karmajkl nbsp Dzhimmi Konnors nbsp Marti Rissen 6 2 7 614 1974 Salisbury Maryland US Kilim nbsp Dzhimmi Konnors nbsp Bajron Bertram nbsp Endryu Pattison 3 6 6 2 6 115 1974 Vashington US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Tom Okker nbsp Marti Rissen 7 6 6 316 1974 Rotterdam Netherlands Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Pierre Barthes nbsp Iliye Nastase 3 6 6 4 6 317 1974 Myunhen Nimechchina Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Pierre Barthes nbsp Iliye Nastase 6 2 7 618 1974 Jogannesburg PAR Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Dzhim Makmanus nbsp Endryu Pattison 6 2 6 4 7 619 1974 World Parnij rozryad WCT Montreal Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Oven Devidson nbsp Dzhon Nyukomb 6 2 6 7 6 1 6 220 1974 Johannesburg South Africa Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Tom Okker nbsp Marti Rissen 7 6 6 4 6 321 1975 Rotterdam WCT Niderlandi Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Hose Yigeras nbsp Balazh Taroci 6 2 6 222 1975 Myunhen Nimechchina Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Korrado Baradzutti nbsp Antonio Cugarelli 6 3 6 423 1975 Masters Monte Karlo Monako Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Artur Esh nbsp Tom Okker 6 3 6 224 1975 Stockholm Sweden Tverde i nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Charli Pasarell en nbsp Rosko Tenner 3 6 6 3 6 425 1976 Kolumbus Ogajo US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Artur Esh nbsp Tom Okker 7 6 6 426 1976 Baltimore WCT US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Iliye Nastase nbsp Kliff Richi 3 6 7 6 6 427 1976 Toronto Kanada Kilim nbsp Hajme Fijol nbsp Oleksandr Metreveli nbsp Iliye Nastase 6 7 6 2 6 328 1976 Rotterdam WCT Niderlandi Kilim nbsp Rod Lejver nbsp Artur Esh nbsp Tom Okker 6 1 6 7 7 629 1976 Basel Switzerland Kilim nbsp Tom Okker nbsp Yirzhi Grzhebec nbsp Yan Kodesh 6 4 7 6 6 430 1976 Nuremberg Cup Kilim nbsp Karl Majler nbsp Kolin Daudesvell nbsp Pol Kronk 7 6 6 431 1976 Vienna Austria Tverde i nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Raul Ramires 6 4 4 0 retired32 1976 Cologne Germany Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Kolin Daudesvell nbsp Majk Estep 6 1 3 6 7 633 1976 Stokgolm Shveciya Tverde i nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Tom Okker nbsp Marti Rissen 6 4 4 6 6 434 1977 Philadelphia WCT US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Vojceh Fibak nbsp Tom Okker 6 1 1 6 6 335 1977 Springfield Massachusetts US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Ion Ciriak nbsp Gilyermo Vilas 7 6 6 236 1977 San Hose Kaliforniya US Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Tom Gormen nbsp Dzheff Masterz 6 2 6 337 1977 Masters Indian Vells US Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Marti Rissen nbsp Rosko Tenner 7 6 7 638 1977 Jogannesburg PAR Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Charli Pasarell nbsp Erik van Dillen 6 2 6 039 1977 La Costa California US Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Rej Raffelz nbsp Allan Stoun 6 4 6 240 1977 Pacific Southwest Championships US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Bob Lutc nbsp Sten Smit 6 3 6 441 1977 Jackson US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Fil Dent nbsp Ken Rouzvoll 6 2 7 642 1977 Vidkritij chempionat SShA z tenisu New York City Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Raul Ramires 6 4 6 043 1977 Los Andzheles Tverde nbsp Sendi Meyer nbsp Tom Leonard nbsp Majk Mashett 6 2 6 344 1977 Madrid Spain Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Antonio Munjos nbsp Manuel Orantes 6 7 7 6 6 3 6 145 1977 Viden Avstriya Tverde i nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Vojceh Fibak nbsp Yan Kodesh 6 4 6 346 1977 Keln Nimechchina Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Fred Makneer nbsp Shervud Styuart 6 3 7 547 1977 Wembley United Kingdom Tverde i nbsp Sendi Meyer nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Raul Ramires 6 3 7 648 1978 Baltimore Maryland US Kilim nbsp Fred Makneer nbsp Rodzher Tejlor nbsp Antonio Cugarelli 6 3 7 549 1978 Philadelphia WCT US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Vitas Gerulajtis nbsp Sendi Meyer 6 4 6 450 1978 Richmond WCT US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Vitas Gerulajtis nbsp Sendi Meyer 6 3 7 551 1978 St Louis WCT US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Vojceh Fibak nbsp Tom Okker 6 3 6 252 1978 Denver Colorado US Kilim nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Fred Makneer nbsp Shervud Styuart 6 3 6 253 1978 Jogannesburg PAR Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Kolin Dibli nbsp Dzheff Masterz 7 5 7 654 1978 Queen s Club Championships London Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Fred Makneer nbsp Raul Ramires 6 2 7 555 1978 Wimbledon London Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Piter Fleming nbsp Dzhon Makinroj 6 1 6 4 6 256 1979 Stuttgart Outdoor Nimechchina Grunt nbsp Kolin Daudesvell nbsp Vojceh Fibak nbsp Pavel Slozhil 6 4 6 2 2 6 6 457 1979 Bazel Shvejcariya Tverde i nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Raul Ramires 6 3 6 458 1979 Viden Avstriya Tverde i nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Raul Ramires 6 4 3 6 6 159 1979 Jogannesburg PAR Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Majk Kejgill en nbsp Baster Mottram 1 6 6 1 6 460 1980 Jogannesburg PAR Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Kolin Daudesvell nbsp Gajnc Gyuntgardt 6 4 6 361 1980 Stuttgart Outdoor Nimechchina Grunt nbsp Kolin Daudesvell nbsp Kris Lyuyis nbsp Dzhon Yuyill 6 3 6 462 1981 Brussels Belgium Kilim nbsp Sendi Meyer nbsp Kevin Karren nbsp Stiv Denton 4 6 6 3 6 363 1982 Jogannesburg PAR Tverde nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Shlomo Glikshtejn nbsp Endryu Pattison 6 2 6 2Finali Velikogo sholoma RedaguvatiParnij rozryad 5 peremog Redaguvati Rezultat Rik Turnir Pokrittya Partner Oponenti RahunokPeremoga 1967 Vimbldonskij turnir Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Roj Emerson nbsp Ken Fletcher 6 2 6 3 6 4Peremoga 1972 French Open Grunt nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Patrisio Korneho nbsp Hajme Fijol 6 3 8 6 3 6 6 1Peremoga 1972 Wimbledon 2 Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Sten Smit nbsp Erik van Dillen 6 2 6 2 9 7Peremoga 1977 Vidkritij chempionat SShA z tenisu Tverde nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Brayan Gottfrid nbsp Raul Ramires 6 4 6 0Peremoga 1978 Wimbledon 3 Trava nbsp Bob G yuyitt nbsp Piter Fleming nbsp Dzhon Makinroj 6 1 6 4 6 2Mikst 5 peremog 6 porazok Redaguvati Rezultat Rik Turnir Pokrittya Partner Oponenti RahunokPeremoga 1966 Vidkritij chempionat Franciyi z tenisu Grunt nbsp Annett van Zil nbsp Enn Dzhons nbsp Klark Grebner 1 6 6 3 6 2Porazka 1970 Vidkritij chempionat SShA z tenisu Trava nbsp Dzhudi Tegart nbsp Margaret Kort nbsp Marti Rissen 4 6 4 6Porazka 1976 US Open 2 Trava nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Billi Dzhin King nbsp Fil Dent 6 3 2 6 5 7Porazka 1977 Wimbledon Trava nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Grir Stivens nbsp Bob G yuyitt 6 3 5 7 4 6Peremoga 1977 US Open Trava nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Billi Dzhin King nbsp Vitas Gerulajtis 6 2 3 6 6 3Peremoga 1978 Wimbledon Trava nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Billi Dzhin King nbsp Rej Raffelz 6 2 6 2Peremoga 1978 US Open 2 Tverde nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Billi Dzhin King nbsp Rej Raffelz 6 3 7 6Porazka 1979 Wimbledon 2 Trava nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Grir Stivens nbsp Bob G yuyitt 5 7 6 7 7 9 Porazka 1979 US Open 3 Tverde nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Grir Stivens nbsp Bob G yuyitt 3 6 5 7Porazka 1980 US Open 4 Tverde nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Vendi Ternbull nbsp Marti Rissen 5 7 2 6Peremoga 1981 Wimbledon 2 Trava nbsp Betti Steve nbsp Trejsi Ostin nbsp Dzhon Ostin 4 6 7 6 7 2 6 3Primitki Redaguvati a b Tingay L 100 years of Wimbledon London Borough of Enfield Guinness Superlatives 1977 P 201 d Track Q12747d Track Q210531d Track Q13410674d Track Q13410659 Players ATP Tour Tennis Arhivovana kopiya Arhiv originalu za 16 zhovtnya 2021 Procitovano 4 lipnya 2022 Posilannya RedaguvatiFryu Makmillan na sajti ATP angl nbsp Fryu Makmillan na sajti ITF nbsp Fryu Makmillan na sajti Kubku Devisa nbsp Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Fryu Makmillan amp oldid 40144923