Pre miya Bo uera nagoroda sho vruchayetsya shoroku z 1990 roku Institutom Franklina Filadelfiya shtat Pensilvaniya SShA Prisuzhuyetsya u dvoh nominaciyah za vidatnij vnesok u rozvitok nauki i za liderstvo u biznesi Ci dvi nagorodi stali mozhlivimi zavdyaki zapovitu koshtiv rozmirom u 7 5 miljoniv dolariv u 1988 roci vid filadelfijskogo virobnika himikativ Genri Bauera yakij buv onukom laureata Institutu Franklina Premiya Boueraangl Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science angl Bower Award for Business LeadershipKrayina SShATip naukova nagorodadVruchaye Institut FranklinaStatus vruchayetsyaNagorodzhennyaZasnovano 1990Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Laureati premiyi Bouera 22 ChergovistLaureati premiyi Bouera v oboh nominaciyah otrimuyut 14 karatnu zolotu medal Naukova premiya Bouera prisudzhuyetsya kozhnogo razu v inshij galuzi nauki ta peredbachaye groshovu vinagorodu sumoyu 250 000 dolariv SShA Zmist 1 Laureati 1 1 Za rozvitok nauki 1 2 Za liderstvo u biznesi 2 Posilannya 3 PrimitkiLaureati RedaguvatiZa rozvitok nauki Redaguvati Rik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi1990 Pol Loterbur 1 Za novatorsku robotu v yaderno magnitno rezonansnij tomografiyi Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering work in nuclear magnetic resonance imaging 1991 Solomon Snajder 2 Za rozuminnya roboti mozku ta viyavlennya opiatnih receptoriv Originalnij tekst angl For insight into workings of the brain and identifying opiate receptors 1992 Denis Berkitt en 3 Za vstanovlennya zv yazku virus rak pri limfomi Berkitta Originalnij tekst angl For establishment of a virus cancer link in Burkitt s lymphoma 1993 Izabella Karle 4 Za viznachennya trivimirnoyi strukturi molekul metodom rentgenivskoyi difrakciyi Originalnij tekst angl For determining three dimensional structure of molecules with X ray diffraction 1994 Chzhennin Yang 5 Dlya formulyuvannya zagalnoyi teoriyi polya yaka sintezuye fizichni zakoni prirodi ta daye nam rozuminnya fundamentalnih sil Vsesvitu Originalnij tekst angl For formulation of a general field theory which synthesizes the physical laws of nature and provides us with an understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe 1996 Frederik Bruks 6 Za viznachennya ponyattya arhitekturi komp yutera Originalnij tekst angl For defining a concept of computer architecture 1997 Ralf Brinster en 7 Za sposobi zrozumiti aktivnist ta funkciyu geniv za dopomogoyu rozrobki metodiv perenesennya geniv u tvarin Originalnij tekst angl For ways to understand the activity and function of genes through the development of methods to transfer genes into animals 1998 Martin Ris 8 Za jogo vnesok u z yasuvannya prirodi kvazariv chornih dir dzherel rentgenivskogo ta gamma viprominyuvannya i bagatoh inshih yavish v astrofizici ta kosmologiyi visokih energij Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to elucidating the nature of quasars black holes X and gamma ray sources and many other phenomena in high energy astrophysics and cosmology 1999 Ralf Ciceron en 9 Za fundamentalnij vnesok u nashe rozuminnya parnikovih gaziv i visnazhennya ozonovogo sharu Originalnij tekst angl For his fundamental contributions to our understanding of greenhouse gases and the depletion of the ozone layer 2000 Aleksander Rich en 10 Za jogo klyuchovi vidkrittya yaki lezhat v osnovi nashogo rozuminnya trivimirnih struktur i funkciyi molekul RNK i DNK Originalnij tekst angl For his key discoveries that underlie our understanding of three dimensional structures and function of RNA and DNA molecules 2001 Pol Beren 11 Za rozvitok komutaciyi paketiv osnovi Internetu Originalnij tekst angl Development of packet switching foundation of the Internet 2002 Dzhon Verner Kan en 12 Za glibokij vnesok u rozuminnya termodinamiki ta kinetiki fazovih peretvoren Originalnij tekst angl For profound contributions to the understanding of the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations 2003 Pol Mak Kridi en 13 Za stvorennya u dusi brativ Rajt nizki innovacij u galuzi planeruvannya meteorologiyi polotiv z vikoristannyam m yazevoyi lyudskoyi ta sonyachnoyi energiyi doslidzhennya verhnih shariv atmosferi a takozh za roboti nad bezpilotnimi ta miniatyurnimi litalnimi aparatami Originalnij tekst angl For creating in the spirit of the Wright Brothers a series of innovations in the fields of soaring meteorology human and solar powered flight upper atmospheric research and unoccupied and miniature aircraft 2004 Sejmur Benzer en 14 Za jogo pionerski vidkrittya yaki zapochatkuvali j znachno rozvinuli galuz nejrogenetiki tim samim zminivshi nashe rozuminnya mozku Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering discoveries that both founded and greatly advanced the field of neurogenetics thereby transforming our understanding of the brain 2005 Genri Kagan en 15 Za jogo osnovopozhne vidkrittya fundamentalnih himichnih principiv yaki poyasnyuyut vpliv formi katalizatora na jogo efektivnist v keruvanni himichnimi reakciyami i takim chinom znachno sproshuyut virobnictvo farmacevtichno vazhlivih spoluk Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal discovery of fundamental chemical principles that explain the impact of catalyst shape on its effectiveness in controlling chemical reactions thus greatly simplifying the manufacture of pharmaceutically important compounds 2006 Narain G Hingorani 16 Za konceptualizaciyu ta pionerskij rozvitok gnuchkoyi sistemi peredachi zminnogo strumu Flexible AC Transmission System FACTS ta Custom Power u sistemah elektropostachannya a takozh za vidatnij tehnichnij vnesok u tehnologiyu postijnogo strumu visokoyi naprugi yaka pidvishila yakist ta bezpeku sistemi elektropostachannya Originalnij tekst angl For the conceptualization and pioneering advancement of the Flexible AC Transmission System FACTS and Custom Power in electric power systems and for outstanding technical contributions in High Voltage Direct Current Technology which have enhanced the quality and security of the electric power system 2007 Styuart Kard en 17 Za fundamentalnij vnesok u galuzi vzayemodiyi lyudini z komp yuterom ta vizualizaciyi informaciyi Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to the fields of human computer interaction and information visualization 2008 Takeo Kanade en 18 Za dalekoglyadne liderstvo ta naukovi dosyagnennya v rozrobci perceptivnih robotizovanih algoritmiv i sistem yaki funkcionuyut u fizichnomu sviti Originalnij tekst angl For visionary leadership and scientific accomplishments in the design of perceptual robotic algorithms and systems that function in the physical world 2009 Sandra Faber 19 Za nadzvichajnij progres u nashih znannyah pro vlastivosti dalekih galaktik temnoyi materiyi velikomasshtabnoyi strukturi Vsesvitu ta chornih dir u yadrah galaktik ta za innovacijne liderstvo v rozvitku astronomichnih zasobiv Originalnij tekst angl For extraordinary advances in our knowledge of the properties of distant galaxies dark matter large scale structure of the Universe and black holes in galactic nuclei and for innovative leadership in the development of astronomical facilities 2010 Vilyam Richard Pltye en 20 Dlya fundamentalni dosyagnennya u rozuminni zemnih sistem shlyahom demonstraciyi glibokih vzayemozv yazkiv mizh minlivistyu klimatu na poverhni pro sho svidchit gidrosfera ta kriosfera ta vnutrishnimi vlastivostyami ta dinamikoyu tverdoyi Zemli Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental advances in the understanding of Earth Systems by demonstrating profound interconnections between surface climate variability as evidenced in the hydrosphere and cryosphere and the internal properties and dynamics of the solid Earth 2011 Dzhordzh Cherch en 21 Za innovacijnij ta tvorchij vnesok u genomnu nauku vklyuchayuchi rozrobku tehnologij sekvenuvannya DNK a takozh za podalshi zusillya z prosuvannya personalnoyi genomiki ta sintetichnoyi biologiyi Originalnij tekst angl For innovative and creative contributions to genomic science including the development of DNA sequencing technologies as well as for his subsequent efforts to promote personal genomics and synthetic biology 2012 Luyis Bryus 22 Za jogo fundamentalni vidkrittya ta naukove liderstvo sho zrobili napivprovidnikovi nanokristali yih sintez opis ta teoriyu narizhnim kamenem suchasnoyi himiyi Originalnij tekst angl For his seminal discoveries and scientific leadership which have made semiconductor nanocrystals their synthesis characterization and theory a cornerstone of modern chemistry 2013 Kenichi Iga ja 23 Za koncepciyu ta rozrobku lazera z poverhnevim viprominyuvannyam i vertikalnim rezonatorom ta jogo chislenni zastosuvannya v optoelektronici Originalnij tekst angl For the conception and development of the vertical cavity surface emitting laser and its multiple applications to optoelectronics 2014 Edmund Klark 24 Za jogo providnu rol u koncepciyi ta rozrobci metodiv avtomatichnoyi perevirki korektnosti shirokogo spektru komp yuternih sistem vklyuchno z timi sho vikoristovuyutsya v transporti zv yazku ta medicini Originalnij tekst angl For his leading role in the conception and development of techniques for automatically verifying the correctness of a broad array of computer systems including those found in transportation communications and medicine 2015 Zhan P yer Kurt de 25 Za jogo pionerski doslidzhennya v galuzi aditivnogo virobnictva 3D druk yaki priveli do bagatoh tehnologichnih innovacij i stvorennya dekilkoh globalnih kompanij Jogo robota nadihnula na podalshi doslidzhennya dozvolila stvoriti bagato patentiv i zaklala osnovu dlya biznesu inshih Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering research in additive manufacturing 3D printing which led to many technological innovations and several global companies His work has inspired further research enabled the creation of many patents and built the foundation for others businesses 2016 Vilyam Boruki 26 Za jogo bachennya ta napoleglivist u rozrobci metodiv vimiryuvannya yaskravosti zirok iz bezprecedentnoyu tochnistyu ta za zabezpechennya naukovogo liderstva v kosmichnij misiyi NASA Kepler yaka viyavila tisyachi planetnih sistem i prodemonstruvala sho ekzoplaneti rozmirom iz Zemlyu taki zh poshireni yak i zirki Originalnij tekst angl For his vision and perseverance in developing techniques for measuring the brightness of stars to unprecedented accuracy and for providing the scientific leadership for NASA s Kepler space mission which discovered thousands of planetary systems and demonstrated that Earth sized exoplanets are as common as stars 2017 Klod Lori 27 Za viznachnij vnesok u rozuminnya globalnoyi zmini klimatu zavdyaki analizu koncentraciyi parnikovih gaziv u kernah lodu v Antarktidi vklyuchayuchi vidkrittya lodovikovo mizhlodovikovogo ciklichnogo zv yazku mizh koncentraciyeyu vuglekislogo gazu v atmosferi ta temperaturoyu sho viznachaye minulij i majbutnij klimat Originalnij tekst angl For iconic contributions to the understanding of global climate change from the analysis of greenhouse gas concentrations in ice cores from Antarctica including discovering the glacial interglacial cyclic relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and temperature that governs past and future climate 2018 Filippe Gorvat en 28 Za osnovopolozhne vidkrittya roli CRISPR Cas yak mikrobnoyi sistemi adaptivnogo imunitetu yaka bula rozroblena yak potuzhnij instrument dlya tochnogo redaguvannya riznomanitnih genomiv Originalnij tekst angl For the foundational discovery of the role of CRISPR Cas as a microbial system of adaptive immunity that has been developed as a powerful tool for precise editing of diverse genomes 2019 Frensis Arnold 29 Za novatorstvo v rozrobci spryamovanoyi evolyuciyi bilkiv zminu paradigmi v rozrobci biologichnih katalizatoriv yaka imituye prirodnu evolyuciyu v laboratornih umovah i zabezpechuye bilsh ekologichni mensh energoyemni ta mensh zabrudnyuyuchi virobnichi procesi Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering the development of directed protein evolution a paradigm shift in the engineering of biological catalysts that mimics natural evolution in a laboratory setting and enables greener less energy intensive and less polluting manufacturing processes 2021 Kunihiko Fukusima en 30 Za jogo pionerski doslidzhennya yaki zastosuvali principi nejronauki do inzheneriyi zavdyaki vinahodu pershoyi glibokoyi zgortkovoyi nejronnoyi merezhi Neokognitron klyuchovij vnesok u rozvitok shtuchnogo intelektu Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering research that applied principles of neuroscience to engineering through his invention of the first deep convolutional neural network Neocognitron a key contribution to the development of artificial intelligence 2022 Pol Slovich en 31 Za osnovopolozhnij teoretichnij ta empirichnij vnesok u vivchennya procesu prijnyattya rishen vklyuchayuchi rozuminnya sprijnyattya individualnogo ta suspilnogo riziku a takozh kognitivnih ta emocijnih faktoriv sho vplivayut na vibir Jogo doslidzhennya formuyut politiku v riznih sferah vid ohoroni zdorov ya ta medicini do uryadu ta promislovosti Originalnij tekst angl For foundational theoretical and empirical contributions to the study of decision making including understanding perceptions of individual and societal risk and cognitive and emotional factors affecting preference His research shapes policy in fields ranging from health and medicine to government and industry Za liderstvo u biznesi Redaguvati Rik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi1990 Dzhejms Berk en 32 Za upravlinnya ta derzhavnu sluzhbu Originalnij tekst angl For management and public service 1991 Devid Kerns en 33 Za upravlinnya ta derzhavnu politiku Originalnij tekst angl For management and public policy 1992 Arnold Bekman 34 Za vinajdennya novatorskogo naukovogo obladnannya Originalnij tekst angl For inventing groundbreaking scientific instrumentation 1993 Bob Galvin en 35 Za pidpriyemnickij duh i upravlinnya yakistyu u kompaniyi Motorola Inc Originalnij tekst angl For entrepreneurial spirit and quality management of Motorola Inc 1995 Dzhoan Ganc Kuni en 36 Za prodyusersku organizaciyu Children s Television Workshop Dityacha televizijna majsternya Originalnij tekst angl For the Children s Television Workshop 1996 Devid Pakard 37 Za innovaciyi menedzhmentu v rozbudovi Hewlett Packard Co Originalnij tekst angl For innovation of management in building of the Hewlett Packard Co 1997 Dzhordzh Ratmann en 38 Za novatorskij biotehnologichnij biznes Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering biotechnology business 1998 Dzhon Dibel en 39 Za jogo smilivist i proniklivist a takozh kerivnictvo komercijnim pidpriyemstvom zasnovanim na peredumovi zrobiti astronomiyu dostupnoyu dlya naselennya Originalnij tekst angl For his courage and insight and leadership of a commercial venture founded on the premise of making astronomy accessible and affordable to the public 1999 Roj Vagelos en 40 Za jogo rol u borotbi z richkovoyu slipotoyu hvoroboyu yaka poshiryuyetsya v krayinah tretogo svitu cherez ukus zvichajnoyi chornoyi moshki yaka zhive bilya shvidkoplinnih potokiv i perenosit mikroskopichnogo hrobaka Onchocerca colvulus Originalnij tekst angl For his role in battling River Blindness a disease spread in Third World nations by the bite of a common blackfly that lives near fast flowing streams and carries a microscopic worm Onchocerca colvulus 2000 Vilyam Ratter en 41 Za jogo rol batka biotehnologiyi ta jogo vnesok i liderstvo v rozrobci novoyi revolyucijnoyi galuzi yaka vplivaye na rozrobku likiv ta likuvannya Originalnij tekst angl For his role as the father of bio technology and his contributions and leadership in development of a revolutionary new field that affects drug design and medical treatment 2001 Irvin Mark Dzhejkobs en 42 Za tehnologiyu CDMA dilove ta naukove liderstvo v telefoniyi Originalnij tekst angl CDMA technology business amp scientific leadership in telephony 2002 Gordon Mur 43 Za jogo pionersku rol i postijnij vnesok u napivprovidnikovu promislovist i za jogo shedru viddanist gromadskij diyalnosti Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering role and continuing contributions to the semiconductor industry and for his generous commitment to community service 2003 Gerb Kelleger en 44 Gerb Kelleger yakij yak zasnovnik i golova pravlinnya Southwest Airlines pokazav svitovi sho dilovogo ta tehnologichnogo uspihu najkrashe dosyagti ta nasoloditisya nim nadihayuchi pidtrimuyuchi ta vidznachayuchi lyudej ta yihni dosyagnennya Pid jogo kerivnictvom Southwest Airlines dosyagla 29 rokiv pospil zrostannya ta pributkovosti zavdyaki zoseredzhennyu na obslugovuvanni kliyentiv efektivnosti ta zrazkovih stosunkah iz spivrobitnikami Originalnij tekst angl Herb Kelleher who as founder and chairman of the board of Southwest Airlines has shown the world that business and technological success are best achieved and enjoyed by inspiring supporting and celebrating people and their accomplishments Under his leadership Southwest Airlines has realized 29 consecutive years of growth and profitability through a focus on customer service efficiency and exemplary employee relations 2004 Rejmond Damadyan 45 Za jogo rozrobku ta komercializaciyu magnitno rezonansnoyi tomografiyi yaka vikoristovuyetsya v klinichnih zastosuvannyah yaka zminila diagnostiku ta likuvannya zahvoryuvan Originalnij tekst angl For his development and commercialization of magnetic resonance imaging used in clinical applications which has transformed the diagnosis and treatment of disease 2005 Alehandro Zaffaroni en 46 Dlya stvorennya novih biohimichnih procesiv tehnologij dostavki likiv zokrema protizaplidnih pigulok transdermalnih plastiriv i tabletok dlya prijomu odin raz na dobu a takozh biomedichnoyi promislovosti zavdyaki poyednannyu naukovoyi tvorchosti ta pidpriyemnickoyi proniklivosti Originalnij tekst angl For the creation through a combination of scientific creativity and entrepreneurial insight and drive of new biochemical processes drug delivery technologies most significantly the birth control pill transdermal patches and once a day pills and biomedical industries 2006 Ted Terner 47 Za jogo dalekoglyadne liderstvo u sviti biznesu ta media a takozh jogo blagodijnu viddanist zdorov yu nashoyi planeti ta dobrobutu yiyi lyudej Originalnij tekst angl For his visionary leadership in the worlds of business and media as well as his philanthropic commitment to the health of our planet and the well being of its people 2007 Norman Ralf Avgustin en 48 Za jogo kerivnictvo kompaniyeyu Lockheed Martin ta jogo sluzhinnya derzhavi zoseredzhenomu na naukovomu ta tehnichnomu liderstvi SShA a takozh naslidki yaki ce liderstvo dalo dlya ekonomichnoyi konkurentospromozhnosti SShA zavdyaki doslidzhennyam innovaciyam ta pokrashennyu naukovoyi ta matematichnoyi osviti Originalnij tekst angl For his leadership of Lockheed Martin and his extensive public service focused on U S science and technical leadership and the implications this leadership has for U S economic competitiveness driven by research innovation and improved science and math education 2008 Frederik Vollas Smit en 49 Za zasnuvannya korporaciyi FedEx ta stvorennya suchasnoyi merezhi informacijnih tehnologij i transportnih sistem yaki zadovolnyayut globalnij popit na svoyechasnu ta garantovanu dostavku posilok Originalnij tekst angl For founding FedEx Corporation and establishing a modern network of information technology and transportation systems that satisfy global demand for timely and guaranteed package delivery 2009 Tomas Bun Pikens en 50 Za ponad 50 rokiv tvorchogo ta dalekoglyadnogo liderstva u virobnictvi ta postachanni energiyi a takozh ostannim chasom uvagu do vitchiznyanih vidnovlyuvanih dzherel energiyi Originalnij tekst angl For more than 50 years of creative and visionary leadership in energy production and delivery and his recent focus on domestic renewable energy 2010 Bill Gejts 51 Za spivzasnovnictvo korporaciyi Microsoft i dalekoglyadne liderstvo yake dozvolilo yij stati globalnim novatorom u biznesi ta personalnih komp yuterah Zavdyaki svoyij blagodijnij diyalnosti z Fondom Billa ta Melindi Gejts pan Gejts zrobiv znachnij vnesok u pokrashennya dostupu do ohoroni zdorov ya ta osviti dlya tih hto cogo potrebuye u vsomu sviti Originalnij tekst angl For co founding Microsoft Corporation and providing the visionary leadership that enabled it to become a global innovator in business and personal computing Through his philanthropic work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Mr Gates has made major contributions toward improving access to healthcare and education for those in need throughout the world 2011 Fred Kavli en 52 Za jogo vidatnu kar yeru v galuzi tehnologij i za jogo viddanist spilno z Fondom Kavli globalnomu rozvitku nauki ta naukovoyi osviti dlya krashogo rozvitku lyudstva Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished career in technology and for his commitment with The Kavli Foundation to the global advancement of science and of science education for the betterment of humankind 2012 Dzhon Chembers 53 Za formuvannya Cisco Systems Inc v odnu z najbilsh shanovanih i uspishnih tehnologichnih kompanij u sviti sho nadaye tehnologiyi dlya biznesu ta spozhivachiv yaki dozvolyayut miljonam lyudej pidklyuchatisya odin do odnogo cherez komp yuternu merezhu ta Internet a takozh za jogo priklad liderstva u sferi korporativnoyi vidpovidalnosti ta osobistoyi blagodijnosti Originalnij tekst angl For shaping Cisco Systems Inc into one of the world s most widely respected and successful technology companies providing business and consumer technologies that allow millions of people to connect to each other through computer networking and the Internet and for his leadership by example in corporate responsibility and personal philanthropy 2013 Majkl Dell 54 Za revolyuciyu v dostupnosti personalnih komp yuteriv zavdyaki zasnuvannyu ta kerivnictvu kompaniyeyu Dell Inc a takozh za jogo nadzvichajnu blagodijnist yak cherez svoyu kompaniyu tak i cherez Fond Majkla ta Syuzan Dell spryamovanu na korist zhittya molodi ta simej u Spoluchenih Shtatah ta za kordonom Originalnij tekst angl For revolutionizing the accessibility of personal computing by his founding and leadership of Dell Inc and for his extraordinary philanthropy through both his company and the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation towards benefitting the lives of youth and families in the United States and abroad 2014 Bill Dzhordzh en 55 Za jogo dalekoglyadne kerivnictvo Medtronic Corporation jogo prosuvannya po sluzhbi ta publikaciyi pro korporativnu socialnu vidpovidalnist i liderstvo a takozh jogo nadzvichajnij blagodijnij vnesok v osvitu ta ohoronu zdorov ya cherez The George Family Foundation Originalnij tekst angl For his visionary leadership of Medtronic Corporation his promotion and writings on corporate social responsibility and leadership as well as his extraordinary philanthropic contributions to education and health care through The George Family Foundation 2015 Dzhon Gantsman starshij en 56 Za innovacijne liderstvo u zasnuvanni Huntsman Corporation i peretvorenni yiyi na odnu z providnih himichnih kompanij svitu i za jogo svitove liderstvo u filantropiyi z osoblivim akcentom na doslidzhennyah i likuvanni raku na pidtrimku deyakih iz najbilsh vplivovih rozrobok shodo likuvannya raku Originalnij tekst angl For his innovative leadership in founding the Huntsman Corporation and building it into one of the world s preeminent chemical companies and for his global leadership in philanthropy with a special focus on cancer research and treatment in support of some of the highest impact developments towards curing cancer 2016 Patrik Sun Shiong 57 Za jogo dalekoglyadne liderstvo v cifrovih medichnih tehnologiyah i za jogo viddanist pokrashennyu yakosti medichnoyi dopomogi ta dostupu do neyi cherez iniciativi fondu Chan Soon Shiong Family Foundation Originalnij tekst angl For his visionary leadership in digital medical technology and for his commitment to improving health care quality and access through the initiatives of the Chan Soon Shiong Family Foundation 2017 Alan Malalli en 58 Za jogo nadzvichajnu kar yeru v aeronavtici astronavtici ta avtomobilnij promislovosti zokrema za jogo transformacijne kerivnictvo Ford Motor Company yake vidrodilo spadshinu kompaniyi yak ikoni amerikanskogo biznesu ta innovacij Originalnij tekst angl For his extraordinary career in the aeronautics astronautics and automotive industries particularly for his transformative leadership of the Ford Motor Company which revitalized the company s legacy as an icon of American business and innovation 2018 Enn Malkahi en Za yiyi transformacijne kerivnictvo legendarnoyu korporaciyeyu Xerox de yiyi zoseredzhenist na cinnostyah kliyentah spivrobitnikah ta innovaciyah prizvela do odnih z najbilshih kulturnih i finansovih zmin v istoriyi rejtingu Fortune 500 Originalnij tekst angl For her transformational leadership of the iconic Xerox Corporation where her focus on values customers employees and innovation led to one of the biggest cultural and financial turnarounds in the history of the Fortune 500 2019 Indra Nuyi 29 Za yiyi dalekoglyadne kerivnictvo PepsiCo de yiyi zoseredzhenist na globalnomu zrostanni harchuvanni ta zdorovishih produktah naukovij ta inzhenernij osviti ta navchannyu a takozh rozshirenni prav i mozhlivostej zhinok ta divchat pozicionuvali giganta produktiv harchuvannya ta napoyiv yak providnu silu svitovogo biznesu ta socialnoyi vidpovidalnosti Originalnij tekst angl For her visionary leadership of PepsiCo where her focus on global growth nutrition and healthier products science and engineering education and training and the empowerment of women and girls positioned the food and beverage giant as a leading force in worldwide business and social responsibility 2021 Artur Levinson 59 Za jogo innovacijne liderstvo yake peretvorilo Genentech na svitovogo pionera biotehnologij jogo strategichne kerivnictvo Apple i jogo viddanist pokrashennyu zdorov ya ta dovgolittya lyudej u Calico vidatnu kar yeru yaka ye prikladom duhu naukovih doslidzhen i pidpriyemnictva vtilenogo Bendzhaminom Franklinom Originalnij tekst angl For his innovative leadership building Genentech into a global biotechnology pioneer his strategic guidance of Apple and his commitment to advancing human health and longevity at Calico a distinguished career that exemplifies the spirit of scientific inquiry and entrepreneurship embodied by Benjamin Franklin 2022 Stefan Bansel en 60 Albert Burla 61 Aleks Gorski en 62 Za yihnye kolektivne kerivnictvo pid chas krizi COVID 19 golovnim chinom rozrobka ta rozpovsyudzhennya nadzvichajno efektivnih vakcin u bezprecedentni Originalnij tekst angl For their collective leadership during the COVID 19 crisis principally the development and distribution of exceptionally effective vaccines on an unprecedented timescale Posilannya RedaguvatiLaureati premij Arhivovano lipen 6 2017 na sajti Wayback Machine Primitki Redaguvati Paul C Lauterbur The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 30 kvitnya 2019 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Solomon Halbert Snyder The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Denis Parsons Burkitt The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Isabella L Karle The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Chen Ning Yang The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Frederick P Brooks The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Ralph L Brinster The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Martin J Rees The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Ralph J Cicerone The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Alexander Rich The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Paul Baran The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 John W Cahn The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Paul B MacCready The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 23 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Seymour Benzer The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Henri B Kagan The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Narain G Hingorani The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Stuart K Card The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Takeo Kanade The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Sandra M Faber The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 23 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 W Richard Peltier The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 George Church The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 23 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Louis E Brus The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Kenichi Iga The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Edmund M Clarke The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Jean Pierre Kruth The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 12 kvitnya 2019 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 William J Borucki The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Claude Lorius The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 13 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Philippe Horvath The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 31 grudnya 2017 Procitovano 30 grudnya 2017 a b Indra K Nooyi Leadership 2019 The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 19 travnya 2019 Procitovano 27 serpnya 2019 Kunihiko Fukushima The Franklin Institute Procitovano 15 serpnya 2023 Paul Slovic The Franklin Institute Procitovano 15 serpnya 2023 James Edward Burke The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 David Todd Kearns The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Arnold O Beckman The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 23 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Robert W Galvin The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 23 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Joan Ganz Cooney The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 David Packard The Franklin Institute Procitovano 16 serpnya 2023 George B Rathmann The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 John Diebel The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 P Roy Vagelos The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 23 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 William J Rutter The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Irwin Mark Jacobs The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Gordon E Moore The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Herbert D Kelleher The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 30 grudnya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Raymond V Damadian The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Alejandro Zaffaroni The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 R E Turner The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Norman R Augustine The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Frederick Smith The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 T Boone Pickens The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 William H Gates The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Fred Kavli The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 John Chambers The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Michael S Dell The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 20 grudnya 2016 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 William W George The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Jon M Huntsman Sr The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Patrick Soon Shiong The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 14 lyutogo 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Alan Mulally The Franklin Institute Arhiv originalu za 22 bereznya 2017 Procitovano 22 bereznya 2017 Arthur D Levinson The Franklin Institute Procitovano 15 serpnya 2023 Stephane Bancel The Franklin Institute Procitovano 15 serpnya 2023 Albert Bourla The Franklin Institute Procitovano 15 serpnya 2023 Alex Gorsky The Franklin Institute Procitovano 15 serpnya 2023 Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Premiya Bouera amp oldid 40594619