Meda l Aleksande ra Agassi za angl Alexander Agassiz Medal naukova nagoroda zasnovana Nacionalnoyu akademiyeyu nauk SShA Medallyu nagorodzhuyutsya naukovci za originalnij vnesok u rozvitok okeanologiyi Nagorodu zasnuvav okeanolog ser Dzhon Merrej i nazvav na chest svogo druga biologa Aleksandera Agassiza 1 2 Medal Aleksandera Agassizaangl Alexander Agassiz MedalKrayina SShATip naukova nagorodadNa chest Aleksander AgassizNagorodzhennyaZasnovano 1913Nagorodzheni Kategoriya Nagorodzheni medallyu Aleksandura Agassiza 7 ChergovistMedal vpershe bula vruchena u 1913 roci Joganu Jortu za jogo praktichni okeanografichni ta ribalski doslidzhennya Jort buv pershim hto zastosuvav aktuarni statistichni metodi dlya vivchennya prichin velikih kolivan populyacij ribi Kulminaciyeyu doslidzhen Jorta stala stattya 1914 roku Kolivannya velikogo ribnogo promislu Pivnichnoyi Yevropi angl Fluctuations in the Great Fisheries of Northern Europe yaka stala klyuchovoyu robotoyu v rozvitku nauki pro ribalstvo 2 Protyagom ostannih 100 rokiv medallyu Oleksandra Agasisa prodovzhuvali vidznachati bagatoh vidatnih okeanografiv Sim laureativ buli nagorodzheni Nacionalnoyu medallyu nauki Laureati nagorodi RedaguvatiRik Laureat Obgruntuvannya nagorodi1913 Jogan Jort en 1918 Alber I knyaz Monako Za jogo originalnij vnesok v okeanografiyu Originalnij tekst angl For his original contributions to the science of oceanography1920 Charlz Duajt Sigsbi en 1924 Otto Pettersson sv Za doslidzhennya himiyi ta fiziki morya Originalnij tekst angl For his studies on the chemistry and physics of the sea 1926 Vilgelm B yerknes Za vidatnij vnesok u dinamichnu okeanografiyu Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding contributions to dynamic oceanography1927 Maks Veber Za vidatni doslidzhennya v galuzi okeanografiyi Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished research in the field of oceanography1928 Vagn Valfrid Ekman Za robotu v galuzi fizichnoyi okeanografiyi Originalnij tekst angl For his work in physical oceanography1929 Dzhon Stenli Gardiner en Za vnesok v okeanografiyu Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to oceanography1930 Jogannes Shmidt en Za provedeni nim chislenni okeanografichni ekspediciyi doslidzhennya zhittya vugriv i doslidzhennya chislennih problem pov yazanih z ribami sered yakih mozhna zgadati jogo robotu z genetiki rib i geografichnoyi minlivosti Originalnij tekst angl For his conduct of numerous oceanographic expeditions his investigations of the life of eels and the investigations of numerous problems connected with fishes among which may be mentioned his work on fish genetics and geographic variation1931 Genri Brayant Bigelou en 1932 Albert Defant en Za doslidzhennya atmosfernoyi ta okeanichnoyi cirkulyaciyi ta znachnij vnesok u teoretichnu okeanografiyu Originalnij tekst angl For his studies on atmospheric and oceanic circulation and his notable contributions to theoretical oceanography1933 Bjorn Gellann Gansen en Za provedeni nim doslidzhennya fizichnoyi okeanografiyi ta osoblivo za vnesok u znannya dinamichnoyi cirkulyaciyi okeanu Originalnij tekst angl For his studies in physical oceanography and especially for his contributions to knowledge of the dynamic circulation of the ocean1934 Gaaken Gasberg Gran en Za vnesok u znannya faktoriv sho kontrolyuyut organichne virobnictvo v mori Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to knowledge of the factors controlling organic production in the sea1935 Tomas Vejlend Vogan en Za jogo doslidzhennya koraliv foraminifer i pidvodnih vidkladen a takozh za liderstvo v rozvitku okeanografichnoyi diyalnosti na tihookeanskomu uzberezhzhi Ameriki Originalnij tekst angl For his investigations of corals foraminifer and submarine deposits and for his leadership in developing oceanographic activities on the Pacific coast of America1936 Martin Knudsen en 1937 Edgar Dzhonson Allen en 1938 Garald Sverdrup 1939 Frenk Rettrej Lilli en 1942 Kolumb O Donnell Ajzelin en Za jogo doslidzhennya sistemi Golfstrimu za liderstvo v rozrobci zagalnoyi programi fizichnoyi okeanografiyi Pivnichnoyi Atlantiki ta za osoblive kerivnictvo Okeanografichnim institutom Vuds Hol yak u mirnij tak i pid chas vijni Originalnij tekst angl For his studies of the Gulf stream system for his leadership in the development of a general program of the physical oceanography of the North Atlantic and for his distinctive direction of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution both in times of peace and war1946 Dzhozef Praudmen en Za vidatni doslidzhennya pripliviv i vidpliviv svitu Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished studies of the tides of the world1947 Feliks Vening Mejnes en Za jogo vnesok v okeanografiyu zokrema za vinahid priladu dlya viznachennya sili tyazhinnya v mori za provedennya bagatoh vimiryuvan sili tyazhinnya nad kozhnim iz velikih okeaniv i za vikoristannya cih sposterezhen dlya interpretaciyi fizichnih vlastivostej i povedinki zemnoyi kori Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to oceanography particularly by his invention of an apparatus for the determination of gravity at sea by making many measurements of gravity over each of the great oceans and by the utilization of these observations in interpreting the physical properties and behavior of the Earth s crust1948 Tomas Gordon Tompson en Za liderstvo v doslidzhennyah kompleksnoyi himiyi okeanu z osoblivoyu uvagoyu do vod pivnichno shidnoyi chastini Tihogo okeanu Pyudzhet Saund i arhipelagu San Huan a takozh Beringovogo i Chukotskogo moriv Originalnij tekst angl For his leadership in investigations of the complex chemistry of the ocean with special attention to the waters of the north east Pacific Puget Sound and San Juan Archipelago and the Bering and Chukchi Seas1951 Garri Marmer en Za vidatnij vnesok u doslidzhennya priliviv Jogo proyekti zrobili dostupnimi dlya okeanografiv tochni dovgostrokovi zapisi dlya velikih teritorij de ranishe bulo dostupno duzhe malo danih sposterezhen Programa ta robota yaki vin zapochatkuvav zreshtoyu dozvolili zrobiti nadijni visnovki shodo suchasnih tektonichnih procesiv i shvidkosti zmini kilkosti vodi v okeani Originalnij tekst angl For his distinguished contributions in tidal surveys His projects have made available to oceanographers accurate long period records for large areas where previously very little observational data were available The program and work which he has originated ultimately will produce reliable conclusions on present day tectonic processes and the rate of change in the quantity of water in the ocean1952 Gildebrand Vulf Garvi en 1954 Moris Yuying en 1955 Alfred Klarens Redfild en 1959 Martin Viggo Dzhonson en Za vidatne liderstvo v biologichnij ta zagalnij okeanografiyi Sered vneskiv doktora Dzhonsona ye poyasnennya dvoh neshodavno vidkritih akustichnih yavish u mori Ci poyasnennya ob yednali biologiv i fizikiv u spilnih interesah i predstavili pidvodnu akustiku yak golovnij instrument dlya morskoyi ekologiyi Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding leadership in biological and general oceanography Among Dr Johnson s contributions are explanations for two newly discovered acoustic phenomena in the sea These explanations brought biologist and physicists together in a common interest and introduced underwater acoustics as a prime tool for marine ecology1960 Anton Frederik Bruun en Za liderstvo u vivchenni biologiyi glibin okeanu Originalnij tekst angl For his leadership in the study of the biology of the deep ocean1962 Dzhordzh Dikon en Za doslidzhennya gidrografiyi Pivdennogo okeanu Originalnij tekst angl For his investigations of the hydrography of the southern ocean1963 Rodzher Revell en Za vnesok u rozuminnya okeanichnih procesiv i geologiyi morskogo dna a takozh zavdyaki jogo doslidzhennyam u rozvitok naukovoyi okeanografiyi v usomu sviti Originalnij tekst angl For his contributions to the understanding of oceanic processes and the geology of the sea floor and through his research to the advancement of scientific oceanography throughout the world1965 Edvard Bullard en Za jogo vazhlivi doslidzhennya Zemli vid yiyi poverhni do yiyi yadra Originalnij tekst angl For his significant investigations of the earth from its surface to its core1966 Karl Ekart en Za znachnij vnesok u fizichnu okeanografiyu Originalnij tekst angl For his significant contributions to physical oceanography1969 Frederik Fuglister angl Frederick C Fuglister Za stimulyuyuchi ta uspishni sposterezhennya Golfstrimu ta jogo vihoriv Originalnij tekst angl For his stimulating and successful observations of the Gulf Stream and its vortices1972 Sejya Uyeda ja Za vnesok u tektonichnu i termichnu istoriyu Zemli j peredusim Yaponskogo morya 1973 Dzhon Stil en 1976 Volter Mank Za jogo vidatni eksperimentalni ta teoretichni doslidzhennya spektru ruhu v okeanah i na zemli Originalnij tekst angl For his outstanding experimental and theoretical research on the spectrum of motion in the oceans and the earth1979 Genri Stommel en Za jogo robotu v mori v laboratoriyi ta analizi zavdyaki yakim vin dosyag znachnogo progresu v rozuminni cirkulyaciyi okeanu ta rozpodilu vodnih mas Originalnij tekst angl For his work at sea in the laboratory and by analyses through which he made major advances in understanding of ocean circulation and distribution of water masses1986 Volles Broeker en Za jogo robotu z vivchennya himichnogo obminu mizh okeanami atmosferoyu ta tverdoyu Zemleyu yakij zrobiv velikij vnesok u rozuminnya roli okeaniv u vuglecevomu cikli Zemli ta yiyi klimati Originalnij tekst angl For his work on chemical exchange among the oceans atmosphere and solid Earth making great contributions to understanding the role of the oceans in the Earth s carbon cycle and its climate1989 Chezare Emiliani en Za majsterni dosyagnennya z vikoristannyam izotopnih paleotemperatur dlya vstanovlennya klimatichnoyi istoriyi plejstocenu ta za pripushennya yih zv yazku z orbitalnimi ciklami Milankovicha Originalnij tekst angl For masterful achievements using isotopic palaeotemperatures to establish the climatic history of the Pleistocene and for suggesting their relation to the Milankovitch orbital cycles1992 Dzhozef Rejd en Za doslidzhennya ta sposterezhennya za cirkulyaciyeyu svitovogo okeanu skladannya jogo bagatoh vzayemodiyuchih chastin z turbotoyu viddanistyu ta proniklivistyu protyagom usogo zhittya Originalnij tekst angl For his exploration and observation of the circulation of the world ocean assembly of its many interacting parts with a lifetime of care dedication and insight1995 Viktor Vak ye en Za vidkrittya ferozondovogo magnitometra ta doslidzhennya morskih magnitnih anomalij yaki priveli do prijnyattya teoriyi spredingu morskogo dna Originalnij tekst angl For his discovery of the flux gate magnetometer and for the marine magnetic anomaly surveys that led to the acceptance of the theory of sea floor spreading1998 Volter Pitman III en Za jogo fundamentalnij vnesok u tektonichnu revolyuciyu plit shlyahom proniklivogo analizu morskih magnitnih anomalij i za jogo doslidzhennya prichin i naslidkiv zmin rivnya morya Originalnij tekst angl For his fundamental contribution to the plate tectonic revolution through insightful analysis of marine magnetic anomalies and for his studies of the causes and effects of sea level changes2001 Charlz Shipli Koks angl Charles Shipley Cox Za jogo pionerski doslidzhennya yak teoretichni tak i instrumentalni okeanichnih hvil mikrostrukturi ta zmishuvannya a takozh elektromagnitnih poliv v okeani ta na morskomu dni Originalnij tekst angl For his pioneering studies both theoretical and instrumental of oceanic waves microstructure and mixing and of electromagnetic fields in the ocean and in the seafloor2004 Klaus Virtki en Za fundamentalnij vnesok u rozuminnya okeanichnoyi zagalnoyi cirkulyaciyi abisalnih i termoklinnih vod i za zabezpechennya intelektualnogo pidgruntya dlya nashogo rozuminnya ENSO El Ninjo Originalnij tekst angl For fundamental contributions to the understanding of the oceanic general circulation of abyssal and thermocline waters and for providing the intellectual underpinning for our understanding of ENSO El Nino 2007 Dzhejms Ledvell angl James R Ledwell Za innovacijni ta proniklivi eksperimenti z indikatorami z vikoristannyam geksaftoridu sirki dlya rozuminnya vertikalnoyi difuziyi ta turbulentnogo peremishuvannya u vidkritomu okeani Originalnij tekst angl For innovative and insightful tracer experiments using sulfur hexafluoride to understand vertical diffusivity and turbulent mixing in the open ocean2010 Selli Chisgolm Za pionerski doslidzhennya dominuyuchih fotosintezuyuchih organizmiv u mori ta za integraciyu yih rezultativ u nove rozuminnya globalnogo okeanu Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering studies of the dominant photosynthetic organisms in the sea and for integrating her results into a new understanding of the global ocean2013 Devid Karl en Za liderstvo u stvorenni multidisciplinarnih sistem sposterezhennya za okeanom dlya viyavlennya dekadnih zmin rezhimu v pelagichnih ekosistemah a takozh za zminu paradigmi pro biogeohimichni cikli v okeani Originalnij tekst angl For leadership in establishing multi disciplinary ocean observing systems for detection of decadal regime shifts in pelagic ecosystems and for paradigm shifting insights on biogeochemical cycles in the ocean2018 Din Remmih en Za jogo novatorskij vnesok u doslidzhennya cirkulyaciyi ta minlivosti klimatu v okeanah za doslidzhennya globalnogo tepla ta balansu soli v okeanah i za jogo liderstvo u stvorenni globalnoyi klimatichnoyi observatoriyi okeanu Argo Originalnij tekst angl For his ground breaking contributions to research on the circulation and climate variability in the oceans for research on the global heat and salt budgets of the oceans and for his leadership in the creation of the global ocean climate observatory Argo2023 Kirk Bajran angl Kirk Byran Jr Za pionerski ta dalekoglyadni naukovi doslidzhennya z modelyami okeanu ta klimatu za vstanovlennya yih fizichnih i chiselnih osnov i zastosuvan za gliboke rozuminnya yake prosunulo mezhi rozuminnya roli okeanu v klimati Zemli a takozh za desyatilittya shedrogo nastavnictva okeanologiv ta klimatologiv Originalnij tekst angl For pioneering and visionary scientific research with ocean and climate models for establishing their physical and numerical foundations and applications for deep insights that advanced the frontiers of understanding of the ocean s role in Earth s climate and for decades of generous mentoring of ocean and climate scientists worldwidePrimitki Redaguvati True Frederick 31 grudnya 1913 A History of the First Half Century of the National Academy of Sciences 1863 1913 National Academies Press ISBN 0309581656 a b Awards Alexander Agassiz Medal National Academy of Sciences Procitovano 20 sichnya 2010 Posilannya RedaguvatiNational Academy of Sciences Alexander Agassiz Medal Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Medal Aleksandera Agassiza amp oldid 40522239