U Vikipediyi ye statti pro inshi znachennya cogo termina Lemuriya Lemuriya lat Lemuria Lemuraliya lat Lemuralia svyata mertvih u Starodavnomu Rimi Voni provodilisya 9 11 i 13 travnya Vvazhali sho v ci dni dushi blukayut svitom u viglyadi primar vampiriv yakih nazivali lemurami abo larvami Batko simejstva vstavav opivnochi i obhodiv bosonizh ves budinok shob vidignati duhiv Pislya cogo vin miv ruki u dzherelnij vodi klav u rot zerna chornih bobiv yaki potim perekidav cherez hatu ne ozirayuchis nazad Pri comu vin dev yat raziv povtoryuvav zaklinannya Ce viddayu vam i cimi bobami vikuplyayu sebe i svoyih blizkih Za povir yam nevidimi duhi jshli slidom za nim i zbirali rozsipani na zemli bobi Pislya cogo golova sim yi znovu omivavsya vodoyu brav midnij taz i biv u nogo z usih sil prosyachi shob duhi pokinuli budinok 1 Spadshina red Na dumku deyakih istorikiv kulturi Lemuriya bula hristiyanizovana yak den pam yati vsih hristiyanskih muchenikiv 2 Hristiyani v rimskij Edesi 4 go stolittya vidznachali ce svyato 13 travnya 3 4 Piznishe 13 travnya 609 abo 610 roku Papa Bonifacij IV pereosvyativ Rimskij panteon na chest Presvyatoyi Bogorodici ta vsih muchenikiv vidtodi svyato dedicatio Sanctae Mariae ad Martyres svyatkuyetsya v Rimi i zapochatkuvalo svyatkuvannya Dnya Vsih Svyatih 5 Primitki red Ovid Fasti 5 419 492 See for example Days of the Dead in Christian Roy ed Traditional festivals a multicultural encyclopedia 2005 vol 2 s v All Saints Day and Halloween yet May 13 had also happened to be the last day of the Roman Lemuria for lost souls Richard P Taylor Death and the Afterlife a cultural encyclopedia 200 p 163 Pope Boniface IV 608 615 replaced Lemuria with All Saints Day on 13 May Saunders William All Saints and All Souls catholiceducation org Procitovano 18 veresnya 2016 Butler s Lives of Saints Volume 4 Nov 1 citing in turn Ephraem Syrus Carmina Nisibena ed Bicknell pp 23 89 An attempt to connect the cultus of All Saints and All Souls Day with the Roman Parentalia observed however in February is sometimes made e g Gordon J Laing Survivals of Roman Religion Boston 1931 p 84 the thirteenth of May which was one of the days of the Roman festival of the dead the Lemuria Whether there is any connection between these dates or not the rites of All Saints Day are a survival not of the Lemuria but of the Parentalia Posilannya red Leonhard Schmitz Lemuriyi na LacusCurtius angl Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Lemuriya svyato amp oldid 40720256