Gimn krayini Ba skiv bask Eusko Abendaren Ereserkia oficijnij gimn krayini BaskivGimn krayini BaskivKrayina IspaniyaSlova Sabino Arana Variant na movi Baskiv Pereklad anglijskoyuGora ta Gora Euzkadi aintza ta aintza bere goiko Jaun Onari Areitz bat Bizkaian da Zar sendo sindo bera ta bere lagia lakua Areitz gainean dogu gurutza deuna beti geure goi buru Abestu gora Euzkadi aintza ta aintza bere goiko Jaun Onari Up and up Basque Country glory and glory to its Good Lord from above There is an oak tree in Biscay old strong healthy it as its law On the tree we find the holy cross always on our top Sing Up Basque Country glory and glory to its Good Lord from abovePosilannya red Symbols of the Basque Country The Official Basque Anthem at the Basque Government site nbsp Ce nezavershena stattya pro pisnyu Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi nbsp Ce nezavershena stattya pro simvol Vi mozhete dopomogti proyektu vipravivshi abo dopisavshi yiyi Otrimano z https uk wikipedia org w index php title Gimn krayini Baskiv amp oldid 27301121